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Forked from pierre-H/index.d.ts
Created June 22, 2017 13:10
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Expo TypeScript Definitions
declare module 'Expo' {
import { EventSubscription } from 'fbemitter';
import { Component } from 'react';
import { ViewStyle, ViewProperties, ColorPropType } from 'react-native';
* Expo Accelerometer
export namespace Accelerometer {
// TODO: good export type of x, y and z
export interface AccelerometerObject {
x: any;
y: any;
z: any;
export function addListener(listener: (obj: AccelerometerObject) => any): EventSubscription
export function removeAllListeners(): void;
export function setUpdateInterval(intervalMs: number): void
* Expo Amplitude
export namespace Amplitude {
export function initialize(apiKey: string): void;
export function setUserId(userId: string): void;
export function setUserProperties(userProperties: object): void; // TODO: add userProperties definition from amplitude doc
export function clearUserProperties(): void;
export function logEvent(eventName: string): void;
export function logEventWithProperties(eventName: string, properties: object): void;
export function setGroup(groupType: string, groupNames: object): void;
* Expo Components
export namespace Components {
* AppLoading
export class AppLoading extends React.Component<void, void> { }
* Expo BarCodeScanner
export interface BarCodeScannerProps {
type?: 'front'|'back';
torchMode?: 'on'|'off';
barCodeTypes: Array<string>; // TODO: add supported formats
style: ViewStyle;
export class BarCodeScanner extends React.Component<BarCodeScannerProps, void> { }
* Expo BlurView
export interface BlurViewProps {
tint: 'light'|'default'|'dark';
intensity: number;
style: ViewStyle;
export class BlurView extends React.Component<BlurViewProps, void> { }
* Expo GLView
* TODO: better defs because there is no complete documentation.
* I did it from the code.
export interface GLViewProps extends ViewProperties {
onContextCreate(): void;
msaaSamples: number;
export class GLView extends React.Component<GLViewProps, {msaaSamples: number}> { }
* Expo KeepAwake
export class KeepAwake extends React.Component<void, void> {
static activate(): void;
static deactivate(): void;
* Expo LinearGradient
export interface LinearGradientProps {
colors: Array<string>;
start: [number, number];
end: [number, number];
locations: Array<number>;
export class LinearGradient extends React.Component<LinearGradientProps, void> {}
* Expo MapView
// TODO: MapView
* Expo Svg
// TODO: better defs
type Axis = number;
export interface SvgCommonProps {
fill?: string;
fillOpacity?: number;
stroke?: string;
strokeWidth?: number;
strokeOpacity?: number;
strokeLinecap?: string;
strokeLineJoin?: string;
strokeDasharray?: Array<any>;
strokeDashoffset?: any;
x?: Axis;
y?: Axis;
rotate?: number;
scale?: number;
origin?: number|string;
originX?: number;
originY?: number;
export class Svg extends React.Component<{width: number, heigth: number}, void> { }
export class Rect extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
export interface CircleProps extends SvgCommonProps {
cx: Axis;
cy: Axis;
export class Circle extends React.Component<CircleProps, void> { }
export interface EllipseProps extends CircleProps {
rx: Axis;
ry: Axis;
export class Ellipse extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
export interface LineProps extends SvgCommonProps {
x1: Axis;
y1: Axis;
x2: Axis;
y2: Axis;
export class Line extends React.Component<LineProps, void> { }
export interface PolyProps extends SvgCommonProps {
points: string;
export class Polygon extends React.Component<PolyProps, void> { }
export class Polyline extends React.Component<PolyProps, void> { }
export interface PathLine extends SvgCommonProps {
d: string;
export class Path extends React.Component<PolyProps, void> { }
export interface TextProps extends SvgCommonProps {
textAnchor: string
export class Text extends React.Component<TextProps, void> { }
export class G extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
export class Use extends React.Component<{href: string, x: number, y: number}, void> { }
export class Symbol extends React.Component<{viewbox:string, widt: number, height: number}, void> { }
