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Last active December 10, 2015 05:08
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Components Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Site assessment and strategy, meetings $4,000 $4,000 $4,000
Visual design of user interface and site layout $4,500 - only wireframes $4,500 - only wireframes $7,500 - Includes mockups of data dashboard, and wireframes of user interface
Data processing for TileMill + map design $4,200 $4,200 $4,200
Data processing for data dashboards n/a $2,000 $2,000
Site building of the data dashboard n/a $5,500 - 2 indicators, each with 2 angles on data $8,500 4 indicators, each with up to 2 angles on data
Core site build - maps integration, main site functionality $9,500 $9,500 $9,500
Training + documentation $1,600 $1,600 $1,600
Total $23,800 $31,300 $37,300


All the strategy prices are the same because at all levels require a meeting to capture all of your goals with our designer to inform the design process and to get on the same page regarding the vision of the site.

Also, in all cases, training + documentation includes up to 3 hours of skype walk through of the site, and documentation on the jekyll structure of the site and the ruby script.


There are two main differences between the price options:

1.Data dashboards

After looking more closey over past budgets, I realized that we do not have the resources to create a complex data dashboard in option 1. Instead, we can create an advanced tooltip on hover that shows one graph for up to 3 indicators, however this will not show alternate breakdowns on these indicators. An example of such a tooltip is on the NPR census map. This method would just use google image charts integrated through TileMill.

On options 2 and 3, instead of just exporting tooltips from TileMill, there is the nececssary budget to write the ruby script which turns the data into JSON files, which are stored in the site and called with a getJSON request upon clicking the corresponding map polygon.

In option 2, we would design this data dashboard largely on our past work and present it as a wireframe for your feedback. On option 3, we include the data dashboard with the mockup process, enabling more feedback from your team on the specific layout of the dashboard. Option 2 includes two indicators, each with a breakdown of two more angles on the indicator, e.g. showing school attendance by gender, and region, in adittion to a total percentage.

Option 3 includes four indicators. Both options 2 and 3 will be designed to scale, either with a navigation or sliding feature, so your team can update the site with more indicators in the HTML.

2.Design process

All three options have one feedback loop for design, options 1 and 2 will include wireframes only, while option 3 includes full mockups with several shots of the proposed site, including the data dashboard. If your team likes a previous project we've done, then we can use that past project to inform the general design of the site, making option 2 an easier choice, with wireframes to capture the layout.

To clarify, by wireframes, we mean a black and white layout of the site components, to indicate their placement and functionality. Mockups are full color screenshots that imitate the final apperance of the site.

Next Actions

Please let me know if you have any questions, once we decide on numbers we can get this in a contract and move forward. Regarding schedule, we're unfortunately unable to start with the design process any earlier than January 21st due to previous projects that need to be finished.

Best, Dave

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