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Forked from kaja47/csfdsim.scala
Last active September 18, 2015 09:30
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How to compute similar movies from CSFD data in 10 minutes and find love of your life
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.stats
import breeze.numerics._
val dataFile = new File(???)
val userItems: Array[SparseVector[Double]] = loaderUserItemsWithRatings(dataFile, """[ ,:]""".r)
val itemUsers: Array[SparseVector[Double]] = transpose(userItems) map { vec => normalize(vec, 2) }
// weights
val N = DenseVector.fill[Double](itemIndex.size)(userIndex.size) // vector where total numbers of users is repeated
val ratings = DenseVector[Double]( // number of ratings of every item
// weights of every item, most popular items have lesser weight
// log(2.75) ~= 1, items with more than N/2.75/const ratings have weight smaller that 1
val w = max(min(log(N :/ ratings :/ 2.0), 1.0), 0.05)
// count only movies with at least this number or ratings
val minRatings = 50
// length of sketch in bits
val sketchLength = 512
// generate random hyperplanes and create sketches
val _sketches: Array[java.util.BitSet] = {
val randomHyperplanes = (0 until sketchLength).par map { _ => DenseVector.rand[Double](userIndex.size) map (x => if (x < 0.5) -1.0 else 1.0) } seq
itemUsers.par map { vec => BitVector(randomHyperplanes map { rhp => (rhp dot vec) > 0.0 }: _*).data } toArray
// select candidate movies with at least minRatings ratings
val candidates = 0 until itemUsers.size filter (i => itemUsers(i).activeSize > minRatings)
// copy sketches into one big array for that sweet sweet cache locality
val sketches: Array[Long] = {
val arr = new Array[Long](candidates.size * sketchLength / 64)
candidates.zipWithIndex foreach { case (i, idx) =>
val bits = _sketches(i).toLongArray
java.lang.System.arraycopy(bits, 0, arr, idx*sketchLength/64, sketchLength/64)
// Estimate similarity from sketches, it's not estimate of cosine similatity
// but only estimate of similarity based on angle, but oh well, i don't really
// care and it still works when one is interested only in thresholds.
// This can be speed up by precomputing thresholds in bits and compare it to
// number of different bits in two sketches.
def estimateSimilarity(arr: Array[Long], sketchLength: Int, a: Int, b: Int): Double = {
var diffBits = 0
var i = 0
val longsLen = sketchLength / 64
while (i < longsLen) {
diffBits += java.lang.Long.bitCount(arr(a*longsLen+i) ^ arr(b*longsLen+i))
i += 1
1.0 - (diffBits / sketchLength.toDouble)*2.0
// compute similarities
(for {
i <- (0 until candidates.size).par
} yield {
for {
j <- i+1 until candidates.size
est = estimateSimilarity(sketches, sketchLength, i, j)
if est > 0.16 // aim low
sim = (itemUsers(candidates(i)) dot itemUsers(candidates(j))) * min(w(candidates(i)), w(candidates(j))) // cosine similarity in this case don't really make sense and Euclidean distance would be better, but it still works
if sim > 0.2 // go for the kill
} yield {
(candidates(i), candidates(j), sim)
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