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Last active November 23, 2020 13:30
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  • Save dannguyen/10b66d4590da379b68d5d8123acfd005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dannguyen/10b66d4590da379b68d5d8123acfd005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My algorithm to find readings about algorithms (from the New York Times articlesearch API)

Algorithm to find readings about algorithms

(as found among published New York Times articles)

The file is a Python 3.4+ (w/ Requests) script that queries for the New York Times articlesearch.v2 API for all articles containing "algorithms" as a subject and more than 700 words.

  • Saves each time period of articles as a JSON file.
  • Requires a NYT developers API key for articlesearch API:
  • requires an environmental variable, NYT_ARTICLE_SEARCH_KEY

The script is hardcoded to fetch results from 1800 to today (2016-05-24), which returns 1,653 results.

The URL for that request looks like:

Because the API returns only 10 results per page and will not paginate past page 100, it's necessary to do a double-loop in which the request is made for a limited time period in which the total number of results is less than 1000.

More documentation here:

Included in this gist is the list of artciles in the time period from 1800-01-01 to 1989-12-31

A quickie script in Python 3.4+ (using Requests) that
queries for the New York Times articlesearch.v2 API for all articles
containing "algorithms" as a subject and more than 700 words.
- Saves each time period of articles as a JSON file.
- requires a NYT developers API key for articlesearch API:
- requires an environmental variable, NYT_ARTICLE_SEARCH_KEY
More documentation here:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from copy import copy
from math import floor
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
import json
import requests
'api-key': API_KEY,
'fq': 'subject.contains("algorithms")' + 'AND source:("The New York Times")' + 'AND word_count:[700 TO 100000]',
'sort': 'newest',
'page': 0,
'begin_date': None,
'end_date': None
YEARS = [1800, 1990, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015]
DATA_DIR = Path('data', 'articlesearch', 'algorithms')
DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
dates = [datetime(year, 1, 1) for year in YEARS]
for i, dt in enumerate(dates):
articles = []
parms = copy(API_PARAMS)
parms['begin_date'] = dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')
parms['end_date'] = (dates[i+1] - timedelta(days=1)
if i < len(dates) - 1 else MAX_DATE).strftime('%Y%m%d')
print("\n{0} to {1}".format(parms['begin_date'], parms['end_date']))
parms['page'] = 0
total_hits = -1
while total_hits == -1 or parms['page'] * HITS_PER_PAGE < total_hits:
print("\tPage {0} of {1}; hits: {2}".format(parms['page'],
floor(total_hits / HITS_PER_PAGE),
resp = requests.get(API_ENDPOINT, params=parms)
r = resp.json()['response']
# add to the collection
total_hits = r['meta']['hits']
parms['page'] += 1
# now save the file
fpath = DATA_DIR.joinpath('{0}-{1}.json'.format(parms['begin_date'], parms['end_date']))
with'w') as wf:
print("Writing to", fpath)
json.dump(articles, wf, indent=2)
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd1a96d8eb7c8105d6c5ec4",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: The Patent and Trademark Office is usually one of the quietest wings of the Federal Government. But when President Bush recently nominated an attorney with almost no patent experience to become deputy commissioner, he provoked an angry outburst from groups representing inventors and patent attorneys.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-11-20T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: The Patent and Trademark Office is usually one of the quietest wings of the Federal Government. But when President Bush recently nominated an attorney with almost no patent experience to become deputy commissioner, he provoked an angry outburst...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "persons",
"value": "COMER, DOUGLAS B"
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"main": "Nominee for Patent Post Facing Heavy Criticism"
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"rank": 2,
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"organization": ""
"original": "By EDMUND L. ANDREWS, Special to The New York Times"
"section_name": "Business",
"word_count": 701
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"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Book Review Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "Review",
"_id": "4fd18b4d8eb7c8105d68df54",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: THE EMPEROR'S NEW MIND Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics. By Roger Penrose. Illustrated. 466 pp. New York: Oxford University Press. $24.95.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-11-19T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: THE EMPEROR'S NEW MIND Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics. By Roger Penrose. Illustrated. 466 pp. New York: Oxford University Press. $24.95.",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "creative_works",
"name": "persons",
"value": "JOHNSON, GEORGE"
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"value": "BOOK REVIEWS"
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"print_page": "3",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "FERRIS",
"firstname": "Timothy",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"organization": ""
"original": "By TIMOTHY FERRIS; Timothy Ferris, a professor in the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, is the author of ''Coming of Age in the Milky Way.''"
