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Created August 22, 2016 03:19
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18:28:575 EmuThread.cpp:173 I[BOOT]: Done.
18:29:558 Config.cpp:1271 I[LOAD]: Failed to read C:\ppsspp\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/NPJH50437_ppsspp.ini. No game-specific settings found, using global defaults.
18:29:558 System.cpp:383 I[BOOT]: PPSSPP v1.2.2-871-ge4b0f29 Windows 64 bit
18:29:559 MemMap.cpp:339 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 0000022F1A440000 (mirror at 0 @ 0000022F22420000, uncached @ 0000022F62420000)
18:29:559 PSPLoaders.cpp:195 I[LOAD]: NPJH50437 : ガンダム メモリーズ ~戦いの記憶~
ズ ~戦いの記憶~
000 (mirror at 0 @ 00018:29:560 Config.cpp:1271 I[LOAD]: Failed to read C:\ppsspp\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/NPJH50437_ppsspp.ini. No game-specific settings found, using global defaults.
18:29:560 PSPLoaders.cpp:254 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
18:29:560 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:436 I[KERNEL]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
18:29:585 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:152 I[KERNEL]: Kernel initialized.
18:29:603 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:391 I[HLE]: -----------
18:29:603 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:395 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=1 tag=usersystemlib
18:29:603 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:395 I[HLE]: Block: 08804000 - 08b79c00 size 00375c00 taken=1 tag=ELF/wd_psp
18:29:603 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:395 I[HLE]: Block: 08b79c00 - 0a000000 size 01486400 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
18:29:603 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:397 I[HLE]: -----------
18:29:604 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1238 I[LOAD]: Module wd_psp: 00000000 08935df0 08935e08
18:29:620 HLE\ReplaceTables.cpp:1340 I[HLE]: Replaced memcpy_jak at 088f5f78 with hash 0ffa5db8396d4274
18:29:620 HLE\ReplaceTables.cpp:1340 I[HLE]: Replaced memset_jak at 088f5fb8 with hash eabb9c1b4f83d2b4
18:29:620 HLE\ReplaceTables.cpp:1340 I[HLE]: Replaced memcpy at 089060b4 with hash 1a7564fa3e25c992
18:29:621 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1298 I[LOAD]: Exporting ent 0 named wd_psp, 2 funcs, 4 vars, resident 0893628c
18:29:621 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1600 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 088f4a28
18:29:622 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 21
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 18 fs 24
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 14 fs 21
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 14 fs 19
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 15 fs 24
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 11 fs 19
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 19
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 18 fs 22
18:29:623 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 10 fs 19
18:29:624 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 23
18:29:624 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 12 fs 20
18:29:624 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 18 fs 27
18:29:624 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 18 fs 26
18:29:624 root I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:165 Linked shader: vs 17 fs 25
18:29:624 root N[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:1067 Compiled and linked 14 programs (9 vertex, 9 fragment) in 2.1 milliseconds
18:29:624 root N[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:1068 Loaded the shader cache from 'C:\ppsspp\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/CACHE//NPJH50437.glshadercache'
18:29:669 root N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:174 Loading D:/pspgames/gundam memories.iso...
18:29:670 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 276=sceKernelCreateThread(user_main, 088f4b48, 00000028, 262144, 80004000, 00000000)
18:29:670 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(276, 33, 09fffed0)
18:29:670 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2092 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
18:29:673 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:369 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
18:29:710 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1049 ~SCE module, skipping header
18:29:710 user_main I[HLE]: ELF\PrxDecrypter.cpp:308 Missing key 5B, cannot decrypt module
18:29:710 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1766 288=sceKernelLoadModule(name=disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/Module/libdeflt.prx,flag=00000000,(...))
18:29:710 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1798 sceKernelStartModule(288,asize=00000000,aptr=00000000,retptr=09fff510,00000000): faked (undecryptable module)
18:29:710 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1049 ~SCE module, skipping header
18:29:710 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1063 Loading module sceFont_Library with version 0101, devkit 06030510
18:29:710 user_main I[HLE]: ELF\PrxDecrypter.cpp:308 Missing key 5B, cannot decrypt module
18:29:710 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1766 289=sceKernelLoadModule(name=disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/Module/libfont.prx,flag=00000000,(...))
