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Last active April 25, 2017 04:45
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  • Save danielewood/38527b6511f538b4960fe91dcdccdf6a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Movie-AutoTorrent Scripts
$CompleteDir = "D:\Movies\"
$Files = Get-ChildItem $CompleteDir -Recurse | where {!$_.psiscontainer}
$Files | Where Length -LT 400000000 | Where Extension -ne ".srt" | Remove-Item -Verbose -Force
$CompleteDir = "D:\Movies\!New Releases"
get-childitem $CompleteDir -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName $_.FullName.Replace("[",".(") -Force}
get-childitem $CompleteDir -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName $_.FullName.Replace("]",").") -Force}
get-childitem $CompleteDir -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName $_.FullName.Replace("..",".") -Force}
#$Files | Where {$(Split-Path $_.DirectoryName) -eq $CompleteDir} | Select FullName
$Dirs = (Get-ChildItem $CompleteDir -Recurse | where {$_.psiscontainer}).FullName
ForEach ($Dir in $Dirs){
$Dir = $Dir.Replace('[','``[')
$Dir = $Dir.Replace(']','``]')
$Movie = Get-ChildItem $Dir | where Extension -NE '.srt'
If (Test-Path "$Dir\*.srt"){
Rename-Item $(Resolve-Path "$Dir\*.srt") "$Dir\$($Movie.Basename).srt" -Verbose -Force
Move-Item "$Dir\*" "$CompleteDir\" -Verbose -Force
Remove-Item "$Dir" -Verbose -Force
$Files = (Get-ChildItem $CompleteDir | where {!$_.psiscontainer}).FullName
ForEach ($File in $Files){
If ($File -match "HDRIP"){
Move-Item $File "D:\Movies\!In Theaters\" -Verbose -Force
#Keeps a list of movies that have been downloaded already so as to not download them twice
$DownloadedList = "D:\MovieDownloader\MoviesDownloaded.csv"
#Keeps a list of movies that returnd no search results, so to try again next run
$Missed = "D:\MovieDownloader\MoviesMissed.csv"
#----------Get DVD's released this week----------#
$url =''
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url
#$list = $response.ParsedHtml.body.getElementsByClassName("movie-inner") | select *outerText*
$list = $response.ParsedHtml.getElementsByClassName("movie-inner") | select *outerText*
#Clean List
$movies = @()
foreach ($movie in $list){
$line = $movie.outerText -replace "`n",", " -replace "`r",", "
$movies += $line
$movies2 = @()
foreach ($movie in $movies){
$movie = $movie -replace " , ",""
$movie = $movie -replace ",,,,",""
$split = $movie.IndexOf(",")
$title = $movie.Substring(0, $split)
$movies2 += $title
$NewMovies = $movies2
#Convert to system array so I can modify list
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$NewMovies = $NewMovies
#----------Verify movie is not downloaded already----------#
$Downloaded = Import-Csv $DownloadedList -Header "Movies"
foreach ($movie in $movies2){
foreach ($Download in $Downloaded){
if ($movie -eq $Download.Movies){
#----------Find 1080p Torrent on PirateBay and start download----------#
#The URL below for pirate bay limits search to "Movies"
#The numbers at the end determine the category to search
#This will grab to top download by seeders (some false positives, but usually get agood movie out of it :)
foreach ($movie in $NewMovies){
$OGmovie = $movie
$movie = $movie + " BRRIP"
$movie = $movie -replace " ", "%20"
$movie = $movie -replace "\'", ""
$movie = $movie -replace "\?", ""
$url ="$movie/0/99/200"
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method POST
sleep -Seconds 1
$data = $r.parsedhtml.getelementsbytagname("TR") | select *innerHTML*
if (!$data) {
$movie = $movie.Replace("BRRIP","BDRIP")
$url ="$movie/0/99/200"
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method POST
sleep -Seconds 1
$data = $r.parsedhtml.getelementsbytagname("TR") | select *innerHTML*
if (!$data) {
$movie = $movie.Replace("BDRIP","BluRay")
$url ="$movie/0/99/200"
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method POST
sleep -Seconds 1
$data = $r.parsedhtml.getelementsbytagname("TR") | select *innerHTML*
if (!$data) {
$movie = $movie.Replace("BluRay","1080p")
$url ="$movie/0/99/200"
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method POST
sleep -Seconds 1
$data = $r.parsedhtml.getelementsbytagname("TR") | select *innerHTML*
#Check if no downloads exist for search
if ($data) {
$Result = $data[1].innerHTML
$Magnet = ($Result -split 'magnet" href="')[1]
$Magnet = ($Magnet -split '"><IMG alt="Magnet link"')[0]
#This loads the magnet link in to your default torrent downloaded (as ling as the association is set)
Start "$Magnet"
"Downloading $OGmovie"
$OGmovie | Add-Content -path $DownloadedList
sleep -Seconds 1
else {
"No Search results found for $OGmovie"
$OGmovie | Add-Content -path $Missed
$NewMissed = Get-Content $Missed | Sort-Object -Unique
$NewMissed | Set-Content -Path $Missed
$NewDownload = Get-Content $DownloadedList | Sort-Object -Unique
$NewDownload | Set-Content -Path $DownloadedList
sleep 10
#Keeps a list of movies that have been downloaded already so as to not download them twice
$DownloadedList = "D:\MovieDownloader\MoviesDownloaded.csv"
$Downloaded = Get-Content $DownloadedList
$MoviesFolder = 'D:\Movies'
$url =""
$r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method POST
$data = $r.parsedhtml.getelementsbytagname("TR") | select *innerHTML*
#Check if no downloads exist for search
if ($data) {
for ($i=1; $i -lt 10; $i++){
$Result = $data[$i].innerHTML
$Magnet = ($Result -split 'magnet" href="')[1]
$Magnet = ($Magnet -split '"><IMG alt="Magnet link"')[0]
$Title = ($Result -split 'A title="Details for ')[1]
$Title = ($Title -split '" class=detLink href')[0]
If ($Downloaded -notcontains $Title){
If (!(Get-ChildItem -Recurse $MoviesFolder | where Length | Where Name -match "$(($Title -split '.20')[0])")){
#This loads the magnet link in to your default torrent downloaded (as long as the association is set)
Start "$Magnet"
Write-Host "Downloading $Title"
Else {
Write-Warning "$Title already exists"
$Title | Add-Content -path $DownloadedList
Else {
Write-Host "Already downloaded $Title"
sleep 10
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