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Created August 7, 2023 12:25
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import pandas as pd
# Load the Supplementary Data S1 from the lead poisoning PNAS paper
df = pd.read_excel('pnas.2118631119.sd01.xlsx')
# Load the Supplementary Data S1 from the ADDM/CDDS paper
file_path_s1 = 'autism_S1.xls'
autism_s1 = pd.read_excel(file_path_s1)
# Load the Supplementary Data S4 from the ADDM/CDDS paper
asd_s4_path = 'autism_S4.xlsx'
asd_df = pd.read_excel(asd_s4_path)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
# Filter the data for estimated lead poisoning at age 1 and remove forecast
df_filtered = df[(df['AGE'] == 1) & (df['YEAR'] <= 2023)]
# Create a new column 'condition_min' to hold the minimum value of each range
df_filtered['condition_min'] = df_filtered['condition'].apply(lambda x: 30 if x=='30+ (ud/dL)' else float(x.split('-')[0]))
# Fix typo in units
df_filtered['condition'] = df_filtered['condition'].str.replace('ud/dL', 'ug/dL')
# Pivot the data to get years as index, conditions as columns and leadpop as values
df_pivot = df_filtered.pivot_table(index='COHORT', columns=['condition_min', 'condition'], values='leadpop', aggfunc='sum')
# Sort the columns by 'condition_min'
df_pivot = df_pivot.sort_index(axis=1, level='condition_min', ascending=True)
# Normalize by population
df_youth_pop = df_pivot.sum(axis=1)
df_pivot = df_pivot.div(df_youth_pop, axis=0)
# Drop the 'condition_min' level in the column index
df_pivot.columns = df_pivot.columns.droplevel('condition_min')
# Calculate the weighted sum of lead concentrations from each bin
# capped at 10, and assuming 1.25 average for the lowest bin
mid_points = {
'0-4.9 (ug/dL)': 1.25,
'5-9.9 (ug/dL)': 7.5,
'10-14.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'15-19.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'20-24.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'25-29.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'30+ (ug/dL)': 10
weighted_lead_sum = df_filtered.groupby('COHORT').apply(
lambda group: sum(group[group['condition'] == condition]['leadpop'].sum() * mid_points[condition] for condition in mid_points)
# Calculate the weighted sum of lead concentrations from each bin
# capped at 10, and assuming 2 average for the lowest bin
mid_points2 = {
'0-4.9 (ug/dL)': 2,
'5-9.9 (ug/dL)': 7.5,
'10-14.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'15-19.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'20-24.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'25-29.9 (ug/dL)': 10,
'30+ (ug/dL)': 10
weighted_lead_sum2 = df_filtered.groupby('COHORT').apply(
lambda group: sum(group[group['condition'] == condition]['leadpop'].sum() * mid_points2[condition] for condition in mid_points)
# Divide by the total population for each cohort to get the average lead concentration
average_lead_concentration = weighted_lead_sum / df_filtered.groupby('COHORT')['leadpop'].sum()
average_lead_concentration2 = weighted_lead_sum2 / df_filtered.groupby('COHORT')['leadpop'].sum()
# Convert to g/dL
average_lead_concentration = average_lead_concentration * 1e-6
average_lead_concentration2 = average_lead_concentration2 * 1e-6
# Manually defining the birth years
birth_years = [1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004]
# Removing unnecessary rows and columns
asd_df = asd_df.iloc[1:16, 2:9]
# Renaming the columns to birth years
asd_df.columns = birth_years
# Transposing the data to have birth years as the index
asd_df = asd_df.transpose()
# Converting the values to numeric
asd_df = asd_df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# Averaging the prevalence values across all states for each birth year
asd_avg_prevalence = asd_df.mean(axis=1)
# Add the latest data from
asd_avg_prevalence[2006] = 16.8
asd_avg_prevalence[2008] = 18.5
asd_avg_prevalence[2010] = 23.0
asd_avg_prevalence[2012] = 27.6
# Divide the asd prevalence values by 10 to convert to percentages
asd_avg_prevalence /= 10
# Extract the prevalence percentages and ages for the 2017 report
autism_age_resolved_2017 = autism_s1[['2017.1', '2017.2']].dropna().rename(columns={'2017.1': 'Prevalence (%)', '2017.2': 'Age'})
# Convert 'Age' column to numeric
autism_age_resolved_2017['Age'] = pd.to_numeric(autism_age_resolved_2017['Age'], errors='coerce')
# Remove rows containing NaN values
autism_age_resolved_2017 = autism_age_resolved_2017.dropna()
# Convert the prevalence numbers into percentages
autism_age_resolved_2017['Prevalence (%)'] = autism_age_resolved_2017['Prevalence (%)'] / 100
# Calculate the birth year by subtracting the age from the report year
autism_age_resolved_2017['Birth Year'] = 2017 - autism_age_resolved_2017['Age']
# Filter to age of at least 3
autism_age_resolved_2017 = autism_age_resolved_2017[(autism_age_resolved_2017['Birth Year'] < 2014)]
# Filter to people who were not already over 3 years old at initial DSM recognition of autism in 1968
autism_age_resolved_2017 = autism_age_resolved_2017[(autism_age_resolved_2017['Birth Year'] > 1965)]
# Divide the prevalence values by 100 to convert to percentages
asd_avg_prevalence /= 100
# Set the index to the birth year
autism_age_resolved_2017.set_index('Birth Year', inplace=True)
# Sort the index to have the birth years in ascending order
autism_age_resolved_2017 = autism_age_resolved_2017.sort_index()
# Create the plot with the calculated average lead concentrations
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8))
# Line plot for average lead concentrations (inverted y-axis)
ax1.plot(average_lead_concentration.index, average_lead_concentration.values, '--', color='green', label='Average Blood Lead Concentration at Age 1 (capped at 10 µg/dL, baseline 1.25 µg/dL)')
ax1.plot(average_lead_concentration2.index, average_lead_concentration2.values, color='green', label='Average Blood Lead Concentration at Age 1 (capped at 10 µg/dL, baseline 2.0 µg/dL)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Blood Lead Concentration')
ax1.set_ylabel('Blood Lead Concentration')
ax1.legend(loc='upper left')
ax1.set_ylim(top=0.8e-6, bottom=10.8e-6) # Invert y-axis with 0 at the top and set upper limit
ax1.set_yscale('log') # Log scale for primary y-axis
# Create a secondary y-axis
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
# Line plot for ASD prevalence
ax2.plot(asd_avg_prevalence.index, asd_avg_prevalence.values, color='blue', label='ASD Prevalence (ADDM)') # Divide by 100 for PercentFormatter
ax2.set_ylim(bottom=0.0004,top=0.06) # Set lower limit to 0
ax2.set_yscale('log') # Log scale for secondary y-axis
ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mtick.FixedLocator([0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, 0.01, 0.012, 0.014, 0.0175, 0.02, 0.025, 0.03]))
# Line plot for Code 1 autism prevalence (S1 data, 2017 report)
ax2.plot(autism_age_resolved_2017.index, autism_age_resolved_2017['Prevalence (%)'] / 100, color='red', label='Code 1 Autism Prevalence (CDDS)')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
# Set labels and title
ax1.set_title('Childhood Lead Poisoning (Reversed!) and Autism/ASD Prevalence')
ax1.set_xlabel('Birth Year')
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