"section_name": "Arts; Books",
"word_count": 2364
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd184508eb7c8105d682f97",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: With the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index up almost 29 percent so far in 1989, calculated for total return, many small investors would like to share in those gains, but they are afraid of the market's risk. The answer, financial advisers say, is professional management, and for most that means mutual funds of both bonds and equities.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-09-02T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: With the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index up almost 29 percent so far in 1989, calculated for total return, many small investors would like to share in those gains, but they are afraid of the market's risk. The answer, financial advisers say,...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"value": "MUTUAL FUNDS"
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Your Money; To Reduce Risk Try Mutual Funds"
"print_page": "30",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"organization": ""
"original": "By Jan M. Rosen"
"section_name": "Business",
"word_count": 884
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd196358eb7c8105d6a2f5c",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: At Synopsys, a small start-up company here in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Cindy Collart sits before a desktop work station. On her screen is a file written in familiar programming language.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: At Synopsys, a small start-up company here in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Cindy Collart sits before a desktop work station. On her screen is a file written in familiar programming language.",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "glocations",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"value": "DESIGN"
"name": "subject",
"value": "ELECTRONICS"
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"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Silicon Valley's Design Renaissance"
"print_page": "1",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
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"lastname": "MARKOFF",
"firstname": "John",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
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"original": "By JOHN MARKOFF"
"section_name": "Business",
"word_count": 2167
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd194fe8eb7c8105d6a0956",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: Using a supercomputer to process a payroll or to make hotel reservations may sound a bit like using a sledgehammer to kill ants, but in fact these exotic machines are showing some real advantages for many business tasks.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-06-28T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: Using a supercomputer to process a payroll or to make hotel reservations may sound a bit like using a sledgehammer to kill ants, but in fact these exotic machines are showing some real advantages for many business tasks.",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "subject",
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"headline": {
"main": "New Fields for the Supercomputer",
"print_page": "1",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"organization": ""
"original": "By LAWRENCE M. FISHER, Special to The New York Times"
"section_name": "Technology; Business",
"word_count": 1615
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd185858eb7c8105d684e68",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: Like highway engineers adding extra lanes to freeways to eliminate traffic jams, computer designers are searching for new strategies to permit computers to execute several instructions simultaneously and thereby dramatically increase their speed.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-05-31T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: Like highway engineers adding extra lanes to freeways to eliminate traffic jams, computer designers are searching for new strategies to permit computers to execute several instructions simultaneously and thereby dramatically increase their...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "creative_works",
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "A New Way to Speed Computers",
"print_page": "6",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "MARKOFF",
"firstname": "John",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"organization": ""
"original": "By JOHN MARKOFF"
"section_name": "Technology; Business",
"word_count": 1332
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Week in Review Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd1a2e48eb7c8105d6b9c7e",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: UNLIKE an industrial technology, an algorithm, the step-by-step recipe for carrying out a mathematical calculation, might seem more like something that is discovered than invented. But in the last few years, corporations have been patenting these abstract procedures, leading many mathematicians to complain that the free flow of ideas is in danger of being interrupted.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-03-12T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: UNLIKE an industrial technology, an algorithm, the step-by-step recipe for carrying out a mathematical calculation, might seem more like something that is discovered than invented. But in the last few years, corporations have been patenting...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "persons",
"name": "organizations",
"name": "subject",
"value": "MATHEMATICS"
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"value": "TELEPHONES"
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Mathematicians Are Troubled by Claims on Their Recipes",
"kicker": "IDEAS & TRENDS"
"print_page": "26",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "KOLATA",
"firstname": "Gina",
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"organization": ""
"original": "By GINA KOLATA"
"section_name": "Technology; Health; Week in Review",
"word_count": 887
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"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd180c38eb7c8105d67cca8",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: Encouraged by a new attitude in the courts and at the Patent and Trademark Office, universities and corporations are rushing to stake patent claims in a whole new arena of intellectual property: mathematical equations.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1989-02-15T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: Encouraged by a new attitude in the courts and at the Patent and Trademark Office, universities and corporations are rushing to stake patent claims in a whole new arena of intellectual property: mathematical equations.",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "creative_works",
"name": "subject",
"value": "MATHEMATICS"
"name": "subject",
"value": "PATENTS"
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Patents on Equations: Some See a Danger",
"print_page": "1",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "ANDREWS",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "Edmund",
