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🚚 (autohotkey) - reload running scripts from a context menu
[script info]
version = 0.8
description = reload running scripts from a context menu
author = davebrny
source =
hotkey_menu = ^+`
hotkey_default = ^`
hotkey_last = !`
icon_size = 32
sort_by_recent = true
default_script =
[ini end]
#singleInstance, force
setWorkingDir, % a_scriptDir
detectHiddenWindows, on
setTitleMatchMode 2
onExit, save_exit
iniRead, section, % a_lineFile, settings ; load ini settings
loop, parse, % section, `n, `r
stringGetPos, pos, a_loopField, =, L1
stringMid, ini_key, a_loopField, pos, , L
stringMid, ini_value, a_loopField, pos + 2
%ini_key% := ini_value
sort_type := (sort_by_recent = "true") ? "recent" : "alphabetical"
menu, tray, add
if (default_script)
filename := filename(default_script)
menu, tray, add, % filename, script_reload_tray
menu, tray, default, % filename
menu, tray, tip, % "reloadr (" filename ")"
menu, tray, click, 1 ; reload the default script with 1 click
; tray_icon := script_icon(a_lineFile) ; [ search for an icon: ]
if (tray_icon)
menu, tray, icon, % tray_icon
else menu, tray, icon, % a_winDir "\System32\shell32.dll", 239 ; 239 = reload icon on windows 10
hotkey, % hotkey_menu, create_menu
hotkey, % hotkey_default, default_script
hotkey, % hotkey_last, last_script
return ; end of auto-execute ---------------------------------------------------
setBatchLines, -1
script_paths := running_scripts()
if (sort_type = "alphabetical")
sort, script_paths
menu, main_menu, useErrorLevel
; put default at the top
if (default_script) and (sort_type = "recent")
if (inStr(script_paths, "`n"))
menu, main_menu, add
; add the rest
loop, parse, % script_paths, `n
if (sort_type = "recent") and (a_loopField = a_lineFile)
else menu_add(a_loopField)
; put reloadr.ahk at the end
if (sort_type = "recent")
menu, main_menu, add
menu, main_menu, default, % item_name(default_script)
menu, main_menu, useErrorLevel, off
menu, main_menu, show
menu, main_menu, delete
try menu, startup_scripts, delete
setBatchLines, 10
default_script: ; (hotkey labels)
script_paths := running_scripts()
if (last_script = "") ; switch to the last script that was reloaded
loop, parse, % script_paths, `n
last_script := a_loopField
until (a_loopField != default_script) and (a_loopField != a_lineFile)
if (%a_thisLabel% = "")
msg_tool(strReplace(a_thisLabel, "_script") " reload not set")
msg_tool(filename(%a_thisLabel%) "`n`nreloaded")
reload_script(script_path) {
if (script_path)
if (script_path != default_script)
last_script := script_path
run, "%script_path%" /restart
running_scripts() {
global default_script, last_script
winGet, running, list, ahk_class AutoHotkey
loop % running
winGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " running%a_index%
path := regExReplace(title,"\s-\sAutoHotkey\s.*")
script_paths .= (script_paths ? "`n" : "") . path
; reset defaults if they dont exist
if !inStr(script_paths, default_script)
default_script := ""
if !inStr(script_paths, last_script)
last_script := ""
return script_paths
menu_add_options(parent_menu) {
global sort_type, script_paths
try menu, % "main_menu_options", delete
options := parent_menu "_options"
if (parent_menu != "tray")
menu, % options, add, Help , script_help
menu, % options, add, Window Spy, script_window_spy
menu, % options, add
menu, startup_scripts, add, Select to run a shortcut:, run_shortcut
menu, startup_scripts, disable, Select to run a shortcut:
menu, startup_scripts, add
loop, files, % a_startup "\*.lnk", F ; add any ahk shortcuts
fileGetShortcut, % a_loopFileFullPath, target
splitPath, % target, filename, , file_ext
if (file_ext = "ahk")
menu, startup_scripts, add, % filename, run_shortcut
if inStr(script_paths, "\" filename)
