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Last active March 25, 2019 12:37
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## Stacks ######################################################################################################
- [X] Explain what a stack data structure is and show how it is implemented.
Stacks - last in first out (last element added will be the first removed)
- not a built in JS data structure
EX: Collection of books, plates stacked
Used to Undo/redo, manage function invocations, routing
*removal & insertion - O(1) - no iteration, jump right to start
*searching & access - O(N)
IMPLEMENTATION: //following structure of SLL
//can rename shift and unshift SLL methods to be push and pop methods here (to avoid transversing)
class Node {
this.value = value; = null;
class Stack {
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
this.size = 0;
// create a new node with input value
var newNode = new Node(val);
// if there are no node in stack set first and last properties to be new nodes
this.first = newNode;
this.last = newNode;
} else {
// if there is at least one node, store current first property on stack in variable
var temp = this.first;
//reset first property to be new node
this.first = newNode;
//set next property on first to be previously created variable = temp;
//increment the size of the stack by 1
return this.size++;
// if no nodes in stack return null
if(!this.first) return null;
// create temp variable to store first property
var temp = this.first;
// if there is only 1 node, set first and last property to null
if(this.first === this.last){
this.last = null;
// if there is more than one node, set the first property to be the next property on the first
this.first =;
//decrement size by 1
// return value of removed node
return temp.value;
//Stack Implementation with Array (no classes or codes); appropiate for small data sets
var stack = []
//basic pushing and pop is stacking, adding to the middle is not; best choice here because doesnt require reindexing
stack.unshift('create new file')
stack.unshift('resize file')
stack.unshift('clone directory')
//basic unshift and shift is stacking; runtime is not efficient because will be reindexed
## Queues ######################################################################################################
- [X] Understand when to use a queue
- [X] Be familiar with common methods
- [X] Implement a queue
- [] Find and use a queue library
- [X] Discern performance tradeoffs for different implementations of a queue
Queue - first in first out
- adding and removing
Dequeue - remove from beginning ("push")
Endqueue - add to end ("shift"); takes in value
EX: waiting in line, background tasks on computers, print queue
*removal & insertion - O(1) - not constant time in array implementation O(N)
*searching & access - O(N)
//Implementation with an array: both are not great for any performance based scenario
var q = []
//add to beginning or end
//remove from beginning; this will reindex
//this will reindex
class Node {
this.value = value; = null;
class Queue {
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
this.size = 0;
// create a new node using value passed in
var newNode = new Node(val);
// if there are no nodes in the queue set new node to be first and last
this.first = newNode;
this.last = newNode;
} else {
// set next property on current last to be new node = newNode;
//set last property of queue to be new node
this.last = newNode;
//increment by 1
return this.size++;
//if there is not first property, return null
if(!this.first) return null;
//store the first property in a variable
var temp = this.first;
//if first same as last equal null
if(this.first === this.last) {
this.last = null;
// if there is more than one node, set the first property to be the next property on the first
this.first =;
//decrement by 1
// return value of removed node
return temp.value;
## LINKED LISTS ######################################################################################################
- [X] Implement various types of linked lists.
- [] Understand which portions of linked lists are already implemented in JavaScript.
- [X] Implement their own linked lists under the correct circumstances.
-pointer is pointing to previous node and the next node
-need to account for two pointers, so takes more memory
-more flexibility, easier to navigate and find nodes in half the time compared to SLL
*insertion - O(1) - easy, take current head or tail and move head or tail, always same amount of time and effort; quicker than array
*removal - O(1) - if removing from beginning, very simple matter of taking off the head, making it null and reassigning head to second node; always constant unlike SLL because dont have to traverse entire list
*searching - O(N) - iterate through list to check all nodes, as number in list grows, so does time take
*accesss - O(N) - iterate through list to check all nodes, as number in list grows, so does time take; array has constant random access making access quicker
class Node{
this.val = val; = null; //in the beginning, the node has no next node to comes after it
this.prev = null; //in the beginning, the node has no prev node to comes before it
class DoublyLinkedList{
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
this.length = 0;
/* =============== PUSH ===================
INSERTS a new node onto tail and reassign it as newtail by connecting the new node in reverse to previous node tail
======================================= */
//instantiate new node using the value passed to function
let newNode = new Node(val);
//if head prop is null, set the head and tail to be the newly created node
if (!this.head || this.length === 0){
this.head = newNode;
this.tail = this.head;
//or set the next prop on tail to be new node and tail to new node
else { = newNode;//forward
//set the previous property on the new node to be the tail
newNode.prev = this.tail;//backward
//set the tail to be the newly created node
this.tail = newNode; //update the tail
//imcrement the length
//return the list
return this;
/* ================= POP ==================
REMOVES a node from the end of linked list;identify second to last item, remove the tail, reassign second to last as tail; no values need to be taken in because removing and working with whats already present
======================================= */
pop() {
//if no head, no tail, or length is 0, return undefined
if(!this.head || !this.tail || this.length === 0) {return undefined}
//store current tail into variable
let oldTail = this.tail;
//if length is 1, set head and tail to be null
if (this.length === 1){
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
} else {
//update the tail to be the previous node
this.tail = oldTail.prev; //backward
//set the new tail next to null and then set .prev to null = null; //forward
//set previous tail to null
oldTail.prev = null;
//decrement the length
//return value removed
return oldTail;
/* =============== SHIFT ================
REMOVES a node from the beginning of linked list; remove head and reassign head to second node immediately after the head; reassign both previous to null
