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Created October 8, 2010 07:56
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code I used to integrate recaptcha with Lift ProtoUser (2.1)
package net_alchim31_vscaladoc2_www.model
* To use ReCaptach ( :
* * add a project dependency
* <dependency>
* <groupId>net.tanesha.recaptcha4j</groupId>
* <artifactId>recaptcha4j</artifactId>
* <version>0.0.7</version>
* </dependency>
* * mix the trait with your MetaMegaProtoUser object and link both
* object User extends User with XxxxMetaMegaProtoUser[User] with ReCaptcha{
* ...
* protected def reCaptchaPublicKey = ...
* protected def reCaptchaPrivateKey = ...
* // protected override def reCaptchaOptions = (super.reCaptchaOptions merge ("theme" -> "blackglass")).asInstanceOf[JObject]
* override def validateSignup(user: User): List[FieldError] = validateCaptcha() ::: super.validateSignup(user)
* // override localForm instead of signupXhtml if you want to use captcha for every user edition
* override def signupXhtml(user: User) = {
* (<form method="post" action={ S.uri }>
* <table>
* <tr><td colspan="2">{ S.??("sign.up") }</td></tr>
* { localForm(user, false) }
* <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>{ captchaXhtml() }</td></tr>
* <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><user:submit/></td></tr>
* </table>
* </form>)
* }
* * PublicKey and PrivateKey are provide when you register you domainName to ReCaptcha
* you could hardcode value, or retrieve them from configuration (e.g. if you use Lift configuration :
* import net.liftweb.util.Props
* Props.requireOrDie("reCaptcha.publicKey", "reCaptcha.privateKey")
* protected val reCaptchaPublicKey = Props.get("reCaptcha.publicKey").get
* protected val reCaptchaPrivateKey = Props.get("reCaptcha.privateKey").get
* * add localisation messages for keys (add under src/main/resources/i18n/
* * modify Boot.scala
* <pre>
* LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType = false //required by ReCaptcha js lib
* LiftRules.resourceNames = "recaptcha" :: LiftRules.resourceNames
* </pre>
* * see for troubleshooting (DNS,...), customization (themes), ...
* @TODO internationalized error message
* @TODO create a "real" Lift Field for captcha
* @author david.bernard
trait ReCaptcha {
import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Empty, Full, Failure}
import net.liftweb.util.{FieldError, FieldIdentifier}
import net.liftweb.http.S
import net.tanesha.recaptcha.ReCaptchaFactory
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST
import net.liftweb.json.JsonDSL._
import net.liftweb.util.Props
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
// add ReCaptcha
* Define the public key to used to connect to reCapcha service.
* Default implementation retrieve value from property "recaptcha.publicKey".
protected def reCaptchaPublicKey : Box[String] = Props.get("recaptcha.publicKey")
* Define the private key to used to connect to reCapcha service
* Default implementation retrieve value from property "recaptcha.privateKey".
protected def reCaptchaPrivateKey : Box[String] = Props.get("recaptcha.privateKey")
* Define the option to configure reCaptcha widget.
* @see to have the list possible customization
* @return the javascript option map (as JObject)
* @codeAsDoc
protected def reCaptchaOptions = ("theme" -> "white") ~ ("lang" -> S.containerRequest.flatMap(_.locale).map(_.getLanguage).getOrElse("en"))
private lazy val reCaptcha = {
for (reCaptchaPublicKey <- reCaptchaPublicKey; reCaptchaPrivateKey <- reCaptchaPrivateKey) yield {
ReCaptchaFactory.newReCaptcha(reCaptchaPublicKey, reCaptchaPrivateKey, false)
* @return captchaXhtml(publicKey) if reCaptchaPublicKey is Full(publicKey) else return NodeSeq.Empty
* @codeAsDoc
protected def captchaXhtml() : NodeSeq = x => captchaXhtml(x)).getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty)
protected def captchaXhtml(publicKey : String) : NodeSeq = {
import scala.xml.Unparsed
import net.liftweb.http.js.JE
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
val RecaptchaOptions = compact(render(reCaptchaOptions))
var RecaptchaOptions = {Unparsed(RecaptchaOptions)};
<script type="text/javascript" src={"" + publicKey}></script>
<iframe src={"" + publicKey} height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br/>
<textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40">
<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field" value="manual_challenge"/>
protected def validateCaptcha(): List[FieldError] = {
def checkAnswer(remoteAddr : String, challenge : String, uresponse : String) : Box[String]= {
reCaptcha.flatMap { x =>
val reCaptchaResponse = x.checkAnswer(remoteAddr, challenge, uresponse)
reCaptchaResponse.isValid() match {
case true => Empty
case false => Full(S.?("reCaptcha." + reCaptchaResponse.getErrorMessage))
val res = for (
remoteAddr <-;
challenge <- S.param("recaptcha_challenge_field");
uresponse <- S.param("recaptcha_response_field") ;
b <- checkAnswer(remoteAddr, challenge, uresponse)
) yield b
res match {
case Failure(msg, _, _) => List(FieldError(FakeFieldIdentifier(Full("reCaptcha")), msg))
case Full(msg) => List(FieldError(FakeFieldIdentifier(Full("reCaptcha")), msg))
case Empty => Nil
case class FakeFieldIdentifier(override val uniqueFieldId : Box[String]) extends FieldIdentifier
reCaptcha.invalid-site-public-key=plublic-key invalide
reCaptcha.invalid-site-private-key=private-key invalide
reCaptcha.invalid-request-cookie=cookie invalide
reCaptcha.incorrect-captcha-sol=propositon de captcha incorrecte
reCaptcha.verify-params-incorrect=paramètres de vérification incorrects
reCaptcha.recaptcha-not-reachable=server reCaptcha inaccessible
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