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Last active June 6, 2019 10:47
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My First Project with Scala: What I've Learned

As my first major project using Scala hits production without too much of a hitch, I present a small list of notes that summarizes my experience with the language:

  • Learn to embrace functional programming. I learned this early on that while Scala is able handle object-oriented programming quite well, it's built with functional programming in mind. This means learning flatMap/map, immutables, et cetera.
  • Learn the thin cake pattern.
  • For every XML library available, there are about 3,781 JSON libraries available. If you're using XML a lot in your project, I feel that Java 8/10 is still easier.
  • Jackson is still king of JSON serialization. Is it the fastest? No. Is it the leanest? Not by a long shot. We used a lot of POJOs that rely on serialization, and we've tried a lot of JSON libraries, and while others are faster, they have soul-crushing limitations that were not present with Jackson.
  • blocking > non-blocking. Whoever tells you that you should use Future and async as much as possible should be greeted with doubt--especially when he uses terms like "reactive" or "reactive streams" and "back pressure". I'm not saying you should only write blocking code, but it should never be treated as a magic bullet; async will never make your shitty app run faster. For one, async code are much more difficult to debug; it's hard enough to deal with one stacktrace. If you need to write async code, you should be using Monix Tasks as it allows you to evaluate Futures lazily, and it has bunch of features that allows you to write async code that is easy to reason about.
  • Scala is a JVM language, therefore object monitor locks are still a pain. If you're a backend Java developer and you're still not using YourKit you are wasting hours of your life hunting down bottlenecks of your application.
  • It's maddenning how some third-party library tend to abuse Scala operator overloading. Yes, i'm looking at you Slick
  • Maven is miles better than SBT. SBT is slow and it has a steep learning curve. This is compounded when you are using a lot of macros. It's gotten better with 1.x, but still slower than a comparable Maven-based project.
  • Type inference and implicits are something you'll hate at first but once it clicks, they are hard to live without.
  • It's hard to go back to Java 7 and earlier. I had to maintain a relatively old project that uses Java 7, and if it wasn't for Google Guava, writing code would have been really painful.
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