(defun +org-notes-tags-read () |
"Return list of tags as set in the buffer." |
(org-roam--extract-tags-prop (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))) |
(defun +org-notes-tags-delete () |
"Delete a tag from current note." |
(interactive) |
(unless (+org-notes-buffer-p) |
(user-error "Current buffer is not a note")) |
(let* ((tags (+org-notes-tags-read)) |
(tag (completing-read "Tag: " tags nil 'require-match))) |
(+org-buffer-prop-set |
(combine-and-quote-strings (delete tag tags))) |
(org-roam-db--update-tags))) |
(defun +org-notes-tags-add () |
"Add a tag to current note." |
(interactive) |
(unless (+org-notes-buffer-p) |
(user-error "Current buffer is not a note")) |
(let* ((tags (seq-uniq |
(+seq-flatten |
(+seq-flatten |
(org-roam-db-query [:select tags :from tags]))))) |
(tag (completing-read "Tag: " tags))) |
(when (string-empty-p tag) |
(user-error "Tag can't be empty")) |
(+org-buffer-prop-set |
(combine-and-quote-strings (seq-uniq (cons tag (+org-notes-tags-read))))) |
(org-roam-db--update-tags))) |
(defun +org-notes-buffer-p () |
"Return non-nil if the currently visited buffer is a note." |
(and buffer-file-name |
(string-equal (expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory org-roam-directory)) |
(file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))) |
(defun +seq-flatten (list-of-lists) |
"Flatten LIST-OF-LISTS." |
(apply #'append list-of-lists)) |
(defun +org-buffer-prop-set (name value) |
"Set a buffer property called NAME to VALUE." |
(save-excursion |
(widen) |
(goto-char (point-min)) |
(if (re-search-forward (concat "^#\\+" name ": \\(.*\\)") (point-max) t) |
(replace-match (concat "#+" name ": " value)) |
;; find the first line that doesn't begin with ':' or '#' |
(let ((found)) |
(while (not (or found (eobp))) |
(beginning-of-line) |
(if (or (looking-at "^#") |
(looking-at "^:")) |
(line-move 1 t) |
(setq found t))) |
(insert "#+" name ": " value "\n"))))) |
Was already merged https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam/pull/1183/files