======================================= */
//if length is 0, return undefined
if(this.length === 0) {return undefined}
//store current head into variable
let oldHead = this.head;
//if length is 1, set head and tail to be null
if (this.length === 1){
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
} else {
//update the head to be the next of old head
this.head =;
//set head previous prop to null
this.head.prev = null; //backward = null; //forward
//decriment the length
//return old head
return oldHead;
/* =============== UNSHIFT ================
INSERTS a node to the beginning of linked list; point the new value at the head and then reassign new value to head
======================================= */
//instantiate new node using the value passed to function
let newNode = new Node(val);
//if length is 0, set the head and tail to be the newly created node
if (!this.head || this.length === 0){
this.head = newNode;
this.tail = this.head;
} else {
//set previous property on head to be new node
this.head.prev = newNode; //backward
//set next property on new node to be the head = this.head; //forward
//update the head to be the new node
this.head = newNode //update
DEFINITION SLL: ordered data structure that contains head, tail and length;
COMPARISONS:(linked lists are stairs and arrays are elevators)
-Singly Lists excell at insertion and deletion compared to arrays; dont care about random access, but rather in order access
- made up of nodes that has a value and next pointer at each that points to another node or null,
- no index, must start with first and move through each node (no random access allowed);
- index are mapped to a number in order
- insertion and deletion expensive
- quick access by index number
*insertion - O(1) - easy, take current head or tail and move head or tail, always same amount of time and effort; quicker than array
*removal (depends) - O(1) - if removing from beginning, very simple matter of taking off the head, making it null and reassigning head to second node - O(N) - removing from end is more difficult because need to iterate over all items to reassign tail to second to last item
*searching - O(N) - iterate through list to check all nodes, as number in list grows, so does time take
*accesss - O(N) - iterate through list to check all nodes, as number in list grows, so does time take; array has constant random access making access quicker
// piece of data - val
//reference to next node - next
class Node{
this.val = val; = null; //in the beginning, the node has no next node to comes after it
class SinglyLinkedList{
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
this.length = 0;
/* =============== PUSH ===================
INSERTS a new node onto head and / or previous nodes
======================================= */
//not ideal way to write code
// var first = new Node("Hi")
// = new Node("there")
// = new Node("how")
// = new Node("are")
// = new Node("you")
//instantiate new node using the value passed to function
let newNode = new Node(val);
//if there is no head prop, set the head and tail to be the newly created node
if (!this.head){
this.head = newNode;
this.tail = this.head;
//or set the next prop on tail to be new node and tail to new node
else { = newNode;
this.tail = newNode;
//increment length by 1
// return list
return this;
/* ================= POP ==================
REMOVES a node from the end of linked list;identify second to last item, remove the tail, reassign second to last as tail; no values need to be taken in because removing and working with whats already present
======================================= */
pop() {
//if there arent any nodes in the list, return undefined
if(!this.head) {return undefined}
//identify a variable to track node - 1 location
let current = this.head;
let newTail = current;
//loop through the list until you reach the tail
newTail = current;
current =;
//set tail to be the second to last node
this.tail = newTail;
//set next property of second to last node to be null = null;
// decrement length of list by 1
if (this.length === 0){
this.head = null
this.tail = null
// return the tail node
return current;
/* =============== SHIFT ================
REMOVES a node from the beginning of linked list; remove head and reassign head to second node immediately after the head;no values need to be taken in because removing and working with whats already present
======================================= */
//if there arent any nodes in the list, return undefined
if(!this.head) {return undefined}
//store current head property in variable
let currentHead = this.head;
//update head property to be the current head's next property
this.head =;
// decrement the length by 1
if(this.length === 0){
this.tail = null;
// return value of removed node
return currentHead;
/* =============== UNSHIFT ================
INSERTS a node to the beginning of linked list; point the new value at the head and then reassign new value to head
======================================= */
//instantiate new node using the value passed to function
let newNode = new Node(val);
//if there is no head prop, set the head and tail to be the newly created node
if (!this.head){
this.head = newNode;
this.tail = this.head;
//or set new node's next prop to current head prop
else { = this.head;
//set head property on the list to be new node
this.head = newNode;
//increment length by 1
//return list
return this;
var list = new SinglyLinkedList();
// list.push("GOODBYE")
## Trees #####################################################################################################################
- [] identify, implement and differentiate:
- [] trees
- [] binary tree traversal
- [] binary heaps
- [] tries
## Hash Table #####################################################################################################################
- [] Understand basic hashing algorithms
- [] Know the runtime of hash table operations
- [] Be able to identify problems where hash tables could be used
- [] Be able to write code that uses hash tables to solve problems
- [] Understand how hash tables are implemented and how this implementation leads to the runtime properties
## Deque #####################################################################################################################
- [] Understand when to use a deque
- [] Be familiar with common methods
- [] Implement a deque
- [] Find and use a deque library
- [] Discern performance tradeoffs for different implementations of a deque
## Intro to Algorithms #####################################################################################################################
- [] Understand what an algorithm is.
- [] Understanding what a sorting algorithm is.
- [] Understand the mechanics of a few sorting algorithms including Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, and Quick Sort.
- [] Understand the Runtime Complexity of these algorithms.
- [] Understand how linear and binary search work
- [] Understand the runtime of linear and binary search
- [] Know when to use linear and binary search
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