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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Save danbst/11111085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple BF interpreter in 38 lines - check for online test
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
data Tape = Tape { negatives :: [Word8], currentTape :: !Word8, positives :: [Word8] }
mkTape = Tape (repeat 0) 0 (repeat 0)
shiftLeft (Tape (x:left) curr right) = Tape left x (curr:right)
shiftRight (Tape left curr (x:right)) = Tape (curr:left) x right
modifyTape f (Tape left curr right) = Tape left (f curr) right
newtype Stack a = Stack [a]
push x (Stack s) = Stack (x:s)
top (Stack s) = head s
pop (Stack (s:ss)) = Stack ss
evalReal program = eval 0 (Stack [0]) mkTape
where eval !curr !loops !tape = if
| length program == curr -> return ()
| command == '[' -> (if
| skip || currentTape tape == 0 -> eval (curr + 1) (push (-1) loops) tape
| otherwise -> eval (curr + 1) (push curr loops) tape)
| command == ']' -> (if
| skip || currentTape tape == 0 -> eval (curr + 1) (pop loops) tape
| otherwise -> eval (top loops + 1) loops tape)
| skip -> nextCommand tape
| command == '+' -> nextCommand (modifyTape (+1) tape)
| command == '-' -> nextCommand (modifyTape (subtract 1) tape)
| command == '>' -> nextCommand (shiftRight tape)
| command == '<' -> nextCommand (shiftLeft tape)
| command == '.' -> putChar (chr $ fromIntegral $ currentTape tape) >> nextCommand tape
| command == ',' -> getChar >>= \x -> return (tape {currentTape = (fromIntegral $ ord x)}) >> nextCommand tape
| otherwise -> nextCommand tape
where nextCommand = eval (curr + 1) loops
skip = top loops == (-1)
command = program !! curr
main = evalReal "->+>+++>>+>++>+>+++>>+>++>>>+>+>+>++>+>>>>+++>+>>++>+>+++>>++>++>>+>>+>++>++>+>>>>+++>+>>>>++>++>>>>+>>++>+>+++>>>++>>++++++>>+>>++>+>>>>+++>>+++++>>+>+++>>>++>>++>>+>>++>+>+++>>>++>>+++++++++++++>>+>>++>+>+++>+>+++>>>++>>++++>>+>>++>+>>>>+++>>+++++>>>>++>>>>+>+>++>>+++>+>>>>+++>+>>>>+++>+>>>>+++>>++>++>+>+++>+>++>++>>>>>>++>+>+++>>>>>+++>>>++>+>+++>+>+>++>>>>>>++>>>+>>>++>+>>>>+++>+>>>+>>++>+>++++++++++++++++++>>>>+>+>>>+>>++>+>+++>>>++>>++++++++>>+>>++>+>>>>+++>>++++++>>>+>++>>+++>+>+>++>+>+++>>>>>+++>>>+>+>>++>+>+++>>>++>>++++++++>>+>>++>+>>>>+++>>++++>>+>+++>>>>>>++>+>+++>>+>++>>>>+>+>++>+>>>>+++>>+++>>>+[[->>+<<]<+]+++++[->+++++++++<]>.[+]>>[<<+++++++[->+++++++++<]>-.------------------->-[-<.<+>>]<[+]<+>>>]<<<[-[-[-[>>+<++++++[->+++++<]]>++++++++++++++<]>+++<]++++++[->+++++++<]>+<<<-[->>>++<<<]>[->>.<<]<<]"
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