"middlename": "L.",
"organization": ""
"rank": 2,
"role": "reported",
"organization": ""
"original": "By EDMUND L. ANDREWS, Special to the New York Times"
"section_name": "Technology; Business",
"word_count": 1456
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd186238eb7c8105d685e6d",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: Despite the supposed arrival of the electronic information age, executives are still bombarded with reams of paper containing useful information: newspapers, magazines, annual reports, filings, memos and all the output from desktop-publishing systems. On the executive's desk is perhaps the most powerful analytical tool yet invented, the personal computer, but he or she is more than likely to analyze the material with mushware (the brain).",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-12-18T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: Despite the supposed arrival of the electronic information age, executives are still bombarded with reams of paper containing useful information: newspapers, magazines, annual reports, filings, memos and all the output from desktop-publishing...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "organizations",
"name": "organizations",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Plugging in Numbers, With Ease",
"print_page": "10",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "Lewis",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "Peter",
"middlename": "H.",
"organization": ""
"original": "By Peter H. Lewis"
"section_name": "Technology; Business",
"word_count": 1090
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd17e208eb7c8105d678860",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: The ability to alter a video image -to place a beard on a face that is really cleanshaven or plant shrubs in front of a house that has none - was once so difficult that only the television networks and Hollywood studios could afford it.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-12-15T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: The ability to alter a video image -to place a beard on a face that is really cleanshaven or plant shrubs in front of a house that has none - was once so difficult that only the television networks and Hollywood studios could afford it.",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Uses Grow for Video Alterations"
"print_page": "1",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "ANDREWS",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "Edmund",
"middlename": "L.",
"organization": ""
"original": "By EDMUND L. ANDREWS"
"section_name": "Technology; Business",
"word_count": 1734
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Science Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd17de08eb7c8105d678122",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: SHALL I compare thee to a perfect word processor?",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-09-27T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: SHALL I compare thee to a perfect word processor?",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Software to Help You Wax Poetic",
"print_page": "5",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "LEWIS",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "Peter",
"middlename": "H.",
"organization": ""
"original": "By PETER H. LEWIS"
"section_name": "Technology; Science; Health",
"word_count": 809
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd17b0d8eb7c8105d6734aa",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: With Japanese stocks hovering near their all-time highs, one of the biggest gambles for anyone playing in the world's largest stock market is how long to linger. When the opening bells ring Saturday morning on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges, investors will have their first opportunity to protect themselves against the day when the joyride is finally over.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-09-02T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: With Japanese stocks hovering near their all-time highs, one of the biggest gambles for anyone playing in the world's largest stock market is how long to linger. When the opening bells ring Saturday morning on the Tokyo and Osaka stock...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "glocations",
"value": "JAPAN"
"name": "organizations",
"name": "organizations",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Japan Traders Get Hedge in Time"
"print_page": "1",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "SANGER",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "David",
"middlename": "E.",
"organization": ""
"rank": 2,
"role": "reported",
"organization": ""
"original": "By DAVID E. SANGER, Special to the New York Times"
"section_name": "Business",
"word_count": 1790
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd19c9c8eb7c8105d6ae1a1",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: THE new Apple Scanner and a software package called Omnipage, taken together, have achieved a radical breakthrough in the world of scanning, the process of converting drawings and photographs into electronic computer files. The products, introduced earlier this month at the Macworld exposition in Boston, have the potential to do for scanner sales what the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet did for personal computers.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-08-21T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: THE new Apple Scanner and a software package called Omnipage, taken together, have achieved a radical breakthrough in the world of scanning, the process of converting drawings and photographs into electronic computer files. The products,...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "organizations",
"name": "organizations",
"value": "CAERE CORP"
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Transferring Paper Into Memory",
"print_page": "9",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "Lewis",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "Peter",
"middlename": "H.",
"organization": ""
"original": "By Peter H. Lewis"
"section_name": "Technology; Business",
"word_count": 1119
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd1772a8eb7c8105d66d4a5",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: INFANTS and children frequently challenge the imaginations of inventors. Some inventions aim to help them learn or enjoy play more, while others are designed to make life easier for parents. The inventions often come from amateur inventors who noticed problems that children were having. Here are some samples of their ideas:",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-06-18T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: INFANTS and children frequently challenge the imaginations of inventors. Some inventions aim to help them learn or enjoy play more, while others are designed to make life easier for parents. The inventions often come from amateur inventors who...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "persons",
"value": "KERMAN, EDWARD"
"name": "persons",
"value": "ANDREWS, EDMUND L"
"name": "persons",
"value": "LAUNES, JOAQUIN J"
"name": "persons",
"value": "BLOCK, HARRY S"
"name": "organizations",
"name": "organizations",
"name": "subject",
"value": "MUSIC"
"name": "subject",
