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Darren Robinson darrenjrobinson

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From an Admin Powershell Session install the following PowerShell Modules that are dependancies.
Install-Module -Name PShell-AI
Install-Module -Name PSAI
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
Import-Module -Name PShell-AI
Import-Module -Name PSAI
# 1. Import the OpenAI API Key from the local securely exported credential
$chatGPTCred = Import-Clixml .\chatGPTAPIKey.xml
# 2. Use the Set-OpenAIKey cmdlet to take the secure credential and set the OpenAIKey environment variable
Set-OpenAIKey -Key $chatGPTCred.Password
# 3. Import the PowerShellAI Module
Import-Module PowerShellAI
# 4. Start the GUI
darrenjrobinson / Simplified Set PowerShellAI OpenAI API Credential.ps1
Last active April 26, 2023 00:20
Simplified Set PowerShellAI OpenAI API Credentials Securely on Windows. Associated blogpost
# 1. Import the OpenAI API Key from the local securely exported credential
$chatGPTCred = Import-Clixml .\chatGPTAPIKey.xml
# 2. Use the Set-OpenAIKey cmdlet to take the secure credential and set the OpenAIKey environment variable
Set-OpenAIKey -Key $chatGPTCred.Password
# 3. Import the PowerShellAI Module
Import-Module PowerShellAI
darrenjrobinson / Set PowerShellAI OpenAI API Credential.ps1
Last active April 26, 2023 00:21
Set PowerShellAI OpenAI API Credentials Securely on Windows. Associated blogpost
# 1. Get API Credential via prompt.
# Only need the password which is your API Key
$gptAPI = Get-Credential
# 2. Export to a file in the local directory
$gptAPI | Export-Clixml ./chatGPTAPIKey.xml
# 3. Ongoing you only need to put the following two lines at the top of your scripts
# Make sure you copy your chatGPTAPIKey.xml file to other directories for scripts for OpenAI.
$chatGPTCred = Import-Clixml .\chatGPTAPIKey.xml
$Global:headers = $null
$Global:SSFBaseURI = ""
$Global:SSFBusinessEmailType = "159139"
$Global:SSFPersonalEmailType = "159140"
Function Connect-SSF {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
import msal
import jwt
import json
import sys
import requests
from datetime import datetime
global accessToken
global requestHeaders
global tokenExpiry
# V2 APIs
# Basic AuthN
$userID = 'yourWordpressAccountAlias'
$userPassword = 'ABCD wTUZ pIST 9jEo 99LV 1234'
$Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::utf8.GetBytes("$($userID):$($userPassword)")
$encodedAuth = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
$header = @{Authorization = "Basic $($encodedAuth)" }
Invoke-RestMethod -method get -uri "https://yourwordpressURL/wp-json/wp/v2/posts" -headers $header
darrenjrobinson / MSGraph AuthCode with PKCE.ps1
Last active December 21, 2021 20:08
Connecting to Microsoft Graph using the Authorization Code with PKCE Flow and PowerShell. Associated blogpost
import-module PKCE
import-module JWTDetails
$clientID = '<your AAD clientID>'
$tenantID = '<your AAD tenantID'
$clientSecret = '<your AAD App Client Secret>'
$replyURL = 'https://localhost/'
$scopes = ''
Function Get-AuthCode {
darrenjrobinson / Get Microsoft Graph Permission Scope IDs.ps1
Last active November 18, 2021 23:14
Get Microsoft Graph Permission Scope IDs using a PowerShell Azure Cloud Shell CLI. Associated blogpost
# Get Service Principals
$spList = az ad sp list --all
$spListObj = $spList | ConvertFrom-Json
# Get Graph Permissions
$graphSP = $spListObj | Where-Object {$_.appID -eq '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'} | Select-Object
# List of Application Scopes
$adminScopes = $graphSP.oauth2Permissions | Where-Object {$_.type -eq 'Admin'} | Sort-Object value | Select-Object id, isEnabled, type, adminConsentDescription, adminConsentDisplayName, value
darrenjrobinson / Get AAD FIDO2 Token Details.ps1
Last active October 6, 2021 23:58
Get FIDO2 Tokens Azure Active Directory Passwordless configuration details using PowerShell. Associated blogpost
#Install-Module MSAL.PS
Import-Module MSAL.PS
$resource = "" # AzureAD Graph
$apiVersion = "api-version=1.6-internal" # Internal API
$scope = "user_impersonation" # Delegated User Impersonation
$clientID = "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" # PowerShell
$tenantID = "" # AAD
$myUPN = "" # User UPN