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Last active December 20, 2015 19:39
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Organizing Pictures from BitCasa Upload Folder
# Organize Iphone Photos by Year -> Month
# August, 08, 2013 - Daniel Spillere Andrade
import os, time
import glob
#Define Pictures Folder
folder = '/Volumes/Bitcasa Infinite Drive/Uploads/'
fileFormats = ['JPG','jpg', 'MOV', 'mov', 'PNG', 'png', 'mp4', 'MP4'];
picPath = []
#Generate list of files
for formats in fileFormats:
picPath = picPath + glob.glob(folder + "*."+formats)
for files in picPath:
date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(files)).split()
year = date[4]
month = date[1]
#folder exists?
if not os.path.exists(folder + year):
os.makedirs(folder + year)
if not os.path.exists(folder + year + '/' + month):
os.makedirs(folder + year + '/' + month)
#Move files
x = len(files.split('/'))
print 'Movendo: ' + files + ' --> ' + folder + year + '/' + month + '/' + files.split('/')[x-1]
os.rename(files,folder + year + '/' + month + '/' + files.split('/')[x-1])
print "Done :)"
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