menu, startup_scripts, check, % filename
if (file_ext = "ahk")
menu, startup_scripts, add
menu, startup_scripts, add, Reload Startup Folder, reload_startup_folder
menu, startup_scripts, add, Reload .ahk Only , reload_startup_ahk
menu, main_menu_options, add, Startup Scripts, :startup_scripts
menu, % options, add, Sort By Recent, change_sort_type
menu, % options, % (sort_type = "recent") ? "check" : "unCheck", Sort By Recent
menu, % options, add
menu, % options, add, Compile All, Compile_All_Scripts
menu, % options, add, Reload All, reload_all
menu, % options, add, Exit All, exit_all
menu, % parent_menu, add, Options, % ":" options
item_name(script_path) { ; add (s)(p) to item text
global is_paused, is_suspended
script_state(script_path, is_paused, is_suspended)
state .= (is_suspended) ? "(s)" : ""
state .= (is_paused) ? "(p)" : ""
if (state)
state := a_tab . state
script_name := filename(script_path)
return script_name . state
script_state(script_path, byRef is_paused, byRef is_suspended) {
; by Fanatic Guru ;
winGet, script_id, id, % script_path " ahk_class AutoHotkey"
; Force the script to update its Pause/Suspend checkmarks.
SendMessage, 0x211,,,, ahk_id %script_id% ; WM_ENTERMENULOOP
SendMessage, 0x212,,,, ahk_id %script_id% ; WM_EXITMENULOOP
; Get script status from its main menu.
mainMenu := DllCall("GetMenu", "uint", script_id)
fileMenu := DllCall("GetSubMenu", "uint", mainMenu, "int", 0)
is_paused := DllCall("GetMenuState", "uint", fileMenu, "uint", 4, "uint", 0x400) >> 3 & 1
is_suspended := DllCall("GetMenuState", "uint", fileMenu, "uint", 5, "uint", 0x400) >> 3 & 1
DllCall("CloseHandle", "uint", fileMenu)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "uint", mainMenu)
menu_add(script_path) {
global icon_size, is_paused, is_suspended
menu_text := item_name(script_path)
menu, main_menu, add, % menu_text, script_reload
if isFunc("script_icon")
icon_path := icon_search(script_path)
menu, main_menu, icon, % menu_text, % icon_path, , % icon_size
splitPath, script_path, filename, , file_ext, name_no_ext
try menu, % menu_text, delete
if (file_ext = "ahk")
menu, % menu_text, add, Set As Default , set_as_default
menu, % menu_text, add
menu, % menu_text, add, Open , script_open
menu, % menu_text, add, Help , script_help
menu, % menu_text, add, Window Spy , script_window_spy
menu, % menu_text, add
menu, % menu_text, add, Run At Startup , run_at_startup
menu, % menu_text, add, Reload This Script , script_reload
menu, % menu_text, add, Edit This Script , script_edit
menu, % menu_text, add
menu, % menu_text, add, Compile , script_compile
menu, % menu_text, add
menu, % menu_text, add, Suspend Hotkeys , script_suspend
menu, % menu_text, add, Pause Script , script_pause
menu, % menu_text, add, Exit , script_exit
else if (file_ext = "exe")
menu, % menu_text, add, Help , script_help
menu, % menu_text, add, Window Spy , script_window_spy
menu, % menu_text, add
menu, % menu_text, add, Run At Startup , run_at_startup
menu, % menu_text, add, Reload This Script , script_reload
menu, % menu_text, add, Exit , script_exit
else if (inStr(script_path, "\\.\pipe\AHK_")) ; piped buffer
menu, % menu_text, add, Open , script_open
menu, % menu_text, add, Help , script_help
menu, % menu_text, add, Window Spy , script_window_spy
menu, % menu_text, add
menu, % menu_text, add, Suspend Hotkeys , script_suspend
menu, % menu_text, add, Pause Script , script_pause
menu, % menu_text, add, Exit , script_exit
menu, % menu_text, default, Reload This Script
if (is_paused)
menu, % menu_text, check, Pause Script
if (is_suspended)
menu, % menu_text, check, Suspend Hotkeys
shortcut := a_startup "\" name_no_ext ".lnk"
ifExist, % shortcut
menu, % menu_text, check, Run At Startup
else menu, % menu_text, unCheck, Run At Startup
