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Created April 11, 2017 08:23
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from umachine import UART
import utime as time
debug = False
class Driver:
def __init__(self, uart):
if type(uart) is not UART:
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid type" % uart)
self.uart = uart
def readMsg(self):
# At least wait for 1 sec for incomming message
buffer = bytearray(7)
counter = 0
while True:
char =
if char == b'\xaa':
counter = 0
buffer[counter] = int.from_bytes(char, 'little')
counter += 1
if char == b'\xff':
if debug:
print("recvived buffer :" + buffer)
if buffer[0] != 0xAA and buffer[6] != 0xFF:
raise OSError("Invalid MSG format")
return buffer
def parseMsg(self, msg):
pm25 = (msg[1] * 256 + msg[2]) * 0.1
pm10 = (msg[3] * 256 + msg[4]) * 0.1
# should check the CRC
crc = msg[5]
if debug:
print("parse message: pm25 = %d, pm10=%d, crc = 0x%x" % (pm25, pm10, crc))
return (pm25, pm10, crc)
def getData(self):
msg = self.readMsg()
pm25, pm10, crc = self.parseMsg(msg)
return (pm25, pm10)
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