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Last active November 7, 2017 07:01
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(autohotkey) - goto line and highlight the error text (autohotkey only)
[script info]
version = 3.4
description = goto line and highlight the error text (autohotkey only)
author = davebrny
source =
#singleInstance, force
setTimer, sublime_goto_error, 1000
return ; end of auto-execute -----
if winExist("ahk_class #32770", "The script was not reloaded")
or winExist("ahk_class #32770", "The current thread will exit")
or winExist("ahk_class #32770", "The program will exit")
setTimer, sublime_goto_error, off
winGetTitle, sublime_title, ahk_exe sublime_text.exe
winGetTitle, error_title, ahk_class #32770
if inStr(sublime_title, "\" error_title) ;# get file path from focused file
stringGetPos, pos, sublime_title, -, R
stringMid, mid_title, sublime_title, pos, , L
splitPath, mid_title, , file_dir, file_ext, name_no_ext
stringSplit, split, file_ext, % a_space ; remove • from an unsaved file
error_path := file_dir "\" name_no_ext "." split1
winGetText, error_text, ahk_class #32770 ; only continue if error path is in the msgBox or the focused file
if !inStr(error_text, "in #include file") and (error_path = "")
goTo, sublime_error_end ; -----------------------------------
;# move msgBox to the right
winGetPos, , , error_width, , ahk_class #32770
sysGet, monitor_, MonitorWorkArea
winMove, ahk_class #32770, , % monitor_right - error_width
winSet, alwaysOnTop, on, ahk_class #32770 ; keep msgBox on top
;# get sublime .exe path
if winExist("ahk_exe sublime_text.exe")
winGet, sublime_path, ProcessPath, ahk_exe sublime_text.exe
else sublime_path := portable_apps "\SublimeText3\sublime_text.exe"
if !fileExist(sublime_path) ; if invalid exe path
goTo, sublime_error_end ; -------------------------------------
;# get file path from msgBox
if inStr(error_text, "in #include file")
error_path := get_error_path(error_text)
;# get error text
if inStr(error_text, "Specific")
line_text := specific_error(error_text)
else if inStr(error_text, "Line Text:")
line_text := get_line_text(error_text)
else if inStr(error_text, "Unexpected")
line_text := unexpected_error(error_text)
else if inStr(error_text, "illegal character:")
line_text := get_illegal(error_text)
;# get line number
if inStr(error_text, "--->")
line_number := get_arrow_line(error_text)
else if inStr(error_text, "Error at line")
line_number := get_error_line(error_text)
if (line_number != "")
line_number := ":" . line_number
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
run, % """" sublime_path """" a_space """" error_path """" line_number
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
winWaitActive, ahk_exe sublime_text.exe, , 3
if winExist("ahk_exe sublime_text.exe") and (line_text != "")
fileRead, file_contents, % error_path
strReplace(file_contents, line_text, , count)
if inStr(file_contents, line_text) and (count = 1)
winActivate, ahk_exe sublime_text.exe
send ^{f} ;# select the error text
sleep 100
sendRaw % line_text
sleep 700
send {esc}
winSet, alwaysOnTop, off, ahk_class #32770
; winActivate, ahk_class #32770 ; have the error msg lose focus once sublime text is focused on
loop, ; wait for ahk error window to close
sleep 1000
until !winExist(error_title " ahk_class #32770")
goTo, sublime_error_end
file_contents := ""
line_number := ""
error_path := ""
setTimer, sublime_goto_error, on
get_error_line(error_text) {
stringGetPos, pos, error_text, % "Error at line"
stringMid, text_after, error_text, pos + 1
stringGetPos, pos, text_after, `n, L1
stringMid, line_text, text_after,pos, , L
line_text .= a_space
stringGetPos, pos, line_text, % a_space, L4
stringMid, line_number, line_text, pos, , L
return regExReplace(line_number, "[^0-9]")
get_error_path(error_text) {
stringGetPos, pos, error_text, % "in #include file"
stringMid, text_after, error_text, pos + 19
stringGetPos, pos, text_after, % """", L1
stringMid, path, text_after, pos, , L
return path
get_line_text(error_text) {
stringGetPos, pos, error_text, Line Text:
stringMid, line_text, error_text, pos + 12
stringSplit, split, line_text, `n, % a_space
return split1
get_illegal(error_text) {
stringGetPos, pos, error_text, illegal character:
stringMid, illegal, error_text, pos + 21
stringGetPos, pos, illegal, % """", R1
stringMid, illegal, illegal, pos, , L
return illegal
get_arrow_line(error_text) {
stringGetPos, pos, error_text, --->
stringMid, after_arrow, error_text, pos + 5
StringSplit, split, after_arrow, :, % a_space
return trim(split1)
specific_error(error_text) {
stringGetPos, pos, error_text, Specifically:
stringMid, specific_text, error_text, pos + 15
stringSplit, split, specific_text, `n, % a_space
if !inStr(error_text, "Action:")
return split1
unexpected_error(error_text) {
stringGetPos, pos, error_text, unexpected
stringMid, unexpected, error_text, pos + 13
stringSplit, split, unexpected, """", % a_space
return split1
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davebrny commented Feb 12, 2017

this script only really works if the error is in an #include file, so it wont work for standalone scripts in most cases. i have all my scripts #included into a
single script so when theres an error, the following message text cant be parsed out of the msgBox and used to go to or open the file:

Error at line 8 in #include file "C:\some script.ahk"

other than that the only way it will work is if the file is open in sublime text and if it has focus

it also might not work for all error types

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