menu, main_menu, add, % menu_text, % ":" menu_text
icon_search(script_path) {
squashed_path := "icon_" regExReplace(script_path, "[\W]")
stored_in := %squashed_path%
if (stored_in = "")
; icon_path := script_icon(script_path) ; [ search for an icon: ]
if (icon_path)
%squashed_path% := icon_path ; store value for next time the menu opens
else icon_path := stored_in ; use stored value
return icon_path
full_path(filename) { ; get the path that matches the filename
global script_paths
if (script_paths = "")
script_paths := running_scripts()
loop, parse, script_paths, `n
loop_filename := filename(a_loopField)
if (filename = loop_filename)
full_path := a_loopField
return full_path
item_file(menu_item) { ; get filename from menu text / remove (s)(p)
if menu_item contains (s),(p)
if (subStr(menu_item, -2, 3) = "(p)")
stringTrimRight, menu_item, menu_item, 3
if (subStr(menu_item, -2, 3) = "(s)")
stringTrimRight, menu_item, menu_item, 3
menu_item := trim(menu_item)
return menu_item
filename(path) {
splitPath, path, filename
return filename
msg_tool(msg, d="1800") {
toolTip, % msg
setTimer, msg_timer, % d
msg_timer() {
setTimer, msg_timer, off
toolTip, ; close
iniRead, saved_default, % a_lineFile, settings, default_script
if (default_script != saved_default)
iniWrite, % " " default_script, % a_lineFile, settings, default_script
; menu actions =================================================================
item_file := item_file(a_thisMenu)
try menu, tray, delete, % filename(default_script)
menu, tray, add, % item_file, script_reload_tray
menu, tray, default, % item_file
menu, tray, tip, % "reloadr (" item_file ")"
default_script := full_path(item_file)
msg_tool(item_file "`n`nset as default")
script_open: ; open list lines
winGet, hwnd, id, % item_file(a_thisMenu) " ahk_class AutoHotkey"
postMessage, 0x111, 65300, , , % "ahk_id " hwnd ; ID_TRAY_OPEN := 65300
splitpath, a_ahkPath, , ahk_dir
run, % ahk_dir "\AutoHotkey.chm"
splitpath, a_ahkPath, , ahk_dir
run, % ahk_dir "\WindowSpy.ahk"
filename := item_file(a_thisMenu)
splitPath, filename, , , , name_no_ext
shortcut := a_startup "\" name_no_ext ".lnk"
ifExist, % shortcut
fileDelete, % shortcut
msg_tool("shortcut deleted")
else ; create shortcut
script_path := full_path(filename)
if isFunc("script_icon")
icon_path := icon_search(script_path)
fileCreateShortcut, % script_path, % shortcut, , , , % icon_path
msg_tool("shortcut created")
if inStr(a_thisLabel, "tray")
filename := item_file(a_thisMenuItem)
script_path := default_script
filename := item_file(a_thisMenu)
script_path := full_path(filename)
if getKeyState("shift", "P")
winClose, % script_path " ahk_class AutoHotkey"
msg_tool(filename "`n`nclosed")
script_state(script_path, is_paused, is_suspended)
state := (is_paused) ? ", un-paused" : ""
state .= (is_suspended) ? ", un-suspended" : ""
msg_tool(filename "`n`nreloaded" . state)
run, % "edit " full_path(item_file(a_thisMenu)) ; open in the default note editor
script_path := full_path(item_file(a_thisMenu))
filename := item_file(a_thisMenu)
postMessage, 0x111, 65305, , , % filename " - AutoHotkey"
script_state(filename, is_paused, is_suspended)
msg_tool((is_suspended) ? filename "`n`nsuspended" : filename "`n`nun-suspended")
filename := item_file(a_thisMenu)
postMessage, 0x111, 65306, , , % filename " - AutoHotkey"
script_state(filename, is_paused, is_suspended)
msg_tool((is_paused) ? filename "`n`npaused" : filename "`n`nun-paused")
filename := item_file(a_thisMenu)
winClose, % filename " ahk_class AutoHotkey"
msg_tool(filename "`n`nclosed")
filename := item_file(a_thisMenuItem)
splitPath, filename, , , , name_no_ext
shortcut := a_startup "\" name_no_ext ".lnk"
run, % shortcut
reload_startup_ahk: ; ahk only
reload_startup_folder: ; everything in the folder