"value": "FEVER"
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "PATENTS"
"print_page": "34",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "Andrews",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "Edmund",
"middlename": "L.",
"organization": ""
"original": "By Edmund L. Andrews; Inventions By Amateurs Aid Children"
"section_name": "Technology; Business",
"word_count": 897
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Magazine Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd190348eb7c8105d697017",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: CARDIAC INTENSIVE-CARE UNITS ARE paradoxes. They are filled with the tools to delay dying but they keep the language of death at a distance. As an intern, I worked in such a place: a small, brightly lit area, partitioned into eight cubicles and filled with an overwhelming array of electronic equipment.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-05-29T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: CARDIAC INTENSIVE-CARE UNITS ARE paradoxes. They are filled with the tools to delay dying but they keep the language of death at a distance. As an intern, I worked in such a place: a small, brightly lit area, partitioned into eight cubicles and...",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "creative_works",
"value": "BODY AND MIND"
"name": "subject",
"value": "HEART"
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "Limits of the Possible",
"kicker": "BODY AND MIND"
"print_page": "30",
"document_type": "article",
"byline": {
"person": [
"lastname": "SHENSON",
"rank": 1,
"role": "reported",
"firstname": "Douglas",
"qualifier": "M.D.",
"organization": ""
"original": "By DOUGLAS SHENSON, M.D.; Douglas Shenson is a chief resident in social medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx"
"section_name": "Health; Magazine",
"word_count": 1629
"blog": [],
"source": "The New York Times",
"news_desk": "Financial Desk",
"slideshow_credits": null,
"type_of_material": "News",
"_id": "4fd176288eb7c8105d66bcbd",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: LASER printers are getting better, smaller, faster and slightly less expensive. That makes them more attractive than ever as replacements for the dot matrix or daisy wheel printers now in the office.",
"subsection_name": null,
"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1988-02-07T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "LEAD: LASER printers are getting better, smaller, faster and slightly less expensive. That makes them more attractive than ever as replacements for the dot matrix or daisy wheel printers now in the office.",
"abstract": null,
"keywords": [
"name": "organizations",
"name": "organizations",
"name": "subject",
"value": "LASERS"
"name": "subject",
"headline": {
"main": "A Basic Choice With Laser Printers",
"print_page": "12",
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"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: A radical new computer design that only a few years ago was routinely dismissed as unworkable suddenly appears ready for broad acceptance after an about-face by I.B.M. that gratified the Federal Government and stunned the computer industry.",
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"pub_date": "1987-12-24T00:00:00Z",
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"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: TWICE AS LESS. Black English and the Performance of Black Students in Mathematics and Science. By Eleanor Wilson Orr. 240 pages. Norton. $15.95.",
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"pub_date": "1987-11-19T00:00:00Z",
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"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: More than three decades ago, after struggling through pioneering computer projects with names like Eniac, Ordvac and even Maniac, the United States Government gave up trying to build the world's fastest computers by itself. The expense and the technological hurdles convinced Federal officials that private industry was better equipped to define the state of the art.",
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"pub_date": "1987-08-13T00:00:00Z",
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"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: SOLVE the following problems in American education:",
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"pub_date": "1987-04-12T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "LEAD: SOLVE the following problems in American education:",
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"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: CARRYING exactitude to a staggering extreme, a Japanese computer scientist has calculated the value of pi to more than 134 million decimal places.",
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"pub_date": "1987-03-08T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "LEAD: CARRYING exactitude to a staggering extreme, a Japanese computer scientist has calculated the value of pi to more than 134 million decimal places.",
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"_id": "4fd17d6b8eb7c8105d67743b",
"lead_paragraph": "LEAD: WASHINGTON, March 2 - A girl from Westmont, Ill., and a girl from Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan were named the nation's top young scientists tonight in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, the first time that girls have won the two highest awards the country's oldest and most prestigious competition for teen-age scientists.",
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"pub_date": "1987-03-03T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "LEAD: WASHINGTON, March 2 - A girl from Westmont, Ill., and a girl from Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan were named the nation's top young scientists tonight in the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, the first time that girls have won the two...",
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"lead_paragraph": "COMPUTERS crunch numbers, make pictures, store data and perform arithmetic, and that is why pure mathematicians have long abhorred them. Mathematicians do not calculate; they think. University mathematics departments have been pretty much the last holdouts in science against the encroachment of computers, and mathematicians the last holdouts against tools more advanced than pencil and paper. So, many mathematicians are being surprised, and not always cheerfully, to see computation forcing profound changes in the place where it started, the heart of pure mathematics. The computer is being used for experimentation, itself an alien notion to most mathematicians. It is creating new fields within mathematics. And it may be changing the nature of mathematical proof.",
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"pub_date": "1986-08-24T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "COMPUTERS crunch numbers, make pictures, store data and perform arithmetic, and that is why pure mathematicians have long abhorred them. Mathematicians do not calculate; they think. University mathematics departments have been pretty much the last...",
