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rustl'n jimmies

Daniel Westendorf danielwestendorf

rustl'n jimmies
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danielwestendorf / database.rb
Created April 9, 2011 00:48
MacRuby 0.10 + Sequel
require 'rubygems'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'sequel'
DB = Sequel.sqlite()
DB.create_table :entries do
primary_key :id
String :words
danielwestendorf / ProgressIndicator.rb
Created April 15, 2011 04:06
MacRuby Progress indicator example
class ProgressIndicator < NSView
attr_accessor :progressPercent
attr_accessor :parent
def mouseDown(event)
point = convertPoint(event.locationInWindow, fromView: nil)
click_x = point.x #this is the point where the mouse was clicked on the x axis
click_y = point.y #this is the point where the mouse was clicked on the y axis
UseIPv6 off
# If set on you can experience a longer connection delay in many cases.
IdentLookups off
ServerType standalone
DeferWelcome off
MultilineRFC2228 on
DefaultServer on
danielwestendorf / SelectAllTable.rb
Created May 27, 2011 17:55
Sub-classed NSTableView for CMD+A/Select all functionality
class SelectAllTable < NSTableView
attr_accessor :delegator #Connect this to the delegate of your table view
def keyDown(event) #any time this table is in focus and a key is pressed, this method will be called.
characters = event.characters
character = characters.characterAtIndex(0)#let's get the first key that was pressed
if character == 97 && (event.modifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) == NSCommandKeyMask #97 is the "A" key, while the CMD key is a modifier key. Check to see if both were pressed
@delegator.select_all #call your method that selects all your rows
super(event) #This isn't what we're looking for, pass it on to super
def tableView(aView, writeRowsWithIndexes:rowIndexes, toPasteboard:pboard)
row_data_array = [] #lets create an array to place the rows' data in
rowIndexes.each do |row| #for each of the rows being dragged. Row represents the index in the table's data source array
row_data_array << table_data_array[row] #add the data to the row_data_array
pboard.setString(row_data_array.to_yaml, forType:"MyRowDataType") #convert the array to YAML, then store it in the pasteboard. The type should be a custom type or your choice, unless you want to accept drops from other locations.
return true #the method must return true
def tableView(aView, validateDrop:info, proposedRow:row, proposedDropOperation:op)
if op == NSTableViewDropAbove #is the proposed row going to be dropped between rows?
return NSDragOperationEvery
return NSDragOperationNone #it isn't between rows, deny the proposed drop
def tableView(aView, acceptDrop:info, row:droppedRow, dropOperation:op)
pboard = info.draggingPasteboard
row_data_array = YAML.load(pboard.stringForType("MyRowDataType")) #grab the YAML from the pasteboard and convert it back to an array
row_data_array.reverse.each do |row| #You'll want to insert your rows in reverse order to maintain the indexes, thus the reverse call
#rearrange your table_data_array accordingly here. droppedRow represents index value of where the row was dropped.
table_view.deselectAll(nil) #Deselect everything after the drop
table_view.reloadData #redraw the table to show the updates
class MyApplication < NSApplication
def sendEvent(event)
if event.type == NSSystemDefined && event.subtype == 8 #determine if one of the media keys was pressed
keyCode = (event.data1 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16
keyFlags = event.data1 & 0x0000FFFF
keyState = (keyFlags & 0xFF00) >> 8 == 0xA
mediaKeyPressed(keyCode) if keyState
super(nil) #don't passing anything on to super
super(event) #not what we were looking for, pass the event on to super.
framework 'Foundation'
framework 'ScriptingBridge'
terminal = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier("")
load_bridge_support_file 'Terminal.bridgesupport' #load the bridge support file
new_tab = terminal.classForScriptingClass("tab").alloc #create a new tab instance #add the tab to the first window
def show_modal
modalForWindow: @my_main_window,
modalDelegate: self,
def cancel_modal(sender)