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Created November 20, 2020 00:34
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Maze generation using Randomized Prim's algorithm
def maze(width=10, height=10):
def sides(field, x, y):
sides_ = []
if x > 0:
if x < len(field[y]) - 1:
if y > 0:
if y < len(field) - 1:
return sides_, [ field[y+sy][x+sx] for sx,sy in sides_]
import random
field = [ ['W']*width for _ in range(height) ]
field[1][1] = ' '
walls = [(0,1), (1,0),(2,1),(1,2)]
while True:
if len(walls) == 0:
wi = random.randrange(len(walls))
wx, wy = walls[wi]
del walls[wi]
ss, vals = sides(field, wx, wy)
if vals.count(' ') != 1:
sx, sy = ss[vals.index(' ')]
newpos = (wx - sx, wy - sy)
field[newpos[1]][newpos[0]] = ' '
field[wy][wx] = ' '
newsides, newvals = sides(field, *newpos)
for (nsx, nsy), v in zip(newsides, newvals):
p = (newpos[0]+nsx, newpos[1]+nsy)
if v == 'W' and p not in walls:
return field
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danbst commented Nov 20, 2020

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