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"lead_paragraph": "Could the mathematicians, winners of the most prestigious awards of their discipline, please tell the audience what their work is good for? Flush with pleasure, these four young men, carrying home three Fields Medals and a Nevanlinna Prize, were telling a lay audience what their work was about. Two had discovered astonishing facts about shapes in four-dimensional space. One had developed important insights into what makes hard problems hard. One had proved Mordell's conjecture, the idea that a large class of equations can have only a finite number of rational solutions. To the nearly 4,000 mathematicians who gathered here for the International Congress of Mathematicians, which ended Monday, these were an astonishing set of breakthroughs demonstrating new vitality in the purest of sciences. But a reporter-cameraman for a local television station wanted at least one of the prize winners to address a basic question: How would their achievements improve life for the viewers at home?",
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"pub_date": "1986-08-12T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "Could the mathematicians, winners of the most prestigious awards of their discipline, please tell the audience what their work is good for? Flush with pleasure, these four young men, carrying home three Fields Medals and a Nevanlinna Prize, were...",
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"lead_paragraph": "IF there was a surprise star at last week's machine vision show in Detroit, technologically speaking, it was probably a small, privately held company that recently changed its name from Advanced Computer Concepts Inc. to Vartec Inc. The seven-year-old company based in Costa Mesa, Calif., displayed a system that dealt with one of vision's trickiest problems: How to see at high speed small changes in surface textures of contoured objects, such as fruit or machined parts with curved surfaces. ''If they can really do it, it opens up new markets,'' said Stanley Lapidus, chairman of the Itran Corporation, a growing company based in Manchester, N.H., that had one of the largest and best-attended booths at the show. Indeed, a major advance in surface flaw and texture detection systems could vastly expand the quality control applications of machine vision, particularly in areas such as food products, where appearance affects sales, and critical manufactured parts, where tiny flaws are hard for humans to detect but vital to performance. Sales of vision systems, which automate inspection work and guide machines such as robots, are growing at an annual rate of between 25 percent and 50 percent. But that rate is below projections and profits remain elusive in the crowded field, which includes a number of start-up companies that are in deep financial trouble. Worse still, General Motors and other major customers are paring capital spending plans.",
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"pub_date": "1986-06-12T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "IF there was a surprise star at last week's machine vision show in Detroit, technologically speaking, it was probably a small, privately held company that recently changed its name from Advanced Computer Concepts Inc. to Vartec Inc. The...",
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"lead_paragraph": "The National Security Agency has decided to replace the coding system widely used by Government agencies, companies and banks to protect their most sensitive computer data, according to Government and computer and banking industry officials. The new system, which is being developed by the intelligence agency, will be sharply different. The move apparently arises out of fears by the N.S.A., the nation's largest intelligence agency, that the current system for making computer data unintelligible to eavesdroppers is growing increasingly vulnerable to cracking by foreign governments, terrorists and sophisticated thieves. While N.S.A. officials refuse to discuss the change publicly, they have told industry officials in recent weeks that the new system, which will be phased in at Government agencies and corporations beginning in January 1988, will use a variety of new codes whose distribution will be tightly regulated by the agency. The new system would be incompatible with the current one, involving different procedures and different encoding equipment.",
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"pub_date": "1986-04-15T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "The National Security Agency has decided to replace the coding system widely used by Government agencies, companies and banks to protect their most sensitive computer data, according to Government and computer and banking industry officials. The new...",
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"lead_paragraph": "THIS is the year of cute, handy little programs. Lotus is getting its act together and has announced that it expects to make no major new releases until 1987. The other superpower software companies such as Ashton-Tate, Borland International, Micropro International, Microsoft and Software Publishing have not publicly declared this to be a period of consolidation. Nevertheless, the writing is on the disk. That leaves the lean, hungry, innovative and, frankly, sometimes flaky concerns trying their march from the garage to the chrome and glass cubicles of multimillion-dollar success. For the consumer, the foray of these concerns means many new and relatively inexpensive programs to play with. Actually, some may have been around for a while, unnoticed amid all the attention to the big boys.",
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"pub_date": "1986-04-08T00:00:00Z",
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"lead_paragraph": "AN industry of the future - artificial intelligence - needs philosophers. Dr. Clark Glymour, professor of philosophy at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, speaks of an increased demand for philosophy majors, calling it a ''growing field.'' In fact, he talks of ''an incredible need for philosophers.'' ''It may seem odd,'' he said. ''What happened is that some years ago philosophy grew closely connected to logical theory, which, in turn, was the genesis of computer algorithms involved in the development of digital computers.''",
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"snippet": "AN industry of the future - artificial intelligence - needs philosophers. Dr. Clark Glymour, professor of philosophy at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, speaks of an increased demand for philosophy majors, calling it a ''growing field.''...",
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"lead_paragraph": "TYPISTS have become word processors, mice can manipulate blocks of text on the computer screen and modems allow an endless stream of information to flow into the computer over telephone lines. But when all is said and done, almost everything having to do with personal computing still begins with the keyboard. The keyboard is the main gateway to computing, and it is the slowest common denominator, setting the pace for all that follows. As such, it is the subject of intense research directed primarily toward its replacement.",
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"pub_date": "1985-05-26T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "TYPISTS have become word processors, mice can manipulate blocks of text on the computer screen and modems allow an endless stream of information to flow into the computer over telephone lines. But when all is said and done, almost everything having...",