msg_tool("startup refreshing . . . . ")
script_paths := running_scripts()
loop, files, % a_startup "\*.lnk"
fileGetShortcut, % a_loopFileFullPath, target
if (target = "")
splitPath, % target, filename, , target_ext,
process, exist, % filename
this_PID = %errorLevel%
if (this_PID = 0) ; if the specified process did not appear within 5.5 seconds
if inStr(a_thisLabel, "_ahk") and (target_ext != "ahk")
if inStr(script_paths, target) ; if the ahk script is already running
run, % a_loopFileFullPath
msg_tool("starting: " a_loopFileName)
msg_tool("`nstartup reload complete")
if (sort_type = "recent")
sort_type := "alphabetical"
menu, %a_thisMenu%, unCheck, Sort By Recent
else ; if alphabetical
sort_type := "recent"
menu, %a_thisMenu%, check, Sort By Recent
iniRead, saved_value, % a_lineFile, settings, sort_by_recent
new_value := (sort_type = "recent") ? "true" : "false"
if (new_value != saved_value)
iniWrite, % " " new_value, % a_lineFile, settings, sort_by_recent
toolTip, % "sort type set to: " sort_type
sleep 600
msgBox, 4, , % regExReplace(strReplace(a_thisLabel, "_icon"), "[\W_]", a_space) . "?"
ifMsgBox, yes
if (script_paths = "")
script_paths := running_scripts()
loop, parse, script_paths, `n
if (a_loopField)
msg_tool("compile all complete")
msgBox, 4, , % regExReplace(a_thisLabel, "[\W_]", a_space) . " Scripts?"
ifMsgBox, yes
if (script_paths = "")
script_paths := running_scripts()
if (a_thisLabel = "reload_all") and (sort_type = "recent")
loop, parse, script_paths, `n
temp_list := a_loopField "`n" temp_list ; reverse the order before reload
script_paths := temp_list
;# reload or close scripts
loop, parse, script_paths, `n
if (a_loopField = "") or (a_loopField = a_lineFile) ; skip this script
if (a_thisLabel = "reload_all")
if (inStr(a_loopField, "\\.\pipe\AHK_")) ; skip piped
run, % a_loopField " /restart"
else winClose, % a_loopField " ahk_class AutoHotkey"
msg_tool(filename(a_loopField) " . . . .")
sleep 90
;# reload or close this script
msg_tool("`n" strReplace(a_thisLabel, "_all") . " Complete")
sleep 300
if (a_thisLabel = "reload_all")
else exitApp
compile_this(script_path) {
splitPath, script_path, filename, file_dir, file_ext, name_no_ext
if (file_ext = "ahk")
splitPath, a_ahkPath, , ahk_dir
ahk2exe := ahk_dir . "\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe"
; script icon
if isFunc("script_icon")
exe_icon := icon_search(script_path)
; compile
if (exe_icon)
run, "%ahk2exe%" /in "%script_path%" /icon "%exe_icon%", , hide
else run, "%ahk2exe%" /in "%script_path%", , hide
; wait until .exe is compiled
if inStr(a_thisLabel, "_All")
sleep 500
until (fileExist(file_dir "\" name_no_ext ".exe"))
or (a_index = 6) ; 3 seconds
or (winExist("Ahk2Exe Error ahk_exe Ahk2Exe.exe"))
msg_tool(filename "compiling . . . . ")
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davebrny commented Nov 4, 2017


reload running scripts from a context menu

reloadr menu

  • ctrl + shift + ` Β  (grave/backtick key) shows a list of running scripts
  • every script has the same options as the tray menu + the option to compile or create a startup shortcut
  • if a script is paused or suspended then a (p) or (s) will show on the right side of the menu
  • ctrl + ` reloads the default script
  • alt + ` reloads whatever script has been reloaded last (apart from the default)

options menu

  • sort the menu by recent or alphabetical
  • reload, exit or compile all running scripts
  • show which startup scripts are running. run them individually or all at once

menu icons

if script_icon() is in one of the function libraries then remove the comment in the icon_search() function to have icons show in the menu


this cant handle duplicate script names at the moment

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