(Swift only)
Easily add entries to Localizable.strings
file by copy/pasting code with new NSLocalizedString
Copy your code containing
function calls -
Pipe it through the
defmodule BugsnagLoggerBackend do | |
@behaviour :gen_event | |
@impl true | |
def init(__MODULE__) do | |
{:ok, %{}} | |
end | |
@impl true | |
def handle_call({:configure, _options}, state) do |
#/usr/bin/env bash | |
echo $(( ($(date -j -f "%d %B %Y" "$(cal -N -e)" +%s) - $(date +%s)) / (24 * 60 * 60) )) days until the Easter bunny comes |
import java.nio.ByteBuffer; | |
// is a byte[] under the hood | |
ByteBuffer buffer1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(12); | |
// is a block of bytes (similar to malloc) | |
ByteBuffer buffer2 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(12); | |
// buffers have a "position" that is advanced by read/write operations | |
buffer1.put((byte)1).put((byte)2).put((byte)3).put((byte)4); |
apiVersion: batch/v1 | |
kind: Job | |
metadata: | |
generateName: echo-job- | |
spec: | |
template: | |
spec: | |
containers: | |
- name: echo | |
image: alpine:latest |
import UIKit | |
import PlaygroundSupport | |
extension NSNotification.Name { | |
static let todoListItemUpdated = NSNotification.Name("TodoListItemUpdated") | |
} | |
class TodoList { | |
static let shared = TodoList() |
import UIKit | |
import PlaygroundSupport | |
extension NSNotification.Name { | |
static let todoListItemUpdated = NSNotification.Name("TodoListItemUpdated") | |
} | |
class TodoList { | |
static let shared = TodoList() |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Usage: | |
# 1. Copy your properties to clipboard | |
# 2. `pbpaste | swift-default-init.sh | pbcopy` | |
# 3. Paste into code | |
set -eu -o pipefail | |
# Switch to \t for tab indenting |
#!/bin/bash | |
set -eu -o pipefail | |
## Git BRanchClean (removes local branches that have been merged into the current branch) | |
# List of branches to ignore separated by vertical bars/pipes (|) | |
IGNORED_BRANCHES="develop|master" | |
branches="$(git branch --no-column --no-color --merged | egrep -v '\* ' | sed 's/^[\* ] //' | (egrep -v "$IGNORED_BRANCHES" || true))" |
(Swift only)
Easily add entries to Localizable.strings
file by copy/pasting code with new NSLocalizedString
Copy your code containing NSLocalizedString(_:comment:)
function calls
Pipe it through the pbgenstrings.sh
#!/bin/sh | |
# To skip submodule update: | |
# IGNORE_SUBMODULES=1 git checkout <...> | |
# Third arg is "1" when doing a branch checkout (as opposed to a file | |
# checkout) | |
if [ "$3" = "1" ] && [ -z "$IGNORE_SUBMODULES" ]; then |