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Last active September 18, 2023 22:24
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imhex pattern for the kdbx file format
#pragma description kdbx file format
// This pattern file wouldn't have been possible without the blog post of Wladimir Palant
// Check it out here:
#include <std/mem.pat>
#include <std/io.pat>
#include <type/guid.pat>
#include <type/magic.pat>
// kdbx files contain different signatures depending on the version they were created with
enum KeepassSignature : u32 {
v1 = 0xB54BFB65,
v2pre = 0xB54BFB66,
v2 = 0xB54BFB67
enum Cipher : u128 {
AES128_CBC = 0x61AB05A1946441C38D743A563DF8DD35,
AES256_CBC = 0x31C1F2E6BF714350BE5805216AFC5AFF,
CHACHA20 = 0xD6038A2B8B6F4CB5A524339A31DBB59A,
SALSA20 = 0x716E1C8AEE174BDC93AEA977B882833A,
SERPENT = 0x098563FFDDF74F9886198079F6DB897A,
TWOFISH = 0xAD68F29F576F4BB9A36AD47AF965346C
// The available types for the header TLV entries
enum HeaderType : u8 {
EndOfHeader = 0x00,
Comment = 0x01,
CipherID = 0x02,
CompressionFlags = 0x03,
MasterSeed = 0x04,
TransformSeed = 0x05,
TransformRounds = 0x06,
EncryptionIV = 0x07,
ProtectedStreamKey = 0x08,
StreamStartBytes = 0x09,
InnerRandomStreamID = 0x0A,
KdfParameters = 0x0B,
PublicCustomData = 0x0C
enum VariantMapEntryType : u8 {
t_uint32 = 0x04,
t_uint64 = 0x05,
t_bool = 0x08,
t_int32 = 0x0C,
t_string = 0x18,
t_bytearr = 0x42
// Entry in the VariantMap
struct VariantMapEntry {
VariantMapEntryType type;
// 0x00 indicates the end of the map
if (type == 0x00) {
u32 keySize;
char key[keySize];
u32 valueSize;
// We can use different data types depending on the type value
match (type) {
(VariantMapEntryType::t_uint32): u32 value;
(VariantMapEntryType::t_uint64): u64 value;
(VariantMapEntryType::t_bool): bool value;
(VariantMapEntryType::t_int32): s32 value;
(VariantMapEntryType::t_string): char value[valueSize];
(VariantMapEntryType::t_bytearr): u8 value[valueSize];
(_): u8 value[valueSize];
// The more reliable version would be to always parse an u8 array:
// u8 value[valueSize];
} [[name(key)]];
// Structure for the KdfParameters and PublicCustomData header fields
struct VariantMap {
u16 formatVersion;
VariantMapEntry entries[while(std::mem::read_unsigned($, 1) != 0x00)];
u8 endOfMap;
// The kdbx header consists of multiple Type-Length-Value entries
struct TLV_Entry {
HeaderType headerType [[color("80ff00")]];
// Length has different size depending on kdbx version
match (parent.kdbxVersionMajor) {
(3): u16 length [[color("0080ff")]];
(4): u32 length [[color("0080ff")]];
(_): return;
match (headerType) {
(HeaderType::KdfParameters): VariantMap kdfParams;
(HeaderType::PublicCustomData): VariantMap publicCustomData;
(HeaderType::CompressionFlags): u32 compression;
(HeaderType::CipherID): be type::GUID uuid;
(_): u8 value[length] [[color("00bfff")]];
// Add extra check for EndOfHeader so that value gets parsed properly
if (headerType == HeaderType::EndOfHeader) {
} [[name(headerType)]];
// Find the offset of the end of the header
u32 EndOfHeaderOffset = std::mem::find_sequence(0, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0a);
struct Header {
// All kdbx files share a common set of magic bytes @ 0x00
type::Magic<"\x03\xD9\xA2\x9A"> magicBytes;
KeepassSignature keepassSignature;
u16 kdbxVersionMinor;
u16 kdbxVersionMajor;
std::print("Parsing KDBX version {}.{}", kdbxVersionMajor, kdbxVersionMinor);
// Dynamically parse all the TLV entries of the header until the EndOfHeader entry was found
TLV_Entry HeaderFields[while($ < EndOfHeaderOffset)];
// The signature fields are were introduced with kdbx version 4
if (kdbxVersionMajor >= 4) {
u32 headerSHA256;
u32 headerHMAC_SHA256;
Header header @ 0x00;
// After the header follows the encrypted keepass data
u8 encryptedData[while(!std::mem::eof())] @ $ [[color("2ca02c")]];
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