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"lead_paragraph": "vented to define continuous movement, has given scientists from Archimedes to Sir Isaac Newton a tool to bring meaning to the abstract world of force and motion. Millions of college students, whether or not they appreciate its historical significance, have been exposed to its differentials and integrals, slopes and areas. But calculus may soon be pushed aside as the standard freshman mathematics course, displaced like the slide rule and the adding machine by higher technology. In the 1950's, college graduates in mathematics who sought jobs in business and industry went to work in research laboratories or in positions that lent themselves to analyzing statistics. Calculus, a branch of continuous mathematics, was of paramount importance in those areas. But the computer revolution has made obsolete the mathematical methods that calculus followed to solve many kinds of problems, and now calculus is being challenged by a new discipline that can be applied directly to computers; discrete mathematics.",
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"pub_date": "1985-04-14T00:00:00Z",
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"lead_paragraph": "As a boy, Ivan Guzman de Rojas would roam among the alpaca herds and mud huts of the high Andes with his father, at the time Bolivia's best-known painter of the Indians known as the Aymaras. ''My father would tell me, this is a rich culture,'' Mr. Guzman recalled of the Aymaras. ''Don't be fooled just because its appearance is poor.'' Now, 40 years later, Mr. Guzman says he has made discoveries that support his father's claim, although in an entirely unexpected way. He has concluded that the ancient Aymara language is an ideal tool for the computer.",
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"pub_date": "1984-12-01T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "As a boy, Ivan Guzman de Rojas would roam among the alpaca herds and mud huts of the high Andes with his father, at the time Bolivia's best-known painter of the Indians known as the Aymaras. ''My father would tell me, this is a rich culture,''...",
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"lead_paragraph": "RADIO SHACK, one of the earliest producers of personal computers, has always gone at it alone, and has been rather successful at it because of its extensive, nationwide chain of retail stores. However, because of I.B.M.'s strength in the personal computer industry, few companies, except perhaps giant Apple, can any longer afford not to jump on the Big Blue bandwagon and design I.B.M.-compatible machines. This is unfortunate, for the imagination and innovation that have characterized the personal computer industry will surely suffer if the machines become solely the business of billion-dollar behemoths. Nevertheless, the writing is on the wall.",
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"pub_date": "1984-10-16T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "RADIO SHACK, one of the earliest producers of personal computers, has always gone at it alone, and has been rather successful at it because of its extensive, nationwide chain of retail stores. However, because of I.B.M.'s strength in the personal...",
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"lead_paragraph": "ONE problem I keep encountering in writing a column on personal computers is that I receive far more mail, perhaps because of the controversial nature of the electronic beast, than I (or my computer) can personally answer. Much as I would like to respond to each reader individually, when the mailman comes by with a sackful of mail at a time, it takes half a day simply to open and read it all. Granted, a lot of this communication consists of press releases set to a thousand and one variations on my name. But these messages, no less than the more personal, and usually more captivating, ones, must be read if I am to keep my writing finger on the pulse of the ever-changing personal-computer technology.",
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"pub_date": "1984-04-17T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "ONE problem I keep encountering in writing a column on personal computers is that I receive far more mail, perhaps because of the controversial nature of the electronic beast, than I (or my computer) can personally answer. Much as I would like to...",
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"_id": "4fd13c6d8eb7c8105d6129eb",
"lead_paragraph": "AWHOLE generation is growing up as comfortable with the idea of computers as, only a few generations ago, people were with hackneys, buckboards and horse-drawn trolleys. Back in those days, certain assumptions were made about the future of transportation. For example, at the turn of the century people in the rapidly growing New York metropolitan area were being warned that ever-increasing demands for transportation would require so many horses that within decades the mess in the streets would become uncleanable, leaving the city impenetrably mired. Just as then, sure-to-happen events are predicted today by the heralds of the new, electronic future. But chances are their vaticinations will prove as wrong as the earlier ones.",
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"pub_date": "1983-11-01T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "AWHOLE generation is growing up as comfortable with the idea of computers as, only a few generations ago, people were with hackneys, buckboards and horse-drawn trolleys. Back in those days, certain assumptions were made about the future of...",
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"lead_paragraph": "When Gerard Debreu strolls with close friends and colleagues through a wildlife preserve above the shore of the Pacific Ocean north of San Francisco, the conversation often weaves through the work of Marcel Proust and the music of Saint-Saens. ''Over the years, I have become more and more of a purist,'' he explained today, describing his taste in arts and letters. That seems only fitting. The French-born economist, now in his 22d year at the University of California at Berkeley, made his mark on the profession 24 years ago in a 114- page monograph filled mostly with elaborate mathematical formulas.",
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"pub_date": "1983-10-18T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "When Gerard Debreu strolls with close friends and colleagues through a wildlife preserve above the shore of the Pacific Ocean north of San Francisco, the conversation often weaves through the work of Marcel Proust and the music of Saint-Saens. ...",
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"lead_paragraph": "Far away and long ago, before silicon chips, Robert Spinrad sat in the basement of an engineering building at Columbia University and built a primitive computer. The 21-year-old student was proud of his clunky black box, which could add and subtract, but his classmates were unimpressed. ''That was 1953 and people had no interest in computers,'' said Mr. Spinrad, now 51 years old and director of systems technology for the Xerox Corporation. ''I may as well have been talking about the study of Kwakiutl Indians, for all my friends knew.''",
