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Created September 19, 2012 15:48
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Corning Credit Union parser
PURPOSE: Parse a pile of 'spreadsheet' files downloaded from
Corning Credit Union eBranch.
FEAUTURES: - Parse and combine financial records from a list of raw
files, converting the data into convenient types.
- Plot stuff.
import ccu
checking = ccu.read_checking(ccu.list_files('Downloads/checking/'))
ccu.running_balance(checking) # It's a plot!
import os
import re
import decimal as dec
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dec.getcontext().prec = 2 # a datatype for money (2 decimal places)
def cast_money(s):
pattern = '(\-?)\$?([1-9]+\.[0-9][0-9])'
sign, stripped =, s).group(1,2)
except AttributeError:
return s
if sign:
stripped = '-' + stripped
return dec.Decimal(stripped)
def read_visa(filenames):
"""Read CSV files downloaded from CCU. Parse them,
concatenate all their data,
and return a DataFrame array sorted by date."""
if type(filenames) is str:
filenames = list(filenames) # a single-element list
df = pd.concat(
names=['date', 'description',
'amount', 'fee',
'interest', 'principal',
converters = {'amount': cast_money,
'fee': cast_money,
'interest': cast_money,
'principal': cast_money,
'balance': cast_money})
for filename in filenames])
del df['placeholder'] # hanlded CCU's trailing comma
return df.sort('date')
def read_checking(filenames):
"""Read CSV files downloaded from CCU. Parse them,
concatenate all their data,
and return a DataFrame array sorted by date."""
if type(filenames) is str:
filenames = list(filenames) # a single-element list
df = pd.concat(
names=['date', 'description',
'amount', 'balance',
converters = {'amount': cast_money,
'balance': cast_money})
for filename in filenames])
del df['placeholder'] # hanlded CCU's trailing comma
return df.sort('date')
def running_balance(df):
"Plot 'balance' versus 'date'."
plt.plot(df['date'], df['balance'])
def list_files(dir):
"List the absolute paths of the files in a directory."
return [os.path.join(dir, f) for f in os.listdir(dir)]
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