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import pandas as pd
# Load the Supplementary Data S1 from the lead poisoning PNAS paper
df = pd.read_excel('pnas.2118631119.sd01.xlsx')
# Load the Supplementary Data S1 from the ADDM/CDDS paper
file_path_s1 = 'autism_S1.xls'
autism_s1 = pd.read_excel(file_path_s1)
import pandas as pd
# Load the data
df = pd.read_excel('pnas.2118631119.sd01.xlsx')
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Load the HTML file
with open('crime.html', 'r') as f:
contents =
davidad /
Created August 4, 2023 20:14
Lead poisoning data analysis (thanks GPT-4)
import pandas as pd
# Load the data
df = pd.read_excel('pnas.2118631119.sd01.xlsx')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Filter the data for ages 22-35
df_filtered = df[(df['AGE'] >= 22) & (df['AGE'] <= 35) & (df['YEAR'] >= 1955) & (df['YEAR'] <= 2040)]
davidad / 0_0_1.v
Created August 13, 2020 01:58
There is exactly one way to choose 0 elements from the empty set.
Parameter set : Set.
Parameter In : (set * set) -> Prop.
Definition subset (A B : set) : Prop :=
forall x : set, In(x,A) -> In(x,B).
Axiom ZF_extensionality :
forall X Y : set,
(forall z : set, In(z,X) <-> In(z,Y))
-> X = Y.
davidad /
Last active January 25, 2020 18:58
"Closed" AST implementation vs "extensible" implementation using dynamic dispatch
mod expr_adt {
pub enum Expr {
Plus(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Times(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
pub fn gen_evaluator<'a, F : 'a + Fn(&str) -> f64> (env: F) -> Box<dyn 'a + Fn(&Expr) -> f64> {
Require Import Coq.Lists.List Coq.Relations.Relations Coq.Sorting.Sorted.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality Psatz.
Lemma Sorted_iff_by_explicit_indices {A} {R: relation A} (l: list A):
Sorted R l <-> forall n, (S n) < length l -> exists d,
R (nth n l d) (nth (S n) l d).
Proof with (cbn in *; firstorder).
split; induction l; intros.
- unshelve esplit; contradict H0...
- unshelve esplit; intuition; inversion H.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List Coq.Logic.Eqdep.
Definition vec (A: Type) (n: nat) : Type := {l: list A | length l = n}.
Section vec_rev.
Variable A : Type.
Variable n : nat.
Definition vec_rev (l: vec A n): vec A n.
refine (exist _ (rev (proj1_sig l)) _).
davidad / primes_infinite.v
Last active June 25, 2019 13:45
Coq formalization of the infinitude of primes
Require Import Arith Decidable Euclid Psatz Wf_nat.
Definition divides a b := exists k, b = k * a.
Definition prime p := 2 <= p /\ forall k, divides k p -> (k = 1 \/ k = p).
Lemma dec_divides k n: decidable (divides k n).
Proof with intuition.
case (le_gt_dec k 0)...
- case (le_gt_dec n 0).
+ left; exists 0...
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern unsigned long fib(unsigned long);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if(argc<2) printf("usage: fib_test <integer>\n"), exit(1);
unsigned long input = strtoul(argv[1],NULL,10); // string to unsigned long
printf("fib(%lu) = %lu\n",input,fib(input));
return 0;
global fib
global _fib
cmp rdi, 1 ; set flags according to value of rdi minus one, i.e., relationship of rdi to 1
jle return_one; if the relationship is "less than or equal", goto return_one
dec rdi ; rdi = rdi - 1
push rdi ; ^ this guy is going to decrement it again, save "n-1" on the stack
call fib ; do call
pop rdi ; restore "n-1" to rdi