18:29:710 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1798 sceKernelStartModule(289,asize=00000000,aptr=00000000,retptr=09fff430,00000000): faked (undecryptable module)
18:29:723 user_main I[FONT]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:768 sceFontNewLib(09fff564, 09fff560)
18:29:727 user_main I[FONT]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:581 Entering PostAllocCallback::run
18:29:727 user_main I[FONT]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:593 Leaving PostAllocCallback::run
18:29:742 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000301)
18:29:777 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000300)
18:29:793 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000302)
18:29:827 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000304)
18:29:860 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:29:927 user_main E[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:288 8002013c=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000308): dependent module 0303 not loaded
18:29:943 user_main I[SCESAS]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:249 sceSasInit(08b78dc0, 256, 32, 0, 44100)
18:29:944 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 299=sceKernelCreateThread(Sound Thread, 0885dd30, 00000010, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
18:29:944 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(299, 0, 00000000)
18:29:944 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:2104 sceAtracReinit(0, 3)
18:29:944 user_main W[ME]: HLE\sceMp3.cpp:222 UNIMPL: sceMp3InitResource
18:29:945 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:29:945 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:29:962 user_main I[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:414 Creating FBO for 00044000 : 480 x 272 x 1
18:29:962 user_main W[G3D]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:650 Memcpy fbo upload 04444000 -> 04044000
18:29:994 user_main I[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:414 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 1
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:019 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:078 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00044000 (480 x 272 x 1), age 6
18:30:082 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00000000 (480 x 272 x 1), age 6
18:30:098 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:098 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:106 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(08968f0c) - FILES (12)
18:30:106 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(08968f0c) : Game key (hex): 411F6319202502560903364E5B1F432B
18:30:116 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:85 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(08968f0c) - AUTOLOAD (0)
18:30:116 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:86 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(08968f0c) : Game key (hex): 411F6319202502560903364E5B1F432B
18:30:129 user_main I[UTIL]: Dialog\SavedataParam.cpp:586 Loading file with size 21568 in ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/NPJH50437GMEM/GMEM.DAT
18:30:606 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:606 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:30:606 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:30:606 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:31:011 user_main W[ME]: HLE\sceMp3.cpp:228 UNIMPL: sceMp3TermResource
18:31:011 Sound Thread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
18:31:012 user_main E[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:288 8002013c=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000308): dependent module 0303 not loaded
18:31:012 user_main I[SCESAS]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:249 sceSasInit(08b78dc0, 256, 32, 0, 44100)
18:31:012 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 419=sceKernelCreateThread(Sound Thread, 0885dd30, 00000010, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
18:31:012 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(419, 0, 00000000)
18:31:012 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:2104 sceAtracReinit(0, 3)
18:31:012 user_main W[ME]: HLE\sceMp3.cpp:222 UNIMPL: sceMp3InitResource
18:31:012 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:306 0=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000303)
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1049 ~SCE module, skipping header
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1063 Loading module scePsmf_library with version 0101, devkit 06030510
18:31:012 user_main I[HLE]: ELF\PrxDecrypter.cpp:308 Missing key 5B, cannot decrypt module
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1766 427=sceKernelLoadModule(name=disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/Module/psmf.prx,flag=00000000,(...))
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1798 sceKernelStartModule(427,asize=00000000,aptr=00000000,retptr=09fff490,00000000): faked (undecryptable module)
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1049 ~SCE module, skipping header
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1063 Loading module scePsmfP_library with version 0101, devkit 06030510
18:31:012 user_main I[HLE]: ELF\PrxDecrypter.cpp:308 Missing key 5B, cannot decrypt module
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1766 428=sceKernelLoadModule(name=disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/Module/libpsmfplayer.prx,flag=00000000,(...))
