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Last active December 30, 2015 13:39
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Save darkoverlordofdata/7837076 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Liquid.js wrapper for use in Node.js
# Liquid.js wrapper
# Copy your Liquid.js distro file to the same folder
fs = require('fs')
path = require('path')
LIQUID_JS = './liquid.js' # path to the Liquid.js distribution
# relative to the current folder
# Initialize Liquid
# Satisfies dependancies, loads liquid.js
# @paran [String] source file system root
# @param [String] lang iso 639-1 language code
# @returns [Object] the Liquid.js module reference
module.exports = ($source, $lang='en') ->
# Fabricate a document object for strftime
Object.defineProperties @,
get: ->
getElementsByTagName: ($name) ->
if $name is 'html' then [lang: $lang] else []
# Now we can safely load Liquid.js
eval String(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, LIQUID_JS)))
# Load template files from file system
Liquid.readTemplateFile = ($file) ->
$path = path.resolve($source, $file)
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