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Forked from kaja47/combinations.scala
Last active September 18, 2015 09:36
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Fast array combinations
// genrate all combinations of integers in range from 0 to `len`-1
// fast as fuck
def combIdxs(len: Int, k: Int): Iterator[Array[Int]] = {
val arr = Array.range(0, k)
arr(k-1) -= 1
val end = k-1
Iterator.continually {
arr(end) += 1
if (arr(end) >= len) {
var i = end
while (arr(i) > len-k+i && i != 0) {
arr(i-1) += 1
i -= 1
i = 1
while (i <= end) {
if (arr(i) > len-k+i)
arr(i) = arr(i-1)+1
i += 1
if (arr(0) > len-k) null else arr
} takeWhile (_ != null)
// generate all cobinations of `arr`
def combVals(arr: Array[Int], k: Int): Iterator[Array[Int]] =
combIdxs(arr.length, k) map { idxs =>
val n = new Array[Int](k)
var i = 0
while (i < k) {
n(i) = arr(idxs(i))
i += 1
// combVals(1 to 20 toArray, 5)
// old recursive code, fast, but not fast enough
def _combinations(arr: Array[Item], k: Int) = {
def c(offs: Int, set: Boolean, size: Int): Seq[Array[Item]] = {
if (size == k) {
val n = new Array[Item](k)
n(size-1) = arr(offs) // this is called always with set = true
} else if (k - size >= arr.length - offs) {
} else {
val a = c(offs+1, true, size+1)
val b = c(offs+1, false, size)
val ns = a ++ b
if (set)
for (n <- ns) n(size-1) = arr(offs)
if (k == arr.length-1) {
for (i <- 0 until arr.length iterator) yield {
val n = new Array[Int](k)
System.arraycopy(arr, 0, n, 0, i)
System.arraycopy(arr, i+1, n, i, arr.length-i-1)
} else if (k > arr.length)
else if (k == arr.length)
c(0, true, 1) ++ c(0, false, 0) iterator
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