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Last active July 23, 2020 16:34
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📦 (autohotkey) - compile an .ahk file to .exe
;# compile file(s) passed to this script
path_total = %0%
loop, % path_total
ahk_path := %a_index% ; get cmd line parameters
if inStr(ahk_path, "~") ; if drag & drop was used
loop %ahk_path%, 1 ; convert from short path
ahk_path := a_loopFileLongPath
if (path_total > 1) ; if more than 1 file
compile(ahk_path, , , "wait")
else compile(ahk_path)
exitApp ; end of script ------------------
compile(ahk_file="", exe_file="", icon_file="", wait="") {
splitPath, a_ahkPath, , ahk_dir
ahk2exe := """" ahk_dir . "\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe"""
;# .ahk input
if (ahk_file = "")
ahk_file := a_scriptFullPath
ahk_in := " /in """ . ahk_file . """"
splitPath, ahk_file, , file_dir, file_ext, name_no_ext
if (file_ext != "ahk")
return ; dont continue
;# .exe output
if (exe_file = "")
exe_file := file_dir "\" name_no_ext ".exe"
exe_out := " /out """ . exe_file . """"
;# script icon
if (icon_file = "")
if fileExist(file_dir "\" name_no_ext ".ico") ; if matching icon in the script directory
icon_file := file_dir "\" name_no_ext ".ico"
; else icon_file := script_icon(file_dir "\" name_no_ext) ; search for an icon:
if (icon_file = "")
exe_icon := ""
else exe_icon := " /icon """ . icon_file . """"
; --------------------------------------------------
run, % ahk2exe . ahk_in . exe_out . exe_icon, , hide
; --------------------------------------------------
if (wait != "") ; wait until .exe is compiled
splitPath, exe_file, , file_dir, , name_no_ext
sleep 500
until (fileExist(file_dir "\" name_no_ext ".exe"))
or (a_index = 6) ; 3 seconds
or (winExist("Ahk2Exe Error ahk_exe Ahk2Exe.exe"))
[script info]
version = 1.1
description = compile an .ahk file to .exe
author = davebrny
source =
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davebrny commented Mar 5, 2017


compile(ahk_file [, exe_file, icon_file])


- add compile.ahk to your user library.
- if exe_file is left empty then the compiled .exe will be created with the same name and directory as the .ahk file.
- if icon_file is left empty then it will look in the script directory for an icon matching the script name.

- for a more icon options download script_icon.ahk and uncomment line 46

drag & drop

if drag & drop is enabled then scripts can be dragged onto compile.ahk.
you can also create a shortcut to compile.ahk and add it to a few different locations and then drag your scripts onto the shortcut instead.


scripts can be compiled by using launchers such as launchy or keypirinha to send the path to the script:

- search for compile.ahk
- press the tab key when compile.ahk is at the top of the list
- paste the path of the ahk script you want compiled and then press enter


compile selected file(s)

- select files in file explorer and use   ctrl alt shift + c   to compile them

#if winActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")    ; file explorer
^!+c::goSub, compile_selected

revert_clipboard := clipboardAll
clipboard =    ; clear
send ^{c}
clipWait, 0.3
selected := clipboard
clipboard := revert_clipboard

if inStr(selected, "`n")  ; if more than 1 file selected
    loop, parse, selected, `n, `r
        compile(a_loopField, , , "wait")
else compile(selected)

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