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Last active September 3, 2020 14:47
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Initiate Colorado DTR


Project: Initiate Colorado

Group Member Names: Rostam Mahabadi, Michelle Foley, Mariana Cid, Danny Ramos, Alex Eickelman, Charles Wefso

Goals and Expectations for the Project:

  • Rostam Mahabadi: Get some experience in another framework/language/testing framework. Gain some understanding about the ballot process. Write a good ReadMe section and some practice with that. Additionally, improve upon my experience with GitHub Project board.
  • Michelle Foley: PYTHON!! Have a decent number of commits
  • Mariana Cid: Learn how to work in a bigger group and explore a new language.
  • Danny Ramos: Want to explore Python to boost up that resume. I would also like to be part of demo comp. Last mod we didnt sign up and that was a big regret for the group.
  • Alex Eickelman: Solidify my understanding of connecting backend and front end frameworks. Hone my skills related to building a React application, and develop a PWA.
  • Charles Wefso: Build a project with a larger group, build a PWA, have a project I’m excited to show off in a portfolio.

Team strengths & collaboration styles:

  • Rostam Mahabadi: Divide and conquer/paired programming ( both are great and really enjoy) Over Communicate, being available at ANY time. Really good at shotgunning.
  • Michelle Foley: Mediator, debugging, and I like paired programming but divide and conquer is a nice break from zoom.
  • Mariana Cid: Debugging and both working independently as well as in a group/paired.
  • Danny Ramos: Available whenever. Creating space for everyone. Really into researching and finding resources. Fun working environment. Managing project board.
  • Alex Eickelman: Feel like I have a solid understanding of the React framework, but not as solid using Redux. I also want to level up my styling skills are a little rusty as well, so would love to have some time dedicated to making the application look nice.
  • Charles Wefso: I am a good writer, I am very organized and I am really good at looking at other people’s code and helping them figure out what is broken.

Schedule Expectations:

Schedule Restrictions:

Rostam - Wed 8:00 PM 09/09/20, Sunday 09/06 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Alex - 09/09/20, Sunday 09/06 2:00 - end of day Michelle - Labor day 09/07/2020 all day Earliest start: Rostam - 7:00 AM Michelle - 9am Mariana - 8:00 AM Danny - 7:30 am Alex- 8:00 am Charles - 8 am (usually up very very early if necessary) Average work time: Rostam - (10-14 hours a day) Michelle 12 hours (more if needed) Mariana 10+ hours (Not available during the day on weekends due to work and real life stuff but will hop on after work around 9:00 pm) Danny - Usually up late ( normally like an hour from 4 - 5pm for myself) Alex- Typically like to take a break around 4 in order to refresh and do PD work for an hour. Charles - 9 AM - 9PM (normally break for dinner at 6)

Latest quit: Rostam - 2:00 AM Michelle - prefer 9pm central time but can work later if needed Mariana - 11:00 pm Danny - 10 pm but usually up late Alex- 10ish, anything after that my brain is mush Charles - 9PMish

Communication Expectations (How and often will we communicate?)

Rostam - I would like to talk every day (morning or afternoon is fine) Michelle - Mariana - Everyday would like to check-in see what plans are and stuff. Over Communication!! Danny - I like over communicating Alex - Daily check-ins at the least between front-end and back-end teams. Ideally pair with Charles initially to set up a template of how each page should look, then divide and conquer. Charles - Daily standups/check-ins, slack/zoom Tuple for pairing. Pair with Alex for page design and set-up.

Feedback Expectations:

Rostam - frequent and early communication. Over communicate. -Michelle - Honest and direct. +1 over communicate Mariana - Honest feedback Danny - Im all about giving feedback and receiving it. Alex - Direct and honest feedback, do not need to sugar coat it. Charles - Frequent (speak up sooner than later.) Friendly (be positive about feedback.) Forward (be straightforward about it.)

Abilities & Growth Expectations (Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement):

  • Rostam Mahabadi: Javascript, python (areas for improvement).
  • Michelle Foley: beginner to moderate understanding of Python.
  • Mariana Cid: Python, and more understanding of the frontend
  • Danny Ramos: I would like to explore Python and have a solid understanding by the end of the project.
  • Alex Eickelman: Better understanding of middleware, and how we connect front end and back end.
  • Charles Wefso: React (strong) Redux (basic understanding). I want to build a PWA from a React App.

Workload Expectations (What features do we each want to work on?):

  • Rostam Mahabadi: Both front and back end features
  • Michelle Foley: Backend, maybe some design
  • Mariana Cid: Backend (maybe pair with frontend on some stuff)
  • Danny Ramos: Both front and back end features. (Definitely want to pair on scraping)
  • Alex Eickelman: Front end, implementing a PWA
  • Charles Wefso: Front end, ServiceWorker stuff for PWA

Workflow Expectations (Git workflow/Tools/Code Review/Reviewing Pull Requests/Debugging and Problem-solving Techniques):

Pairing, code reviews and reaching out to mentors and other student.

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