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Created September 28, 2015 20:27
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  • Save daverigby/bad685528940623702bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save daverigby/bad685528940623702bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - corrects the received date in IMAP folders
# - corrects the received date in IMAP folders.
# Description:
# When moving mail between IMAP servers, the received date can become
# reset to the date when the message was added to the new server. This
# script attempts to fix this by setting the received date to the date the
# message was sent.
# Usage:
# Set the 5 variables below to suit your setup, and then run the script.
# If you run the script with the argument '--list', then it will just list
# all the mailboxes on the server. Useful if you don't know the exact name
# of the mailboxes.
# Notes:
# Due to the may IMAP works, you cannot change the recieved date for an
# existing message. To get round this, makes a new copy of the
# message in a different folder. As it has to copy each message, process
# can take some time!
# With some additional work the date could be set to the last received hop
# in the mail's delivery, but I didn't need that accuracy.
import imaplib
import email.Utils
import sys
# Change the following 5 lines as applicable:
source = "INBOX.Source" # The source folder to read the messages to fix.
dest = "INBOX.Dest" # The destination folder to save to new copy.
server = "" # IMAP server address
user = "user" # Username
passwd = "password" # Password
M = imaplib.IMAP4(server)
M.login(user, passwd)
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '--list':
print "List of mailboxes available on server:"
for mbox in M.list()[1]:
print mbox.split('"."')[1]
typ, data =, 'ALL')
for num in data[0].split():
typ, date = M.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE)])')
typ, body = M.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
date_str = date[0][1][6:].strip()
datetime = email.Utils.parsedate(date_str)
print "Message (" + num + "), date:" + date_str
M.append(dest, None, imaplib.Time2Internaldate(datetime), body[0][1])
#print body[0][1]
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