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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Template file for monadic Alex lexer. Inclues better error message, basic token type and lexer
module AlexMonadicTemplate (main) where
%wrapper "monad"
tokens :-
<0> . { mkL LDummy }
<0> $white ;
data Lexeme = L AlexPosn LexemeClass String
data LexemeClass
| LDummy
deriving (Eq, Show)
mkL :: LexemeClass -> AlexInput -> Int -> Alex Lexeme
mkL c (p,_,_,str) len = return (L p c (take len str))
lexError s = do
(p,c,_,input) <- alexGetInput
alexError (showPosn p ++ ": " ++ s ++
(if (not (null input))
then " before " ++ "'" ++ takeWhile (not . flip elem "\r\n") input ++ "'"
else " at end of file"))
showL (L _ cls str) = show cls ++ "'" ++ str ++ "'"
alexEOF = return (L undefined LEOF "")
showPosn (AlexPn _ line col) = show line ++ ':': show col
alexMonadScan' = do
inp <- alexGetInput
sc <- alexGetStartCode
case alexScan inp sc of
AlexEOF -> alexEOF
AlexError inp' -> lexError "Lex error"
AlexSkip inp' len -> do
alexSetInput inp'
AlexToken inp' len action -> do
alexSetInput inp'
action (ignorePendingBytes inp) len
lexTokens s = runAlex s $ loop []
isEof x = case x of { L _ LEOF _ -> True; _ -> False }
loop acc = do
tok <- alexMonadScan'
if isEof tok
then return (reverse acc)
else loop (tok:acc)
main = do
s <- getContents
let result = lexTokens s
case result of
Right x -> mapM_ (putStrLn . showL) x
Left err -> putStrLn err
module Main where
%wrapper "basic"
$white ;
. { id }
main = fmap alexScanTokens getContents >>= (mapM_ putStr)
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