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Last active June 13, 2022 20:04
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  • Save dannguyen/57423dbcb1713d31b659 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dannguyen/57423dbcb1713d31b659 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Bash script, using the jq JSON-parser, to scrape all the NHTSA 5 star vehcile ratings from its API
## Note: this is deprecated. jq is still awesome, so now we just get JSON all the way
# jq JSON parser is awesome:
# The NHTSA API is pretty clunky, requiring you to get a list of all the years, then all the models in that year, then all the makes per model, and then
# finally, you get the vehicle IDs needed to query the endpoint for one vehicle at a time.
# I query for JSON for most of the loop, and in the end, I get the Vehicle data in CSV format
# Note, there are a lot of errors in the API, because the NHTSA doesn't properly escape the "/" in a car's name. And many other
# whitespace related errors.
# get all the years first
curl -s "$BURL?format=json" | jq -r '.Results[] .ModelYear' | \
while read year; do
echo "$year"
echo "######"
curl -s "$BURL/modelyear/$year?format=json" | jq -r '.Results[] .Make' | sed 's/ /%20/g' | sed 's/&/_/g' | \
while read -r carmake; do
# Get the year and make
echo " $carmake"
echo " ======="
curl -s "$BURL/modelyear/$year/make/$carmake?format=json" | jq -r '.Results[] .Model' | sed 's/ /%20/g' | sed 's/&/_/g' | \
while read -r model; do
echo " $model"
echo " -------"
# Get the year, make, and model
curl -s "$BURL/modelyear/$year/make/$carmake/model/$model?format=json" | jq -r '.Results[] .VehicleId' | \
while read -r id; do
echo " $id: $year - $carmake - $model"
curl -s "$BURL/VehicleId/$id?format=csv" -o "$id.csv"
echo ' '
# As it turns out, the CSV produced by NHTSA is broken.
# So now, let's just iterate through all possible JSON values (assuming no car is at 10000)
# then use jq to collect all possible keys (which varies widely)
# and then map every result to that array of keys
mkdir -p json/vehicles
for id in $(seq 1 10000); do
echo "$id.json"
curl -sS "$id?format=json" -o "json/vehicles/$id.json"
# remove bad json
find ./json/vehicles -name "*.json" | xargs grep -l '</html>' | xargs rm
# using this expression: sed 's/\\r\\n//g' | sed 's/\\u00A0//g'
# because these characters are inexplicably displayed as literal characters, until they aren't.
# get the keys
allkeys=$(find ./json/vehicles -name "*.json" | xargs cat | jq --sort-keys -r 'select(.Count == 1) .Results[0] | keys | @csv' | grep -oE '[[:alnum:]]+' | sort | uniq | sed -E 's/^/./' | sed 's/\\r\\n//g' | sed 's/\\u00A0//g'| paste -s -d ',' -)
echo $allkeys | tr -d '.' | csvfix echo -osep '|' -smq > all-vehicles.psv
find ./json/vehicles -name "*.json" | xargs cat | sed 's/\\r\\n//g' | sed 's/\\u00A0//g' | jq --sort-keys -r "select(.Count == 1) .Results | map($allkeys) | @csv" | csvfix echo -osep '|' -smq >> all-vehicles.psv
# refactor later
find ./json/vehicles -name "*.json" | xargs cat | sed 's/\\r\\n//g' | sed 's/\\u00A0//g' | jq --sort-keys -r "select(.Count == 1) .Results[0] | {$(echo $allkeys | tr -d '.')}" | jq --slurp '.' > all-vehicles.json
"ComplaintsCount": 185,
"FrontCrashDriversideNotes": null,
"FrontCrashDriversideRating": "3",
"FrontCrashDriversideSafetyConcern": null,
"FrontCrashPassengersideNotes": null,
"FrontCrashPassengersideRating": "2",
"FrontCrashPicture": "",
"FrontCrashVideo": "",
"FrontPassengersideSafetyConcern": null,
"InvestigationCount": 1,
"Make": "RAM",
"Model": "1500 QUAD",
"ModelYear": 2011,
"NHTSAElectronicStabilityControl": "Standard",
"NHTSAForwardCollisionWarning": "No",
"NHTSALaneDepartureWarning": "No",
"NHTSARearviewVideoSystems": null,
"OverallFrontCrashRating": "2",
"OverallRating": "3",
"OverallSideCrashRating": "5",
"RecallsCount": 2,
"RolloverNotes": null,
"RolloverPossibility": 0.198,
"RolloverPossibility2": 0,
"RolloverRating": "4",
"RolloverRating2": "Not Rated",
"SideCrashDriversideNotes": null,
"SideCrashDriversideRating": "5",
"SideCrashDriversideSafetyConcern": null,
"SideCrashPassengersideNotes": null,
"SideCrashPassengersideRating": "5",
"SideCrashPassengersideSafetyConcern": null,
"SideCrashPicture": "",
"SideCrashVideo": "",
"SidePoleCrashRating": "1",
"SidePoleNotes": "Although not included in the star rating, the driver dummy's abdomen rib deflection and thoracic rib deflection readings were elevated",
"SidePolePicture": "",
"SidePoleSafetyConcern": "Due to the intrusion of the driver door during the side impact pole test, the interior door panel struck the torso of the driver dummy, causing high resultant lower spine acceleration of 87 g's. High resultant lower spine accelerations, in excess of 82 g's, have a higher likelihood of thoracic injury.",
"SidePoleVideo": "",
"VehicleDescription": "2011 Ram 1500 Quad PU/CC RWD",
"VehicleId": 109,
"VehiclePicture": ""
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