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Dean Attali daattali

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jcheng5 /
Last active June 26, 2020 01:08
Using a more recent version of jQuery with Shiny

To opt into a more recent version of jQuery, you can add an htmlDependency object pointing to your desired version, somewhere (anywhere) in your UI:

htmltools::htmlDependency("jquery", "3.3.1",
  src = c(href = ""),
  script = "jquery-3.3.1.min.js")

This example will serve jQuery 3.3.1 from the jQuery CDN. If your app needs to work with clients that won't be able to connect to the wider internet, you'll need to download the jquery-3.3.1.min.js file, put it in an app subdirectory (say, jquery), and point to the directory using the src argument.

jimhester / enum.R
Created December 4, 2017 18:19
Simple C style enum in R.
enum <- function(...) {
nms <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
x <- as.list(setNames(seq_along(nms), nms))
f <- tempfile()
attach(x, name = f)
# Cleanup the enum if when the parent frame exists
# unless we are in the global environment.
if (!identical(parent.frame(), globalenv())) {
withr::defer(detach(name = f), parent.frame())
hadley / shiny-oauth.r
Last active May 20, 2024 05:11
Sketch of shiny + oauth
# OAuth setup --------------------------------------------------------
# Most OAuth applications require that you redirect to a fixed and known
# set of URLs. Many only allow you to redirect to a single URL: if this
# is the case for, you'll need to create an app for testing with a localhost
# url, and an app for your deployed app.
calligross / app.R
Last active August 23, 2023 17:22
Shiny Cookie Based Authentication Example, please visit for more information.
if (!dir.exists('www/')) {
url = '',
destfile = 'www/js.cookie.js'
jimhester / 0.9.3.png
Last active July 11, 2018 11:18
Run R code with different versions of package dependencies, this will work in the same session as long as you don't run into issues unloading the namespaces
daattali / rselenium-taxonomer-1-upload.R
Last active June 24, 2019 09:00
Use RSelenium to automatically upload many FASTQ files, submit each to "full analysis" when it's ready, and download the analyzed file on
# This script uploads all the FAST files to the taxonomer server (only one file can be uploaded at a time)
# Assumes that you have RSelenium package installed and that you've got a simple selenium example to work
if (FALSE) {
fastq_files <- c(
list.files(# WHERE ARE THE FILES?, pattern = "fastq.gz$", full.names = TRUE)
login_password <- "" # what is my password???
#compare with
url <- ""
get_html_table <- function(url){
xx <- xml2::read_html(url)
tr_to_nms <- function(tbl){
jimhester / forks_n_commits.R
Created April 21, 2016 18:41
Programmatically determine forks of a repo with at least n commits. Does not try to disambiguate repeated force pushes.
# Q on @GitHub: does anyone now how to easily (ie automatically) list all forks
# of a repository that have more than N commits in the fork?
library(gh) # devtools::install_github("gaborcsardi/gh")
forks_n_commits <- function(owner, repo, n = 1) {
events <- gh("GET /networks/:owner/:repo/events", owner = owner, repo = repo, .limit = Inf)
fork_pushes <- Filter(function(x) x$type == "PushEvent" && x$repo$name != paste0(owner, "/", repo),
daattali / gmailr-text.R
Last active March 30, 2018 00:02
Send a text message via email from R
ui <- fluidPage(
textInput("subj", "Subject", "Schedule change"),
textInput("text", "Message"),
actionButton("btn", "Send")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
lgatto / colour-picker.R
Last active November 7, 2015 13:37
A simple interface to select colours
colour_picker <- function() {
n <- length(colours())
i <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
m <- matrix(c(1:n, rep(NA, i^2 - n)),
ncol = i, nrow = i)
## plotting
image(m, col = colours(),
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
k <- seq(0, 1, length.out = i)
kk <- expand.grid(k, k)