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Created September 17, 2017 20:35
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Compare pngs in python
import os
from scipy.misc import imread
from scipy.linalg import norm
from scipy import sum, average
def compare_images(img1, img2):
# normalize to compensate for exposure difference, this may be unnecessary
# consider disabling it
img1 = normalize(img1)
img2 = normalize(img2)
# calculate the difference and its norms
diff = img1 - img2 # elementwise for scipy arrays
m_norm = sum(abs(diff)) # Manhattan norm
z_norm = norm(diff.ravel(), 0) # Zero norm
return (m_norm, z_norm)
def to_grayscale(arr):
"If arr is a color image (3D array), convert it to grayscale (2D array)."
if len(arr.shape) == 3:
return average(arr, -1) # average over the last axis (color channels)
return arr
def normalize(arr):
rng = arr.max()-arr.min()
amin = arr.min()
return (arr-amin)*255/rng
def main():
path = "D:/PyCharmProjects/EvoArt/Temp"
img1 = to_grayscale(imread("Pic1.png").astype(float))
img2 = to_grayscale(imread("Pic.png").astype(float))
n_m, n_0 = compare_images(img1, img2)
print("Manhattan norm:", n_m, "/ per pixel:", n_m / img1.size)
print("Zero norm:", n_0, "/ per pixel:", n_0 * 1.0 / img1.size)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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