export class Defs extends React.Component<void, void> { }
export class RadialGradient extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
* Expo Video
export interface VideoLoad {
duration: number;
currentTime: number;
canPlayReverse: boolean;
canPlayFastForward: boolean;
canPlaySlowForward: boolean;
canPlaySlowReverse: boolean;
canStepBackward: boolean;
canStepForward: boolean;
naturalSize: {
width: number;
heigth: number;
orientation: 'landscape'|'portrait'
export type VideoError = {
code: any,
domain: any
} | {
what: any,
extra: any
export interface VideoProgress {
currentTime: number;
playableDuration: number;
export interface VideoSeek {
currentTime: number;
seekTime: number;
export interface VideoProps {
source: any; // TODO: better def: string|*require(file)*
fullscreen?: boolean;
resizeMode?: string; // TODO: resize mode instead of general string
repeat?: boolean;
paused?: boolean;
volume?: number;
muted?: boolean;
rate?: number;
onLoadStart?: (param: {uri: string}) => any;
onLoad?: (load: VideoLoad) => any;
onError?: (error: {error: VideoError}) => any;
onProgress?: (progress: VideoProgress) => any;
onSeek?: (seek: VideoSeek) => any;
onEnd?: () => any;
export class Video extends React.Component<VideoProps, void> {
static RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN: string;
static RESIZE_MODE_COVER: string;
static RESIZE_MODE_STRETCH: string;
public seek(time: string): void;
public presentFullscreenPlayer(): void;
public dismissFullscreenPlayer(): void;
* Expo Asset
export class Asset {
constructor({ name, type, hash, uri, width, height });
public name: string;
public type: string;
public hash: string;
public uri: string;
public localUri: string;
public width?: number;
public height?: number;
// TODO: make sure that these values should be readonly
public readonly downloading: boolean;
public readonly downloaded: boolean;
public readonly downloadCallbacks: Array<{ resolve, reject }> // TODO: def of resolve & reject
public downloadAsync(): void;
static fromModule(moduleId: number): Asset;
* Expo Audio
export namespace Audio {
export enum InterruptionModeIOS {
export enum InterruptionModeAndroid {
export type SoundStatus =
isLoaded: false
} | {
isLoaded: true,
isPlaying: boolean,
durationMillis: number,
positionMillis: number,
rate: number,
shouldCorrectPitch: boolean,
volume: number,
isMuted: boolean,
isLooping: boolean,
didJustFinish: boolean
export type RecordingStatus =
canRecord: false,
isDoneRecording: false
} | {
canRecord: true,
isRecording: boolean,
durationMillis: number
} | {
canRecord: false,
isDoneRecording: true,
durationMillis: number
export type AudioMode = {
allowsRecordingIOS: boolean,
interruptionModeIOS: InterruptionModeIOS,
playsInSilentLockedModeIOS: boolean,
interruptionModeAndroid: InterruptionModeAndroid,
shouldDuckAndroid: boolean
export function setAudioModeAsync(mode: AudioMode): Promise<void>; // TODO: better return
* Expo Sound
export interface SoundOptions {
source: number | string | Asset
export class Sound {
constructor(options: SoundOptions);
getStatusAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>
setCallback(callback: (status: SoundStatus) => any): void;
setCallbackPollingMillis(millis: number): void;
unloadAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
playAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
pauseAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
stopAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setPositionAsync(millis: number): Promise<SoundStatus>;
value: number,
shouldCorrectPitch: boolean
): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setVolumeAsync(value: number): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setIsMutedAsync(value: boolean): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setIsLoopingAsync(value: boolean): Promise<SoundStatus>;
export class Recording {
getStatusAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>
setCallback(callback: (status: RecordingStatus) => any): void;
setCallbackPollingMillis(millis: number): void;
prepareToRecordAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
isPreparedToRecord(): boolean; // Note @pierre-H : I found this function on the v16.0.0 doc, not in the code so have to check it.
startAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
pauseAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
stopAndUnloadAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
getURI(): string|undefined;
getNewSound(): Sound|null
* Expo Constants
export namespace Constants {
export const appOwnership: 'expo'|'standalone'|'guest';
export const expoVersion: string;
export const deviceId: string;
export const deviceName: string;
export const deviceYearClass: string; // TODO : I'm not sure if it's a string
export const isDevice: boolean;
// TODO: check if it's correct or not because in the v16.0.0 doc there is only os
export type Platform = {
ios: {
platform : string;
model: string;
userInterfaceIdiom: string;
export const platform: Platform;
export const sessionId: string;
export const statusBarHeight: any; // TODO: check what's the correct export type
export const systemFonts: any; // TODO: check what's the correct export type
// Note: I find this from
// and config page so it may be not complete or exact
export interface Manifest {
name: string;
description?: string;
slug?: string;
sdkVersion?: string;
version?: string;
orientation?: 'portrait'|'landscape';
primaryColor?: string;
icon?: string;
notification?: {
icon?: string,
color?: string,
androidMode?: 'default'|'collapse',
androidCollapsedTitle?: string
loading?: {
icon?: string,
exponentIconColor?: 'white'|'blue',
exponentIconGrayscale?: 1|0,
backgroundImage?: string,
backgroundColor?: string,
hideExponentText?: boolean
appKey?: string;
androidStatusBarColor?: string;
androidStatusBar?: {
barStyle?: 'lignt-content'|'dark-content',
backgroundColor?: string
androidHideExponentNotificationInShellApp?: boolean;
scheme?: string;
extra?: {
[propName: string]: any
rnCliPath?: any;
entryPoint?: string;
packagerOpts?: {
hostType?: string,
dev?: boolean,
strict?: boolean,
minify?: boolean,
urlType?: string,
urlRandomness?: string,
lanType?: string,
[propName: string]: any
ignoreNodeModulesValidation?: any; // TODO: better def
nodeModulesPath?: string;
ios?: {
bundleIdentifier?: string,
buildNumber?: string,
config?: {
usesNonExemptEncryption?: boolean,
googleSignIn?: {
reservedClientId: string
supportsTablet?: boolean,
infoPlist?: any
android?: {
package?: string,
versionCode?: string,
config?: {
fabric?: {
apiKey: string,
buildSecret: string
googleMaps?: {
apiKey: string
googleSignIn?: {
apiKey: string,
certificateHash: string
facebookScheme: any;
xde: boolean;
developper?: {
tool?: string,
[propName: string]: any
bundleUrl?: string;
debuggerHost?: string;
mainModuleName?: string;
logUrl?: string;
[propName: string]: any;
export const manifest: Manifest;
export const linkingUri: string;
* Expo Contacts
export namespace Contacts {
export type FieldType = 'phoneNumbers' | 'emails' | 'addresses';
export interface Options {
pageSize?: number;
pageOffset?: number;
fields?: Array<FieldType>
export interface Contact {
id: number;
name: string;
firstName?: string;
middleName?: string;
lastName?: string;
emails?: Array<{
email?: string,
primary?: boolean,
label: string
phoneNumbers?: Array<{
number?: string,
primary?: boolean,
label: string
addresses?: Array<{
street?: string,
city?: string,
country?: string,
region?: string,
neighborhood?: string,
postcode?: string,
pobox?: string,
label: string
company?: string;
jobTitle?: string;
export interface Response {
data: Array<Contact>,
total: number,
hasNextPage: boolean,
hasPreviousPage: boolean,
export const PHONE_NUMBERS = 'phoneNumbers';
export const EMAILS = 'emails';
export const ADDRESSES = 'addresses';
export type Field = 'phoneNumbers' | 'emails' | 'addresses';
export interface Options {
pageSize?: number;
pageOffset?: number;
fields?: Array<Field>
export function getContactsAsync(options: Options): Promise<Response>;
* Expo DocumentPicker
export namespace DocumentPicker {
export interface Options {
type: string;
export type Response = {
type: 'success',
uri: string,
name: string,
size: number
} | {
type: 'cancel'
export function getDocumentAsync(options: Options): Response;
* Expo ErrorRecovery
export namespace ErrorRecovery {
export function setRecoveryProps(props: object): void;
* Expo Facebook
export namespace Facebook {
export interface Options {
permissions?: Array<string>;
behavior?: 'web'|'native'|'browser'|'system';
export type Response = {
type: 'success',
token: string,
expires: number
} | {
type: 'cancel'
export function logInWithReadPermissionsAsync(appId: string, options: Options): void;
* Expo Facebook Ads
export namespace FacebookAds {
* Interstitial Ads