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"pub_date": "1983-10-12T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "Far away and long ago, before silicon chips, Robert Spinrad sat in the basement of an engineering building at Columbia University and built a primitive computer. The 21-year-old student was proud of his clunky black box, which could add and subtract,...",
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"lead_paragraph": "James Gleick is an assistant metropolitan editor of The Times. By James Gleick OU'RE LOOKING AT A NEWSPAper comic page and your eye falls on today's jumble. It's an anagram puzzle. You have to turn a few scrambled letters into a word. LOONDERK. A tough one. KRONDOLE. KNOODLER. Close. Patterns form and re- form in your mind. Actually, in this case there isn't even a word there, but at least the patterns look like words. Implausible combinations like EOKDNLRO and NRDOEOKL never leap to mind. This isn't like doing arithmetic - there are no rules to tell you how to make these patterns. No conscious logic decides how to tear the letters apart and put them back together. It just happens, with a delicacy that belies the power of the decision making. The regrouping is fast, subtle and fluid.",
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"pub_date": "1983-08-21T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "James Gleick is an assistant metropolitan editor of The Times. By James Gleick OU'RE LOOKING AT A NEWSPAper comic page and your eye falls on today's jumble. It's an anagram puzzle. You have to turn a few scrambled letters into a word. LOONDERK. A...",
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"lead_paragraph": "TOKYO THE image of the kind of person best-suited for creating software - the electronic instructions that tell computers what to do - is hardly in the Japanese mold: the hirsute nonconformist, working alone, fiddling obsessively with his algorithms. But top corporate and government officials in Japan, where teamwork and cooperation are a hallmark of industrial success, are making a major effort to catch up with America in the development of computer software. ''He who controls software controls the world,'' said Tadahiro Sekimoto, president of the Nippon Electric Company, which has been putting greater emphasis on software development. And while Japanese executives acknowledge that achieving that goal is no easy matter, they do not consider it impossible. ''I don't deny the individualistic aspect, but this industry is basically the same as others,'' said Katsusada Hirosei, a senior official at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. ''And the characteristics that have served Japan well in the past in its rapid industrialization will work in this industry, too. Software is like any other product.''",
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"pub_date": "1983-01-09T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "TOKYO THE image of the kind of person best-suited for creating software - the electronic instructions that tell computers what to do - is hardly in the Japanese mold: the hirsute nonconformist, working alone, fiddling obsessively with his algorithms....",
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"lead_paragraph": "DURING the last few decades, computers have become an increasingly important part of musical life, influencing techniques of composition, performance and recording. Musical needs have, in turn, led to advances in computer design and programming. Beginning today at North Texas State University in Denton, the eighth Computer Music Conference is taking place to communicate and celebrate the potential powers of the computing machine. Last year, the gathering was at Queens College; next year, Venice.",
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"pub_date": "1981-11-05T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "DURING the last few decades, computers have become an increasingly important part of musical life, influencing techniques of composition, performance and recording. Musical needs have, in turn, led to advances in computer design and programming. ...",
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"lead_paragraph": "When Congressional hearings on the sale of Awacs surveillance aircraft to Saudi Arabia begin Friday with a closed session of the Senate Armed Services Committee, a keystone argument of the Reagan Administration will undergo a crucial test. This is the Administration's contention that the possibility that the radar planes' military technology may fall into unfriendly hands is acceptable and that such a loss ''would not be crippling.'' ''I don't really think it is an awkward argument,'' said Senator John G. Tower, Republican of Texas, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, in an interview. He subsequently said, of the possibility that the Airborne Warning and Control System planes might fall into the hands of the Soviet Union, ''I don't know it would be a great advantage to them.''",
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"pub_date": "1981-09-24T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "When Congressional hearings on the sale of Awacs surveillance aircraft to Saudi Arabia begin Friday with a closed session of the Senate Armed Services Committee, a keystone argument of the Reagan Administration will undergo a crucial test. This is...",
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"value": "UNITED STATES"
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"value": "SAUDI ARABIA"
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"lead_paragraph": "WHAT a great opportunity the space shuttle might have been for selling insights as well as junk food and gimcracks! They came to Cape Canaveral by the million this month, to watch the shuttle's maiden liftoff. They jammed the hotels and motels and campsites, they gorged on leathery hamburgers, they sunned themselves red. America came with its kids to see the big rocket go up. The shuttle show lasted only two minutes, but as it happens, central Florida offers lots of other diversions to fill out a vacation. For instance, there's nearby Disney World, where kids can pose with Mickey Mouse, and there's the Kennedy Space Center itself, where kids can pose with make-believe astronauts.",
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"pub_date": "1981-04-28T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "WHAT a great opportunity the space shuttle might have been for selling insights as well as junk food and gimcracks! They came to Cape Canaveral by the million this month, to watch the shuttle's maiden liftoff. They jammed the hotels and motels and...",
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"lead_paragraph": "ALONGTIME teacher of mathematics defines the purpose of mathematics as doing efficiently what it would be impossible or very laborious to do without mathematics. For example, to find the number of seats in an auditorium with rows A to T and each aisle numbered from 1 to 68, without the laborious and unreliable process of counting them, you multiply 68 by 20. This practical, time-saving response to a real situation is likely to make sense to real children. Compare that application of mathematics to the following examples, taken from elementary-school mathematics textbooks: A. Five lights on. Three lights off. How many lights on? B. An anthropologist uncovered 17 bones on Monday and three times as many bones on Tuesday. How many bones did he uncover on Tuesday? C. Mary took $5 to the circus. She spent $3.85. How much money did she have left? These examples, typical of current math texts and teaching, show what is wrong with much mathematics instruction today. So says Stephen S. Willoughby, director of mathematics education at New York University. He is the author of ''Teaching Mathematics: What is Basic?'' a booklet published last week by the Council for Basic Education, a nonprofit organization that aims at improving the teaching of basics.",