18:31:012 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1798 sceKernelStartModule(428,asize=00000000,aptr=00000000,retptr=09fff490,00000000): faked (undecryptable module)
18:31:013 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:427 sceMpegInit()
18:31:013 user_main I[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1097 scePsmfPlayerCreate(08d55ae0, 08d55b00)
18:31:013 user_main I[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:2035 scePsmfPlayerConfigPlayer(08d55ae0, loop, 1)
18:31:013 user_main I[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:2043 scePsmfPlayerConfigPlayer(08d55ae0, pixelType, 3)
18:31:013 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 432=sceKernelCreateThread(modeThread, 088b820c, 0000002a, 2048, 00000000, 00000000)
18:31:013 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 433=sceKernelCreateThread(naviThread, 088b888c, 00000029, 4096, 00000000, 00000000)
18:31:013 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 434=sceKernelCreateThread(audioThread, 088b7b9c, 00000028, 4096, 00000000, 00000000)
18:31:013 user_main W[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1330 8192 = scePsmfPlayerGetAudioOutSize(08d55ae0)
18:31:014 user_main I[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1287 scePsmfPlayerSetPsmfCB(08d55ae0, disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/Movie/OP.PMF)
18:31:014 user_main W[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1424 scePsmfPlayerStart(08d55ae0, 09fff5a0, 0)
18:31:014 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(432, 4, 09fff590)
18:31:014 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(433, 4, 09fff590)
18:31:014 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(434, 4, 09fff590)
18:31:016 naviThread I[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:414 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
18:31:023 naviThread I[ME]: HW\MediaEngine.cpp:86 FF: No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to rgba.
18:31:025 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1900 Decimating FBO for 00044000 (480 x 272 x 1), age 6
18:31:030 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00088000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
18:32:494 naviThread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
18:32:543 audioThread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
18:32:543 modeThread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
18:32:543 user_main I[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1129 scePsmfPlayerStop(08d55ae0)
18:32:543 user_main W[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1534 scePsmfPlayerReleasePsmf(08d55ae0)
18:32:543 user_main E[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1124 scePsmfPlayerStop(08d55ae0): not yet playing
18:32:543 user_main E[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1530 scePsmfPlayerReleasePsmf(08d55ae0): not set yet
18:32:544 user_main I[ME]: HLE\scePsmf.cpp:1488 scePsmfPlayerDelete(08d55ae0)
18:32:545 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1604 sceMpegFinish(...)
18:32:545 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1898 sceKernelStopModule(000001ac, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000) - faking
18:32:545 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1960 sceKernelUnloadModule(428)
18:32:551 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1898 sceKernelStopModule(000001ab, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000) - faking
18:32:551 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1960 sceKernelUnloadModule(427)
18:32:556 user_main I[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:327 0=sceUtilityUnloadModule(00000303)
18:32:557 user_main W[ME]: HLE\sceMp3.cpp:228 UNIMPL: sceMp3TermResource
18:32:576 Sound Thread I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2108 sceKernelExitThread(0)
18:32:613 user_main I[SCEGE]: Common\FramebufferCommon.cpp:414 Creating FBO for 00044000 : 480 x 272 x 1
18:32:628 user_main E[UTIL]: HLE\sceUtility.cpp:288 8002013c=sceUtilityLoadModule(00000308): dependent module 0303 not loaded
18:32:628 user_main I[SCESAS]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:249 sceSasInit(08b78dc0, 256, 32, 0, 44100)
18:32:628 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1974 443=sceKernelCreateThread(Sound Thread, 0885dd30, 00000010, 32768, 00000000, 00000000)
18:32:628 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2053 0=sceKernelStartThread(443, 0, 00000000)
18:32:628 user_main I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:2104 sceAtracReinit(0, 3)
18:32:628 user_main W[ME]: HLE\sceMp3.cpp:222 UNIMPL: sceMp3InitResource
18:32:629 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:32:629 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:32:629 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:32:629 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:32:728 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1900 Decimating FBO for 00088000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:32:797 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:32:798 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:32:798 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:32:811 idle0 I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1922 Decimating FBO for 00044000 (480 x 272 x 1), age 6
18:33:296 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:296 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:296 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:296 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:297 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:730 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:730 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:813 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:813 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
18:33:814 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2366 sceIoIoctl: Asked for start sector of file 4
18:33:814 user_main I[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:2378 sceIoIoctl: Asked for size of file 4
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pjacket commented Oct 29, 2016

Good job

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