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Created September 22, 2013 08:09
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WordCamp San Francisco 2013 Conference Notes

WordCamp San Francisco 2013


Session Notes Day 1

Writing Code as User Experience Design

Nikolay Bachiyski

  • Interesting talk about testing your API code to be as dev-friendly as possible (tested/documented/etc.). UX Testing where the developers are the users.

(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Themes, Love, and Understanding

Ian Stewart (@iandstewart)

  • Stories about WordPress themes and the like.
  • We need more themes / people making more themes
    • Theme review team -
      • Contribute to the WP Core

What I Wish I Had Known Before Developing a WordPress Theme

Konstantin Kovshenin

  • Follow WP coding standards
  • Andrew Mason's talk about querying in WP - see starred tweet
  • Slides:

Sticks, Spit & Duct Tape: Advanced RWD Layout Techniques

Josh Broton (@joshbroton)

  • marquee tags (demo +1)
  • text-align:justify; for grid layout. pretty nice possible option, check it out (IE8+) … still some issues though, I still prefer floats (until Flexbox is fully supported).
  • Designing CSS Layouts With Flexbox Is As Easy As Pie, by David Storey on Smashing Magazine -
  • slides on

Multi-Lingual WP Sites

Shannon Smith (@cafenoirdesign)

Session Notes Day 2

Three Security Issues You Thought You’d Fixed

Mike Adams (@mdawaffe)

  • Preventing "Clickjacking":
    • JS Framebusting (not reliable due to framebusting-busting)
    • A Better option (modern browsers) X-Frame-Options: Deny (http header) works IE8+
    • Another method for older browsers (classic browsers)
    • Better non-JS option XXE?
    • None of these are foolproof. Need to prevent substitutions.
  • Use libxml_disable_entity_loader() along with one of the above options - see video/notes again
  • WordPress has request libs available?
  • PHP doesn't handle it's stuff securely by default. We need to take the extra steps to make this happen.

The State of the Word 2013

Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt)

  • WordPress as an app platform. More applications being powered by WordPress on the back end.
  • New developer resources -
  • debugbar plugin recommended to check out

Magical WordPress Management using WP-CLI

Mike Schroder (@GetSource -

  • Uses WP itself to perform operations
  • Can use system cron and bash scripts to automate stuff
  • Manage All The Things!
    • Update WordPress
    • Install/Update a plugin
    • Change/Manage themes
    • DB Exports/Backups
    • Cron jobs to update themes - really only safe with chid theme setups
    • Search/Replace text in DB!!! Holy Smokes
  • Resources
    • WP-CLI:
    • CLI Cheat Sheet:

Custom Tailoring the WordPress Admin Experience

Helen Hou-Sandi (@helenhousandi)

How WordPress Helped Me Learn Android Development

Will Norris (

  • Tim Bray, Private By Default

Current User Can Watch This Talk

Andrew Nacin (@nacin,,

  • If using version control - which you should be .. you aught to just disable the admin wp-editor. See slide.
  • Reading (Codex):
    • map_meta_cap()
    • WP_User
    • WP_Role
    • register_post_type()
    • get_post_type_capabilities()

Contrib Day

WordPress Trac

    • View Tickets
      • Tags
    • Before opening a ticket, search the the Trac to see if that issue already exists. (
      • Common procedure of opening a ticket … very descriptive in issue and how to replicate, if applicable
      • Very similar process to Redmine issue tracking.
      • Keep version to where issue was originally discovered.
      • If you know how to fix, add has patch. if not, add needs patch.
    • Your dot-org login is what you would use for your Trac login
  • How to patch/submit a patch to the ticket.
    • Upload a diff with git or svn from the root directory of your local setup.
      • pipe your diff into a file and upload that file
        • use patch [ticket-number].diff as filename and extension
          • new patches to same patch will be incremented by .2, .3, etc. do not have to do manually, trace will do this if name is exact as an existing.
  • Version on GitHub is trunk and safe to use.
  • If bug is security related, DO NOT open on Trac - email with issue and communicate that way so that vulnerabilities are not in the open.
  • Best way to test a patch:
    • Apply patch
      • Search for bash scripts mason if I want to use CLI for patch testing. OR
      • Manually download patch from ticket
    • use patch (the program): patch -p0 < [filename-downloaded.diff] (example: patch -p0 < 2345.diff) - now local truc install has patch in place to test - can now test/make changes/upload updated patches - do not be offended if someone has a better solution for your patch. people will make more efficient updates to your patches. it's cool - try not to add unrelated files/fixes - debug bar & debug console plugins are great and should be installed - do it! - Plugin called developer that looks to make it easy to track or recommend good plugins? - Search theme unit tests - can find an XML import of dummy content and useful stuff. so check that out too.
  • Set up install just like you would any other new site.
  • If issue is already marked as has patch, still leave a detailed comment still to any new patch update so people following are notified and there is a documentation trail. Holla!
  • Once patch is done, there's still a process afterwards:
    • tons of tix and still needs review, etc. there are just not enough people to go through all of them.
    • go to the #wordpress-dev IRC channel on free node. paste in ticket number and let them know that you put a patch up, if you want to draw attention to a particular issue that you have already put a patch in for. keep in mind, you have worked on this ticket so it may be a little more important to you than to the rest of humanity. plead your case a lithe if you really believe that it is an larger issue.
  • Not a bad thing to have multiple people working on a ticket. sometimes people take different routs to a solution and sometimes the actual best result is a blend of more than one person's solution. so it's NOT like, "I'm working on this, don't touch!"
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