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"pub_date": "1981-04-21T00:00:00Z",
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"snippet": "ALONGTIME teacher of mathematics defines the purpose of mathematics as doing efficiently what it would be impossible or very laborious to do without mathematics. For example, to find the number of seats in an auditorium with rows A to T and each...",
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"lead_paragraph": "For the thousands of men and women in the United States who create and write computer programs--and who sometimes see their creative efforts, and potential economic rewards, pirated by unscrupulous competitors-- help is on the way.",
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"pub_date": "1980-12-04T00:00:00Z",
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"abstract": "Article on reform of Federal copyright law that will enable multibillion-dollar computer software industry to openly market software and programmers to receive economic benefits of their efforts; reforms are embodied in Computer Software Copyright Act of 1980; drawing (M)",
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"main": "Bill Safeguards Data Programs; Signing Expected This Month Bill Aims to Protect Computer Programs A Set of Instructions"
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"lead_paragraph": "FROM Alaska's North Slope to the South China Sea, perhaps no figure is more central or indispensable to the risky and capital-intensive busi ness of petroleum exploration than the wireline services engineer.",
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"pub_date": "1980-05-01T00:00:00Z",
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"lead_paragraph": "The following discussion took place before 500 people on November 2, 1978, during a Fiction Festival at the University of Cincinnati. The Festival, which also included John Gardner, William H. Gass, Stanley Elkin and Tillie Olsen, was partially financed by the National Endowment for the Arts.",
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"lead_paragraph": "HERMIT OF PEKING, by Hugh Trevor-Roper, (Penguin, $2.95.) This brightly written book about Sir Edmund Backhouse (1873-1944) begins as a conventional biography (he was the scion of an English Quaker family, Oxford-educated), turns into a tale of adventure and intrigue (he consummated many tricky business deals in China during its gaudy decadence), ends as an expose of a \"respected mandarin\" (he forged a famous diary, wrote several obscene memoirs).",
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"lead_paragraph": "New York officials swear there is no way to unlock the secret to the state's upcoming instant lottery and walk away with the $1,000-a week grand prize or the rest of the $60 million in booty. But when New York's second and, with projected sales of $150 million, the nation's biggest instant lottery gets under way Tuesday one sure winner will be John R. Koza.",
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"snippet": "New York officials swear there is no way to unlock the secret to the state's upcoming instant lottery and walk away with the $1,000-a week grand prize or the rest of the $60 million in booty. But when New York's second and, with projected sales of...",
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"lead_paragraph": "Parents who have been pondering the advisability of giving their children handheld calculators for Christmas may be pleased to learn that the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics would approve.",
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"lead_paragraph": "STRAVINSKY is gone, but no great composer of history remains more eerily with us, thanks to that most mixed of blessings, 20th Century technology. Under his hand, or under his supervision, virtually everything he considered worthwhile was set down, mostly on Columbia recordings, and can be consulted by anyone curious as to how the artist himself thought his work should be performed.",
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"snippet": "STRAVINSKY is gone, but no great composer of history remains more eerily with us, thanks to that most mixed of blessings, 20th Century technology. Under his hand, or under his supervision, virtually everything he considered worthwhile was set down,...",
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"lead_paragraph": "Each year certain stretches of road in Huntington, L. I., develop crater-like potholes, become flooded and wash away. The problem inevitably recurs, even after extensive repairs are made. Earlier this year, a group of students set out to learn why.",
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"pub_date": "1971-08-08T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": "Each year certain stretches of road in Huntington, L. I., develop crater-like potholes, become flooded and wash away. The problem inevitably recurs, even after extensive repairs are made. Earlier this year, a group of students set out to learn why.",
"abstract": "S Klein article on course for hs students that attempts to teach them systematic approach to problem-solving and decision-making; course attempts to get students to view real-life problems quantitatively by stressing 'modeling,' describing problem through causal relationships and mathematics; course was developed by Pres science adviser Dr E E David Jr and Dr J Truxal, pres of Polytechnic Inst of Bklyn, project's hq; some 30,000 students have already taken course, designed for those who do not intend to pursue career in science or engineering; illus of student and teacher participating in aspect of course involving logic circuit board",
"keywords": [
"name": "glocations",
"value": "UNITED STATES"
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"headline": {
"main": "Quantitative Thinking; Curriculum Introducing Systems Approach"
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"lastname": "KLEIN",
"firstname": "Stanley",
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"original": "By STANLEY KLEIN"
"section_name": null,
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"source": "The New York Times",
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"type_of_material": "Article",
"_id": "4fc4754e45c1498b0d9e4f9f",
"lead_paragraph": null,
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"multimedia": [],
"pub_date": "1970-02-08T00:00:00Z",
"web_url": "",
"snippet": null,
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"keywords": [],
"headline": {
"main": "Who Makes Music and Where",
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"word_count": 1844
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