export namespace InterstitialAdManager {
export function showAd(placementId: string): Promise<boolean>;
* Native Ads
export type MediaCachePolicy = 'none' | 'icon' | 'image' | 'all';
export class NativeAdsManager {
constructor(placementId: string, numberOfAdsToRequest?: number);
disableAutoRefresh(): void;
setMediaCachePolicy(iOS: MediaCachePolicy);
export function withNativeAd(component: React.Component<{
icon?: string;
coverImage?: string;
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
description?: string;
callToActionText?: string;
socialContext?: string;
}, any>): React.Component<{adsManager: NativeAdsManager}, {ad: any, canRequestAds: boolean}>;
* Banner View
export type AdType = 'large' | 'rectangle' | 'standard';
export interface BannerViewProps {
type: AdType;
placementId: string;
onPress: () => any;
onError: () => any;
export class BannerView extends React.Component<BannerViewProps, void> {}
* Ad Settings
export namespace AdSettings {
export const currentDeviceHash: string;
export function addTestDevice(device: string): void;
export function clearTestDevices(): void;
export type SDKLogLevel = 'none'
| 'debug'
| 'verbose'
| 'warning'
| 'error'
| 'notification'
export function setLogLevel(logLevel: SDKLogLevel): void;
export function setIsChildDirected(isDirected: boolean): void;
export function setMediationService(mediationService: string): void;
export function setUrlPrefix(urlPrefix: string): void;
* Expo Font
export namespace Font {
export function loadAsync(nameOrMap: string|object, uriOrModuleOrAsset: any): void; // TODO: better defs because the doc is not updated I think ...
* Expo Google
export namespace Google {
export interface LogInConfig {
androidClientId?: string;
androidStandaloneAppClientId?: string;
iosClientId?: string;
iosStandaloneAppClientId?: string;
behavior?: 'system' | 'web';
scopes?: Array<string>;
export type LogInResult = {
type: 'cancel'
} | {
type: 'success',
accessToken: string,
idToken?: string,
refreshToken?: string,
serverAuthCode?: string,
user: {
id: string,
name: string,
givenName: string,
familyName: string,
photoUrl?: string,
email?: string,
export function logInAsync(config: LogInConfig): Promise<LogInResult>
* Expo Gyroscope
export namespace Gyroscope {
// TODO: good export type of x, y and z
export interface GyroscopeObject {
x: any;
y: any;
z: any;
export function addListener(listener: (obj: GyroscopeObject) => any): EventSubscription
export function removeAllListeners(): void;
export function setUpdateInterval(intervalMs: number): void
* Expo Image Picker
export namespace ImagePicker {
export interface ImageInfo {
uri: string;
width: number;
height: number;
export type ImageResult = { cancelled: true } | ({ cancelled: false } & ImageInfo);
export interface ImageLibraryOptions {
allowsEditing?: boolean;
aspect?: [number, number];
quality?: number;
export function launchImageLibraryAsync(options?: ImageLibraryOptions): Promise<ImageResult>;
export interface CameraOptions {
allowsEditing?: boolean;
aspect?: [number, number];
quality?: number;
export function launchCameraAsync(options?: CameraOptions): Promise<ImageResult>;
* Expo Location
export namespace Location {
export interface LocationOptions {
enableHighAccuracy?: boolean;
timeInterval?: number;
distanceInterval?: number;
export interface LocationData {
coords: {
latitude: number,
longitude: number,
altitude: number,
accuracy: number,
heading: number,
speed: number
timestamp: number;
export type LocationCallback = (data: LocationData) => any;
export function getCurrentPositionAsync(options: LocationOptions): Promise<LocationData> // TODO: check if it's correct
export function watchPositionAsync(options: LocationOptions, callback: (data: LocationData) => any): EventSubscription;
* Expo Notifications
export namespace Notifications {
export interface Notification {
origin: 'selected' | 'received';
data: any;
remote: boolean;
isMultiple: boolean;
export interface LocalNotification {
title: string;
body?: string;
data?: any;
ios?: {
sound?: boolean
android?: {
sound?: boolean;
icon?: string;
color?: string;
priority?: 'min'|'low'|'high'|'max';
sticky?: boolean;
vibrate?: boolean | Array<number>;
link?: string;
export type LocalNotificationId = string | number;
export function addListener(listener: (notification: Notification) => any): EventSubscription;
export function getExponentPushTokenAsync(): Promise<string>;
export function presentLocalNotificationAsync(localNotification: LocalNotification): Promise<LocalNotificationId>;
export function scheduleLocalNotificationAsync(
