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This module provides integer list in portable way for SQLAlchemy. In this context “portable way” means that you can use it with any backends (dialects) SQLAlchemy supports. It implements special optimizations using `integer[]` type and `@>` operator in PostgreSQL — so you can index the column of this type using GIN as well.
""":mod:`sqla_intlist` --- Portable integer list type for SQLAlchemy
See the docstring of :class:`IntegerList` type.
import collections
import io
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ColumnElement, case, cast, func
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import char_length, coalesce
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, Text, TypeDecorator, TypeEngine
__all__ = ('IntegerList', 'IntegerListComparator',
class IntegerListComparator(TypeEngine.Comparator):
"""The custom comparator which implements :meth:`has_element()`
predicate method for :class:`IntegerList` type.
def has_element(self, operand):
"""Returns whether the list contains the ``operand`` as
its element.
return IntegerListHasElementClause(self.expr, operand)
def count_elements(self):
"""Returns the number of elements in the list.
return IntegerListCountElementsClause(self.expr)
class IntegerList(TypeDecorator):
"""The data type which stores a list of integers. It provides
a comparison operator :meth:`~IntegerListComparator.has_element()`,
and counting operator :meth:`~IntegerListComparator.count_elements()`
as well.
It's compiled to the most efficient way of the backend.
For example, the data type is compiled to :class:`ARRAY
<sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.ARRAY>`, and the comparison operator is
implemented using PostgreSQL's ``@>`` operator, and the counting operator
is implemented using ``array_length()`` function. It means you can index
the column of this type using GIN if PostgreSQL.
For other backends, it uses ordinary :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Text`
data type and integers are joined by commas e.g. ``',1,2,3,'``, and
the comparing operator is implemented using ``LIKE`` operator, and
the counting operator is implemented using complex inefficient
function calls.
For example::
the above expression is compiled to the following SQL expression
for the most backends:
.. sourcecode:: sql
"table".intlist_col LIKE '%,123,%'
or the following SQL for PostgreSQL:
.. sourcecode:: sql
"table".intlist_col @> ARRAY[123]
impl = Text
comparator_factory = IntegerListComparator
python_type = collections.Sequence
def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
if == 'postgresql':
return ARRAY(Integer)
return Text()
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
if == 'postgresql':
return lambda value: value
def process(value):
if value is None:
buffer_ = io.BytesIO()
for num in value:
return buffer_.getvalue()
return process
def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
if == 'postgresql':
return lambda value: value
def process(value):
if value is None:
return None
return [int(v) for v in value.strip(',').split(',') if v]
return process
def copy(self):
return IntegerList()
def __repr__(self):
return '{0.__module__}.{0.__name__}()'.format(type(self))
class IntegerListHasElementClause(ColumnElement):
def __init__(self, list_operand, element_operand):
self.list_operand = list_operand
self.element_operand = element_operand
def visit_integer_list_has_element_clause(element, compiler, **kwargs):
if isinstance(element.element_operand, ColumnElement):
el = cast(element.element_operand, Text)
el = str(element.element_operand)
return "{0} LIKE {1}".format(
compiler.process(cast('%,' + el + ',%', Text))
@compiles(IntegerListHasElementClause, 'postgresql')
def visit_integer_list_has_element_clause_postgres(element, compiler, **kwargs):
return "{0} @> ARRAY[{1}]".format(
compiler.process(cast(element.element_operand, Integer))
class IntegerListCountElementsClause(ColumnElement):
def __init__(self, operand):
self.operand = operand
def visit_integer_list_count_elements_clause(element, compiler, **kwargs):
expr = case(
{element.operand == None: None, element.operand == '': 0},
else_=char_length(element.operand) - 1 -
char_length(func.replace(element.operand, ',', ''))
return compiler.process(expr)
@compiles(IntegerListCountElementsClause, 'postgresql')
def visit_integer_list_count_elements_clause_postgresql(element, compiler,
expr = case(
{element.operand == None: None},
else_=coalesce(func.array_length(element.operand, 1), 0)
return compiler.process(expr)
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dahlia commented Mar 8, 2013

Added .count_elements() operator as well.

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