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Daniel Beardsley danielbeardsley

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danielbeardsley /
Last active September 17, 2019 16:49
memcache key analysis

List and analyze keys in memcache

# Writes a big file with one line per key
> bash > all-the-keys

# Get stats on the state of the whole key list
> cat all-the-keys | perl ./
count:2228244 size:86.50%  fetched:53.66%  bytesize:1948.7MB

Let the script know how big your cache is

danielbeardsley / organize.bash
Created May 21, 2014 02:43
Script to group and condense my mobile phone pictures after they are synced with Bittorrent Sync
#!/bin/bash -e
organize_dir() {
date=`date +"(%Y-%m-01) Mobile Photos"`
base_dir="/cygdrive/c/Users/Danny/Documents/Mobile Photos"
mkdir -p "$dest_dir"
cd "$source_dir"
danielbeardsley /
Last active December 20, 2015 10:59
A bash script to temporarily slow down your intertubes on MacOS.


Simulate a slow network connection with one command.

Turn on:

$> sudo ./slow-it-down
Your tubes are now filled with molasses
danielbeardsley / csrf.js
Last active February 21, 2020 10:58
Dynamically add CSRF protection <input>s to each form on the page immediately before it's submitted. This code uses MooTools, though it would be trivial to remove that dependency or swap with jQuery.
var CSRF = (function() {
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
* Setup triggers on the .submit() function and the `submit` event so we
* can add csrf inputs immediately before the form is submitted.
$$('form').each(function(form) {
// Ensure all forms submitted via a traditional 'submit' button have
// an up-to-date CSRF input
form.addEvent('submit', function() {
danielbeardsley /
Last active February 1, 2021 16:17
Unlimited size uploads in PHP: a minimal demonstration.

Unlimited upload size in PHP

a minimal implementation

A demonstration of accepting unlimited-size uploads in PHP. The included server.php pipes the POST body directly to /dev/null and returns a JSON encoded hash of some useful stats. Using this method (streaming from stdin) we are able to accept uploads of any size with little memory overhead.


Symlink apache config and reload

danielbeardsley / .gitignore
Created August 14, 2012 23:34
PHP Bug in recursive unserialization
danielbeardsley /
Created August 2, 2012 08:05
Pipe memcache stats into Graphite
if [ "$1" != "report" ]; then
echo "Usage:" >&2
script="`basename $0`"
echo " nohup $script report > /var/log/memcache-stats.log &" >&2
exit 1
danielbeardsley / strict-object-examples.js
Created October 21, 2011 02:37
Examples of how to use strict-object
// Create a new person type
var Person = StrictObject.define('name', 'age', 'country');
// Instatiate a Person
var pete = new Person();
// set properties using functions'Peter');
danielbeardsley / grepReplace
Created September 26, 2011 23:29
Shell Script for grep-based search and replace recursively in files
function ConfirmOrExit() {
echo -n "Continue? (y / n) :"
if [ $CONFIRM != 'y' ]
danielbeardsley / compose_connect_middlware.js
Created June 22, 2011 20:35
Allows easy composition of a chain of connect.js-style middlewares
// Allows easy composition of a chain of connect.js-style middlewares in node.js
// given:
// function A(req,res,next){}
// function B(req,res,next){}
// composeMiddleware(A,B) will return a function(req,res,next) that passes the request
// through both handlers, just like Connect. If a next() is called with an error
// the call chain is stopped and the error is passed to the topmost next()
// If next() is called with the second parameter set to 'break' "next(null, 'break')"
// The chain is halted and route control is passed back to the original next()
function composeMiddleware(){