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Last active May 2, 2016 14:06
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Advanced Windows Update Fix
:: Advanced Windows Update Service Clean v2.01
:: ===========================================
:: Copyright (c) 2016, Danijel James
:: All rights reserved.
:: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
:: modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
:: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
:: list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
:: 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
:: this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
:: and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
Del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr*.dat"
rmdir /q /s SoftwareDistribution
regsvr32.exe /s atl.dll
regsvr32.exe /s urlmon.dll
regsvr32.exe /s mshtml.dll
regsvr32.exe /s shdocvw.dll
regsvr32.exe /s browseui.dll
regsvr32.exe /s jscript.dll
regsvr32.exe /s vbscript.dll
regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml3.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml6.dll
regsvr32.exe /s actxprxy.dll
regsvr32.exe /s softpub.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wintrust.dll
regsvr32.exe /s dssenh.dll
regsvr32.exe /s rsaenh.dll
regsvr32.exe /s gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32.exe /s sccbase.dll
regsvr32.exe /s slbcsp.dll
regsvr32.exe /s cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32.exe /s oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s shell32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s initpki.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuapi.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng1.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wucltui.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wups.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wups2.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuweb.dll
regsvr32.exe /s qmgr.dll
regsvr32.exe /s qmgrprxy.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wucltux.dll
regsvr32.exe /s muweb.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuwebv.dll
regsvr32 /s wudriver.dll
netsh winsock reset
net start bits
net start wuauserv
bitsadmin.exe /reset /allusers
shutdown -r -t 00
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