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CBabel cryptobabel

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scarcity, decentralization, fees, security depend on aware and rational participation. If that participation consolidates
on multiple layers as it is/has been then some of those features won't end up mattering.
It'll effectively be a blackbox, as many things are today, for the many and then it .
My argument in context of just the qt post, which I believe is valid for many arguments, is that we're already seeing
things transition to custodial/pseudo decentralized structures fronted by big name backed aggregators and the like as things stand today.
If that participation and awareness further disperses into these front facing hubs
then the determining factors end up being the marketing campaigns more so than the underlying properties.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an idea...
Bitcoin is a form of externalizing consensus and distributing it amongst many peers.
The idea can be implemented in various manners, as things are in in most implementations, a Proof of Work mechanism is employed that allows a
trustless, global state of consensus amongst those peers.
Given this and the implemenentation requirements for aware and active participation, incentives are considered for those
participaints in the Proof of Work mechanism. The system and the idea in general depends greatly on aware and active participation
in the consensus mechanism in order to retain its trustless state. The rules currently assume rational honesty from a majority
Abstract. A purely distributed version of value storage would allow online
value to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a
financial institution at small scale. A large scale we'll require secondary layers to provide
economically rational payment rails. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main
benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. Trusted third party's
will be required in the secondary layers for those not able to remain online to monitor their utxo's.
We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a distributed network.
The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of
hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing
the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of
If we think of it like the world basically being one big 'megacorp'
with many branches and various focuses things make a little more sense. (at least to me and my tinfoil..ofc..).
With that, we could then call out the owners, the managers, the project managers, the workers,
the marketers and the users then other things start to align, like many of the conspriacy theories..
From that we can then see these actions, more specifically
starting year 2000 and picking up it's first real shift in 2015,
for what they are and how they start to add up.
As any good business would do, you strive to become more effcient to become more profitable.
Anyone remember when Jupiter was supposedly getting pelted with asteroids?
I was a young lad sitting on the lawn with friends looking up in the NW night sky one night.
We saw a bunch of interesting things those couple days, or weeks, I don't remember.
The thing that stood out to us the most though was on that night.
It wasn't much, probably seeing things from being so high on life, not sure...
but what we saw was an odd, relatively large, at least from our perspective,
red dot come directly out of the southern pole and enter back on the east.
I'll never forget it, whatever it was.
We replaced napster's centralized index server design with a scale*-dependant-semi-decentralized design that relies on hardware manufacturers and consolidation of honest hash processing.
That direct p2p capability has been reduced to being a proxy for data the
The in it for the tech'ers rely on participants to grow the network they're passionate about.
The in it for the money'ers rely on the tech'ers to ensure longevity and reliability of the
system in order to replace the old systems.
Otherwise their fiat is endlessly inflated and ultimately useless(right?). The tech'ers need others
that align to similar beliefs to participate to create a system that's actually different and hopefully better.
Both of them require the make a brand'ers and live my life'rs that don't care about any of that
and would rather build their platform or to simply live their life as they do if that means using
one system or the another. The inbetween'ers are trying to find more documentation to satisfy their desire to understand.
The no coiners are just trying to protect their investments. They're incentivized to of course, but would totally probably dig
admitting how neat some of this stuff really is. But there's always a dark side. The tech'ers are split and some sell out,
The in it for the tech'ers rely on participants to grow the network they're passionate about.
The in it for the money'ers rely on the tech'ers to ensure longevity and reliability of the
system in order to replace the old systems.
Otherwise their fiat is endlessly inflated and ultimately useless(right?). The tech'ers need others
that align to similar beliefs to participate to create a system that's actually different and hopefully better.
Both of them require the make a brand'ers and live my life'rs that don't care about any of that
and would rather build their platform or to simply live their life as they do if that means using
one system or the another. The inbetween'ers are trying to find more documentation to satisfy their desire to understand.
The no coiners are just trying to protect their investments. They're incentivized to of course, but would totally probably dig
admitting how neat some of this stuff really is. But there's always a dark side. The tech'ers are split and some sell out,
I wanna see my homies rich forever
push my competitors just to have challengers on the next level
I create the rules just to break them
amplify it, take a breath, pause to take in
energy ignites to set the world on fire