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How to use The Guardian's API to download article data for content analysis (in Python 3.x)

How to use The Guardian's API to download article data for content analysis (in Python 3.x)

The Guardian offers an API as deep and robust as the New York Times Article API when it comes to content analysis.

The Guardian's API offers more than "1.7 million pieces of content", with published items as far back as 1999. You can register as a developer here, which gets you 5,000 API hits a day and an API key that looks something like this:


The Guardian has a handy interactive explorer to interactively tweak the query parameters.

Search parameters

Here are the params for doing the broadest search for a day's content -- the show-fields:all key-pair will have the API return all available metadata, including the full text for articles when available.

key value
from-date 2016-03-04
to-date 2016-03-04
order-by newest
show-fields all
page-size 200
page 1
api-key YOUR-API-KEY

And this is the API endpoint:

The full URL looks something like this:

Response meta JSON

The page-size param is maxed out at 200, so a script has to iterate through multiple pages per day (some days have nearly 500 items). Here's what the metadata of each response looks like, sans the results list:

    "response": {
        "currentPage": 1,
        "orderBy": "newest",
        "pageSize": 200,
        "pages": 2,
        "results": ["..."],
        "startIndex": 1,
        "status": "ok",
        "total": 310,
        "userTier": "developer"

Article result JSON

Here's what a single result looks like -- I've truncated the body parameter as it contains the full HTML of the article:

    "fields": {
      "standfirst": "The IMF has changed its mind and realised Keynes's capital controls are a good thing. It's time to practise what they preach",
      "isPremoderated": "false",
      "lastModified": "2015-12-31T20:31:30.000Z",
      "liveBloggingNow": "false",
      "byline": "Kevin Gallagher",
      "commentable": "true",
      "hasStoryPackage": "false",
      "linkText": "Capital controls back in IMF toolkit | Kevin Gallagher",
      "commentCloseDate": "2010-03-04T23:50:00+00:00",
      "body": "<p>In 1942, when working to establish the International Monetary Fund, John Maynard Keynes said the &quot;control of capital movements, both inward and outward, should be a permanent feature of the post-war system.&quot;<br /> <br />In his new book <a href=\"\">Capital Ideas: The IMF and the Rise of Financial Liberalization</a>, Jeffrey Chwieroth argues that despite the fact that the economics profession largely maintained their support of Keynes&apos;s position, by the late 1990s the IMF motioned to change its articles of agreement in order to outlaw capital controls across the world.</p>",
      "shouldHideAdverts": "false",
      "headline": "Capital controls back in IMF toolkit",
      "legallySensitive": "false",
      "publication": "",
      "allowUgc": "false",
      "trailText": "<p><strong>Kevin Gallagher:</strong> The IMF has changed its mind and realised Keynes's capital controls are a good thing. It's time to practise what they preach</p>",
      "isInappropriateForSponsorship": "false",
      "shortUrl": "",
      "wordcount": "745",
      "showInRelatedContent": "true",
      "productionOffice": "UK"
    "webPublicationDate": "2010-03-01T23:50:33Z",
    "webTitle": "Capital controls back in IMF toolkit | Kevin Gallagher",
    "sectionName": "Opinion",
    "id": "commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/mar/01/imf-capital-controls",
    "sectionId": "commentisfree",
    "webUrl": "",
    "apiUrl": "",
    "type": "article"

The Python script

Here's a quick Python script (specify start_date and end_date) to download the data in day-sized chunks into a local directory named tempdata/articles:

import json
import requests
from os import makedirs
from os.path import join, exists
from datetime import date, timedelta

ARTICLES_DIR = join('tempdata', 'articles')
makedirs(ARTICLES_DIR, exist_ok=True)
# Sample URL
# to-date=2016-01-02&order-by=newest&show-fields=all&page-size=200
# &api-key=your-api-key-goes-here

MY_API_KEY = open("creds_guardian.txt").read().strip()
my_params = {
    'from-date': "",
    'to-date': "",
    'order-by': "newest",
    'show-fields': 'all',
    'page-size': 200,
    'api-key': MY_API_KEY

# day iteration from here:
start_date = date(2012, 3, 1)
end_date = date(2012,4, 30)
dayrange = range((end_date - start_date).days + 1)
for daycount in dayrange:
    dt = start_date + timedelta(days=daycount)
    datestr = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    fname = join(ARTICLES_DIR, datestr + '.json')
    if not exists(fname):
        # then let's download it
        print("Downloading", datestr)
        all_results = []
        my_params['from-date'] = datestr
        my_params['to-date'] = datestr
        current_page = 1
        total_pages = 1
        while current_page <= total_pages:
            print("", current_page)
            my_params['page'] = current_page
            resp = requests.get(API_ENDPOINT, my_params)
            data = resp.json()
            # if there is more than one page
            current_page += 1
            total_pages = data['response']['pages']

        with open(fname, 'w') as f:
            print("Writing to", fname)

            # re-serialize it for pretty indentation
            f.write(json.dumps(all_results, indent=2))
Copy link

@evank23 If I am not wrong, you should be able to look for a specific phrase by just adding double commas (" "). So you could just research "Manchester City" and it should be fine.
The Guardian explains syntax quite clearly in their webpage:

Note: I know that this is a 3 years late answer, I hope it will help if someone reads it.

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