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yt-dlp termux full installation


  1. Install Termux from Github:
  2. Download the apk and install it -> Note that installing termux from Play Store is highly discouraged.

In Termux:

pkg update
pkg upgrade

pkg install python

pip install --upgrade pip

Install yt-dlp (originated from youtube-dl)

# let's allow termux to access the phone's storage, it will ease our workflow:
pkg install termux-api

More info why this is needed here

This simlinks ~/storage to the default home directory.

# yt-dlp action Now we can download videos and music using yt-dlp. LIke

cd  ~/storage/downloads # note: this points to /storage/emulated/0/Download

# yt-dlp depends on ffmpeg
pkg install ffmpeg
pip install -U --no-deps yt-dlp


That's it! You're done

Other useful packages (Optional)

pgk install neofetch

pkg install imagemagick
pkg install git
pkg install vim 


pgk install zsh
# set zsh to be the default shell
chsh -s zsh
# oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

ZSH plugins

pgk install build-essential 
pgk install file
pgk install curl 

cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

Edit the ~/.zshrc file to include the newly installed plugins

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cyrillkuettel commented Mar 26, 2024

You can try this
And try again. This could be a mistake in the document.

cd ~/downloads
virtualenv venv
# etc... same as above

The problem is likely due to the fact that Termux does not have write permissions in the target directory where the virtual environment is being created

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I think you meant ~/storage/downloads? Still not working.
And Termux does have permission to write there as the last command works:

~/.../downloads/Termux $ cd ~/downloads
bash: cd: /data/data/com.termux/files/home/downloads: No such file or directory
~/.../downloads/Termux $ cd ..   
~/storage/downloads $ virtualenv venv
PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/python' -> '/storage/emulated/0/Download/venv/bin/python'
~/storage/downloads $ cd Termux                            
~/.../downloads/Termux $ echo "test" > test1.txt

Anyway, thank you for the help. I'll use it without virtual environments.

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Good. I updated it. No need for virtualenv 👍

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Fjorstut commented May 7, 2024

Hi. Excellent guide! However get this error:

ERROR: Failed building wheel for pycryptodomex
Failed to build brotli pycryptodomex
ERROR: Could not build wheels for brotli, pycryptodomex, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Any ideas, anyone?

Addendum: Ok, so this issue was solved by the --no-deps parameter, i.e. run 'pip install --no-deps -U yt-dlp'

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532910 commented May 16, 2024


_file="$(find $PREFIX/lib/python3.11 -name "_sysconfigdata*.py")"
rm -rf $PREFIX/lib/python3.11/__pycache__
cp $_file "$_file".backup
sed -i 's|-fno-openmp-implicit-rpath||g' "$_file"

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Thanks! I got successfully rickrolled 😂🚀

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