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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Turning a webpage into a Twitter list
Get all Twitter handles listed on a page, add them to a list
import tweepy
import requests
import re
import json
from os.path import expanduser
TWITTER_CREDS_FILE = expanduser('~/.creds/me.json')
LIST_NAME = 'srccon-2015'
### Downloading the page and getting names
html = requests.get(SOURCE_URL).text
names = set([n.lower() for n in re.findall('\w+)', html)])
# whatever, good enough for me
print("%s Twitter accounts found" %len(names))
### Fire up Tweepy and get an api handler
c = json.load(open(TWITTER_CREDS_FILE))
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(c['consumer_key'], c['consumer_secret'])
auth.set_access_token(c['access_token'], c['access_token_secret'])
api = tweepy.API(auth)
myname =
### Create and add to the list
print("Creating list %s/%s" % (myname, LIST_NAME))
# apparently it needs to be broken up
for i in range(0, (len(names) // BATCH_COUNT) + 1):
k = (i * 50), ((i+1) * 50)
somenames = list(names)[k[0]:k[1]]
print("Adding members %s - %s" % (k[0], k[0] + len(somenames)))
api.add_list_members(somenames, slug = LIST_NAME, owner_screen_name = myname)
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