localNotification: LocalNotification,
schedulingOptions: {time: Date|number, repeat?: 'minute'|'hour'|'day'|'week'|'month'|'year'}
): Promise<LocalNotificationId>;
export function dismissNotificationAsync(localNotificationId: LocalNotificationId): Promise<void>;
export function dismissAllNotificationsAsync(): Promise<void>;
export function cancelScheduledNotificationAsync(localNotificationId: LocalNotificationId): Promise<void>;
export function cancelAllScheduledNotificationsAsync(): Promise<void>;
export function getBadgeNumberAsync(): Promise<number>;
export function setBadgeNumberAsync(number: number): Promise<void>;
* Expo Permissions
export namespace Permissions {
export type PermissionType = 'remoteNotifications'
| 'location'
| 'camera'
| 'contacts'
| 'audioRecording'
export type PermissionStatus = 'undetermined' | 'granted' | 'denied';
export type PermissionExpires = 'never';
export interface PermissionDetailsLocationIOS {
scope: 'whenInUse' | 'always';
export interface PermissionDetailsLocationAndroid {
scope: 'fine' | 'coarse' | 'none';
export interface PermissionResponse {
status: PermissionStatus;
expires: PermissionExpires;
ios?: PermissionDetailsLocationIOS;
android?: PermissionDetailsLocationAndroid;
export function getAsync(type: PermissionType): Promise<PermissionResponse>;
export function askAsync(type: PermissionType): Promise<PermissionResponse>;
export const CAMERA: string;
export const AUDIO_RECORDING: string;
export const LOCATION: string;
export const REMOTE_NOTIFICATIONS: string;
export const NOTIFICATIONS: string;
export const CONTACTS: string;
* Expo Segment
* TODO: check that all these functions return void or not
export namespace Segment {
export function initializeIOS(writeKey: string): void;
export function initializeAndroid(writeKey: string): void;
export function identify(userId: string): void;
export function identifyWithTraits(userId: string, traits: any): void;
export function track(event: string): void;
export function trackWithProperties(event: string, properties: any): void;
export function flush(): void;
* Expo SQLite
export namespace SQLite {
type Error = any;
export interface Database {
callback: (transaction: Transaction) => any,
error?: (error: Error) => any, // TODO def of error
success?: () => any
): void
export interface Transaction {
sqlStatement: string,
arguments?: Array<string|number>,
success?: (transaction: Transaction, resultSet: ResultSet) => any,
error?: (transaction: Transaction, error: Error) => any
export interface ResultSet {
insertId: number;
rowAffected: number;
rows: {
length: number;
item: (index: number) => any;
_array: Array<object>;
export function openDatabase(
name: string | {
name: string,
version?: string,
description?: string,
size?: number,
callback?: () => any
version?: string,
description?: string,
size?: number,
callback?: () => any
* Register Root Component
* TODO: verify if it's a good idea or not to use Generics
* Useful when using function like react-redux connect for example
export function registerRootComponent<P, S>(component: React.Component<P, S>): React.Component<P, S>;
* Expo Take Snapshop
export function takeSnapshotAsync(
view?: (number | React.ReactElement<any>),
options?: {
width?: number,
height?: number,
format?: 'png' | 'jpg' | 'jpeg' | 'webm',
quality?: number,
result?: 'file' | 'base64' | 'data-uri',
): Promise<string>;
* Expo Util
export namespace Util {
export function getCurrentLocaleAsync(): Promise<string>;
export function reload(): void;
* Expo Web Browser
export namespace WebBrowser {
export function openBrowserAsync(url: string): Promise<{type: 'cancelled'|'dismissed'}>;
export function dismissBrowser(): Promise<{type: 'dismissed'}>;
declare module '@expo/vector-icons' {
export interface IconProps {
size?: number;
name: string;
color?: string;
export class Entypo extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class EvilIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class FontAwesome extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Foundation extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Ionicons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class MaterialIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class MaterialComunityIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Octicons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Zocial extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class SimpleLineIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
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