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Last active October 11, 2016 20:48
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A confusing function
const StructuredData::Dictionary &options_dict, Error &error) {
// Is it just me, or is "data_up" a not very good name? Could be anything.
// This is fine, but it is oldschool. In C++14 we gained std::make_unique
std::unique_ptr<CommandData> data_up(new CommandData());
// should be
// auto data_up = std::make_unique<CommandData>();
bool found_something = false;
// so this is concerning because we are derefing a pointer without
// checking that it actually points somewhere
bool success = options_dict.GetValueForKeyAsBoolean(
GetKey(OptionNames::StopOnError), data_up->stop_on_error);
if (success) {
found_something = true;
std::string interpreter_str;
// we now blow away the value we just set for success, although it is now in found_something
// so we likely should have just written
// found_something = success;
// above
success = options_dict.GetValueForKeyAsString(
GetKey(OptionNames::Interpreter), interpreter_str);
// Now I feel like we should have a more descriptive name than just "success".
// this var is doing a lot of work.
if (!success) {
error.SetErrorString("Missing command language value.");
return data_up;
// Call me crazy, but we didn't use the value we set for "found_something" at all,
// and now we are blowing it away. Why did we set it before?
found_something = true;
auto interp_language = ScriptInterpreter::StringToLanguage(interpreter_str);
if (interp_language == eScriptLanguageUnknown) {
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Unknown breakpoint command language: %s.",
return data_up;
data_up->interpreter = interp_language;
// Now things get stranger. We need a pointer to an array, which is itself a thin wrapper
// around a std::vector, which is a wrapper around a narive array? Why so much indirection?
StructuredData::Array *user_source;
success = options_dict.GetValueForKeyAsArray(GetKey(OptionNames::UserSource),
if (success) {
// This will never change found_something. It is already true if you are here.
found_something = true;
size_t num_elems = user_source->GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) {
// Bad loop? Avoid invoking non trivial constructors in loop's scope.
// This will gain and free dynamic memory once for every pass.
std::string elem_string;
// This loop is guarded by if(success) already.
// Changing the value of success here may make debug confusing.
// Can we not spare another bool?
success = user_source->GetItemAtIndexAsString(i, elem_string);
if (success) {
// Again with the pointless if. No possible way we get here and have a false
// in found_something.
// This is breaking the point of early return.
if (found_something) {
return data_up;
else {
return std::unique_ptr<StoppointOptions::CommandData>();
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