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Mark van Straten crunchie84

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crunchie84 / WhatsAppGroupContactExport.js
Created February 13, 2025 12:44 — forked from mzahidriaz/WhatsAppGroupContactExport.js
WhatsApp Group Contacts Export: This will download the members of group with their phone number, whatsapp name and if contact is stored on phone
class ContactFinder {
#dbName = "model-storage";
#chatsCol = "chat";
#contactCol = "contact";
#groupCol = "participant";
constructor(chatGroupName) {
this.#chatToFind = chatGroupName;
This middleware verifies that the AWS api gateway authorizer lambda has been configured and executed
this middleware is meant to make sure that the seam between IaC and the implementation do not go out of sync
and for whatever reason this lambda is exposed without authorization logic having happened before
in the lambda authorizer
export function assertAuthorizerExecuted() {
return ({
before: (handler, next) => {
const event = handler.event; //unbox middy
crunchie84 /
Created January 21, 2021 14:11
Git Surgery blogpost - rewriting histories
# part one, put on your scrubs
mkdir git-surgery
cd git-surgery
git clone source
cd source
# extract our application from the source repository
git subtree split -P Configuration/application-1 -b rewritten-history-application-1
# Prepare our new repository
crunchie84 / .gitconfig.aliases
Created April 21, 2020 12:48
git alias for the win 💪
# Include this in your own .gitconfig by using the
# [include] directive with the path to this file
# [include]
# path = ~/.gitconfig.aliases
# If you don't have any existing includes, you can add this via the following command
# git config --global include.path ~/.gitconfig.aliases
crunchie84 / debug.ts
Created April 4, 2018 19:08
RxJs5 lifecycle debug operator
import 'rxjs/add/observable/empty';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/concat';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/finally';
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
* Lifecycle debugging for your stream, sub/unsubscribe,complete and values
crunchie84 / fibonacci.js
Created January 2, 2018 11:56
Find fibonacci numbers using perfect square formula
* The question may arise whether a positive integer x is a Fibonacci number. This is true if and only if one or both of 5x^{2}+4 or 5x^{2}-4 is a perfect square.
// the first 20 fibonacci numbers are found 0->6765
.map((i, idx) => ({number: i, isFibonacci: isFibonacciNumber(i)}))
.filter(kv => kv.isFibonacci)
.map((kv, index) => console.log(`found ${1+index}th fibonacci number: ${kv.number}`));

LCD Digits

Your task is to create an LCD string representation of an integer value using a 3x3 grid of space, underscore, and pipe characters for each digit. Each digit is shown below (using a dot instead of a space)

._.   ...   ._.   ._.   ...   ._.   ._.   ._.   ._.   ._.
|.|   ..|   ._|   ._|   |_|   |_.   |_.   ..|   |_|   |_|
|_| ..| |_. ._| ..| ._| |_| ..| |_| ..|
crunchie84 / rx-bitcoin-price-ticker.js
Last active September 29, 2020 05:21
RxJs bitcoin stock ticker example
Rx.Observable.timer(0, 10 * 1000)
.switchMap(_ => fetch('')
.then(res => res.json())
.then(parsed =>
.scan((acc, curr) => ({
delta: Math.round((acc.value - curr || 0) * 100) / 100,
value: curr
}), {})
crunchie84 / rx-collection-compare.js
Last active February 23, 2018 23:03
Rxjs5 test compare
const assert = require('chai').assert;
* parts of code taken from
* and modified to work with the rxjs5 testing shim which has no differentiation between values and predicates
exports.assertEqual = function assertEqual(actual, expected) {
const comparer = require('./is-equal'); // copied and adapted from
let isOk = true;
crunchie84 /
Created February 19, 2016 10:25

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

To claim this, I am signing this object: