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Last active February 18, 2024 08:27
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RedisBatchRepository for using Redis as the batch jobs driver in Laravel
namespace App\Repositories;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Closure;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Illuminate\Bus\BatchFactory;
use Illuminate\Bus\BatchRepository;
use Illuminate\Bus\PendingBatch;
use Illuminate\Bus\PrunableBatchRepository;
use Illuminate\Database\Connection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use Illuminate\Bus\Batch;
use Illuminate\Bus\UpdatedBatchJobCounts;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class RedisBatchRepository extends DatabaseBatchRepository implements BatchRepository, PrunableBatchRepository
protected int $lockTimeout;
protected $factory;
public function __construct( BatchFactory $factory )
$this->lockTimeout = 120;
$this->factory = $factory;
public function get( $limit = 50, $before = null )
if ( !Redis::exists( 'batches_list' ) ) {
// Handle the case where the batches_list does not exist
return [];
$allBatchIds = Redis::lrange( 'batches_list', 0, -1 );
$batches = [];
foreach ( $allBatchIds as $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data !== false ) {
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$batches[$batchId] = $batchData;
// Sort batches by 'created_at' in descending order
uasort( $batches, function ( $a, $b ) {
return $b['created_at'] <=> $a['created_at'];
} );
// If 'before' is specified, find the start position
$startIndex = 0;
if ( $before !== null ) {
$startIndex = array_search( $before, array_keys( $batches ) );
$startIndex = $startIndex === false ? 0 : $startIndex + 1;
// Slice the array to apply limit and offset
$batches = array_slice( $batches, $startIndex, $limit, true );
return array_map( function ( $batchId ) {
return $this->find( $batchId );
}, array_keys( $batches ) );
public function find( string $batchId )
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
// Return null or handle the case where the batch does not exist
return null;
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
return $this->toBatch( $batchData );
public function store( PendingBatch $batch )
$id = (string)Str::orderedUuid();
$batchData = [
'id' => $id,
'name' => $batch->name,
'total_jobs' => 0,
'pending_jobs' => 0,
'failed_jobs' => 0,
'failed_job_ids' => [],
'options' => $this->serialize( $batch->options ?? [] ),
'created_at' => time(),
'cancelled_at' => null,
'finished_at' => null,
Redis::set( "batch:$id", serialize( $batchData ) );
Redis::rpush( 'batches_list', $id ); // Add the batch ID to the list
return $this->find( $id );
public function incrementTotalJobs( string $batchId, int $amount )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId, $amount ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::error( "Batch not found for incrementTotalJobs: " . $batchId );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( 0, 0 );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$batchData['total_jobs'] += $amount;
$batchData['pending_jobs'] += $amount;
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( $batchData['pending_jobs'], $batchData['failed_jobs'] );
}, 100, 200 );
protected function acquireLock( string $key ): bool
$isAcquired = Redis::set( $key, true, 'EX', $this->lockTimeout, 'NX' );
return (bool)$isAcquired;
protected function executeWithLock( string $lockKey, Closure $callback, $retryCount = 3, $sleepMilliseconds = 100 )
$attempts = 0;
while ( $retryCount > 0 ) {
if ( $this->acquireLock( $lockKey ) ) {
try {
if ( $attempts > 2 ) {
Log::info( "Finally got lock. Attempt: " . $attempts );
return $callback();
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
Log::error( "Error in executeWithLock: " . $e->getMessage() );
throw $e;
} finally {
$this->releaseLock( $lockKey );
} else {
//Log::info( "Failed to get lock. Will try again. Attempt: $attempt" );
// Failed to acquire lock, decrease retry count and wait
usleep( $sleepMilliseconds * 1000 ); // microseconds
Log::warning( "Unable to acquire lock after ({$attempts}) attempts for key: $lockKey" );
throw new \RuntimeException( "Unable to acquire lock for key $lockKey" );
protected function releaseLock( string $key )
Redis::del( $key );
public function incrementFailedJobs( string $batchId, string $jobId )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId, $jobId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::error( "Batch not found for incrementFailedJobs: " . $batchId );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( 0, 0 );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$batchData['failed_job_ids'][] = $jobId;
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( $batchData['pending_jobs'], $batchData['failed_jobs'] );
}, 100, 200 );
public function decrementPendingJobs( string $batchId, string $jobId )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId, $jobId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::error( "Batch not found for decrementPendingJobs: " . $batchId );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( 0, 0 );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( $batchData['pending_jobs'], $batchData['failed_jobs'] );
}, 100, 200 );
public function markAsFinished( string $batchId )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::debug( "Batch not found for markAsFinished: " . $batchId );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
// Convert finished_at to a Unix timestamp before storing
$batchData['finished_at'] = CarbonImmutable::now()->getTimestamp();
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
Log::debug( "Batch marked as finished: " . $batchId . " with finished_at: " . $batchData['finished_at'] );
}, 100, 200 );
public function delete( string $batchId )
if ( !Redis::exists( "batch:$batchId" ) ) {
// Handle the case where the batch does not exist
Redis::del( "batch:$batchId" );
Redis::lrem( 'batches_list', 0, $batchId );
protected function serialize( $value )
return serialize( $value );
protected function unserialize( $serialized )
return unserialize( $serialized );
protected function toBatch( $data ): Batch
return $this->factory->make(
$this->unserialize( $data['options'] ),
CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $data['created_at'] ),
isset( $data['cancelled_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $data['cancelled_at'] ) : null,
isset( $data['finished_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $data['finished_at'] ) : null
public function cancel( string $batchId )
$this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
// Convert cancelled_at to a Unix timestamp before storing
$batchData['cancelled_at'] = CarbonImmutable::now()->getTimestamp();
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
}, 100, 200 ); // Retry 100 times with 200 milliseconds between retries
public function transaction( Closure $callback )
return $callback();
// Work in progress
public function prune( DateTimeInterface $before )
return $this->pruneBatches( $before, true );
public function pruneUnfinished( DateTimeInterface $before )
return $this->pruneBatches( $before, false, false );
public function pruneCancelled( DateTimeInterface $before )
return $this->pruneBatches( $before, null, true );
protected function pruneBatches( DateTimeInterface $before, $isFinished = null, $isCancelled = false )
$batchIds = Redis::lrange( 'batches_list', 0, -1 );
$totalDeleted = 0;
foreach ( $batchIds as $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Redis::lrem( 'batches_list', 0, $batchId );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$shouldBeDeleted = false;
$createdAt = CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $batchData['created_at'] );
$finishedAt = isset( $batchData['finished_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $batchData['finished_at'] ) : null;
$cancelledAt = isset( $batchData['cancelled_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $batchData['cancelled_at'] ) : null;
if ( $isFinished === true && $finishedAt && $finishedAt < $before ) {
$shouldBeDeleted = true;
} elseif ( $isFinished === false && !$finishedAt && $createdAt < $before ) {
$shouldBeDeleted = true;
} elseif ( $isCancelled && $cancelledAt && $createdAt < $before ) {
$shouldBeDeleted = true;
if ( $shouldBeDeleted ) {
Redis::del( "batch:$batchId" );
Redis::lrem( 'batches_list', 0, $batchId );
return $totalDeleted;
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cyppe commented Jan 17, 2024

Added support for prune of batches in the original command.

(main) [1]> php artisan queue:prune-batches --hours=1

   INFO  7 entries deleted.

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cyppe commented Jan 17, 2024


Extended DatabaseBatchRepository, so I can access this logic in queue:prune-batches command:

   if ($repository instanceof DatabaseBatchRepository) {
                $count = $repository->pruneUnfinished(Carbon::now()->subHours($this->option('unfinished')));


   if ($repository instanceof DatabaseBatchRepository) {
                $count = $repository->pruneUnfinished(Carbon::now()->subHours($this->option('unfinished')));

So now this params also works:

(main)> php artisan queue:prune-batches --hours=1 --unfinished=1 --cancelled=1

INFO 0 entries deleted.

INFO 0 unfinished entries deleted.

INFO 0 cancelled entries deleted.

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cyppe commented Jan 19, 2024


Fixed issue with finished_at and cancelled_at. They had the wrong data type.

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I will try, thank you.
I have a weak understanding of code inside Laravel, but why does your class inherit from a parent and change the constructor in such a way? It shouldn't be like that, am I not right? SOLID (Liskov substitution)
Снимок экрана от 2024-01-20 16-25-52

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cyppe commented Jan 20, 2024

It's just that I don't call the parents constructor. We don't need it.

The only reason I extend DatabaseBatchRepository is to "fool" Laravel queue:prune-batches command that only allows specific batch pruning when it's DatabaseBatchRepository.

See comment above: "Extended DatabaseBatchRepository, so I can access this logic in queue:prune-batches command:"

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cyppe commented Jan 20, 2024

I created a package of this instead. Enjoy:

So now you can just install it.

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The problem has been resolved, thank you, but now a new one has arisen. I have a batch of 100,000 jobs, and for some reason, in horizon, only around 10,000 are processed, while the rest remain hanging without processing. As a result, I get a perpetually pending batch.

example sceen (batch: ~113,000, total jobs ~6,000)...
Снимок экрана от 2024-02-03 17-50-15
What could be the cause, how do I know?

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cyppe commented Feb 3, 2024

Are you using latest version of my package?

Have done a few improvements since this gist. Just so I know you are up to date. As it works fine for me. Does logs say anything?

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latest version, logs is empty (no errors, fatal etc....)

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Can you tell me where Horizon takes the jobs from the batch, I think that's where the problem is, why it takes only 10,000 out of 100,000 jobs, maybe lock, timeout, memory?

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cyppe commented Feb 3, 2024

Batch and jobs all live in redis with this package. Do you maybe have some maxmemory and not noeviction as eviction policy so it maybe expires the keys? Just guessing as I am not sure where to start.

also look inside redis to see if you can see something strange when its stuck.

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cyppe commented Feb 18, 2024

@PankovAlxndr how did it work out for you?

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