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cswelin / edgerouter-qos
Created January 28, 2016 15:57 — forked from beardicus/edgerouter-qos
EdgeRouter Lite QOS Settings
# fair-queue based settings for EdgeRouter Lite traffic shaping
# download is typically 30 and change. everything can burst to 100%
# of bandwidth, priority rules keep the garbage in check
set traffic-policy shaper download
set traffic-policy shaper download bandwidth 30Mbit
cswelin /
Created November 23, 2015 14:25 — forked from bmatcuk/
How to symbolize OSX crash logs

How to Symbolize OSX Crash Logs

Unfortunately, xcode does not yet have support for importing OSX crash logs and symbolizing them. Therefore, you must use the command line and a little bit of manual work.

  1. Find your dSYM file.
    1. Assuming you are using xcode's archive functionality, open the Organizer window from the Window menu.
    2. Click the Archives tab.
    3. Right click on the appropriate build and select Show in Finder.
    4. When Finder opens, right click on the selected archive and select Show Package Contents.
    5. Navigate to the dSYM directory and copy the appropriate dSYM file to a temporary directory.
  2. Then navigate to Products, then Applications, and copy the app file to the same temporary directory.