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Created November 13, 2009 18:41
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Homoiconic Propagator Networks
An MMP Mini-Proposal by David Dalrymple
Who are you?
| David Dalrymple
| +1 443 668 6698
| MIT MMP Research Assistant
RA support for one year
Proposed Area of Investigation
In summary, we propose to develop a model of computation which incorporates the
partial information structures of propagator networks, the parallelization of
RALA, and the reconfigurability of Minsky's critic-selector model, along with
such features as higher-order functions, true macros, algebraic data types,
and other useful means of combination and abstraction.
If fully successful, this programming model will enable the feasible construction
of large artificial-intelligence programs that would have taken tens of man-years
to build in existing sequential programming languages, such as semantically
statistical parsers which handle broad classes of natural language; learning
systems with versatile cross-modal feedback; and vertically integrated control
systems which can appropriately interchange information at the level of leaf
nodes, with central intervention intermittent at best.
In addition, such a model would support the development of bug-free (formally
verifiable) programs for simpler tasks, such as version control systems, or
possibly even web browers. Finally, it would enable the independent
development of programs which can later be composed by an end-user, with
verifiable results that are robust to, e.g., library version updates.
Computation as a graph
We use the word "graph" to refer to a mathematical structure consisting of a
set of objects, with some pairs of objects connected by edges. (Do not
confuse this sense of "graph" with the graph of a function, also known as a
We observe that graph structures emerge naturally from the notion of a
computational process in three major ways.
state graph
Most clearly, any finite computational system can be modeled as a finite
state automaton, which consists of a directed graph of states, with edges
representing the possible transitions from one state to another. (A
*control flow graph* is closely related to this represenation.)
connection graph
A computational medium composed of a number of objects which have some
connections to one another can clearly be represented as a graph.
dependency graph
A computation to be performed on a stream of data can often be decomposed
into a directed graph, where each object represents a transformation from a
set of inputs to a set of outputs, and edges represent composition of these
transforms. (A *dataflow graph* is a type of dependency graph in which the
values manipulated are typically lazy streams.)
A physical analogy would be that a state graph is primarily timelike, with
the entire spatial extent of the system being compressed to a single point
at each state note; a connection graph is primarily spacelike, with the
entire temporal history of each component compressed to a single point at
its location; and the dependency graph captures aspects of both, without
fully specifying either.
We see that the dependency graph, as distinct from any combination of state
and connection graphs, satisfies the following desirable properties:
1. It captures the computation itself: the mapping from inputs to outputs.
2. It is deterministic: given an input set, there is exactly one possible
output set.
3. It is parallelizable: without any additional information, it is possible to
make use of as many processors as available, up to the number of nodes in
the graph.
We can see that, in general, state graphs are not parallelizable and
connection graphs are not deterministic, but a dependency graph necessarily
entails a separation of concerns with each intermediate value uniquely
determined by the inputs. However, this model lacks two further desirable
4. It is possible to represent partial information (sufficient for stream
5. It is possible for the graph to self-reflect and manipulate itself
(necessary for scalable data structures, higher-order functions).
The next two sections describe extensions which integrate these properties.
Propagator networks
The model of propagator networks, developed by Alexey Radul and Gerry Sussman,
adds property (4). It does this by replacing all edges which contain values by
edges which contain information *about* values, which may be partial
information. In particular, the partial information structure for a given
propagator network consists of a lattice (in the group-theoretic sense, not the
geometric sense): there is a partial ordering on partial values, and for any
two, there exists a unique "least common multiple" and a "greatest common
denominator," and these operations are commutative and associative.
This ensures determinism while enabling more flexibility in the flow of
information. That is, the intermediate *values* - and the final output -
are uniquely determined by the input, but the intermediate partial values
are not. For example, we can now do lazy stream processing in the traditonal
dataflow style: where previously the unique, immutable values would have to
be lists of values, such that nothing is output until all the input is present,
but now, we can do our computations with partial values, representing only the
sequence of input until the current time, and each new datum in the stream
will propagate to the output as additional partial information. Although the
sequence of changes to the partial value at the output is no longer determinstic,
the value represented still is - namely, the unbounded stream of outputs. (The
only possible variation in the sequence of output updates is in the order with
which values in the stream are determined.)
Homoiconic propagator networks
However, without property (5), we cannot represent data structures within the
model (even the partial information structure itself!). Instead, the structures
are defined in an external model, such as Scheme or Java, and used opaquely by
the propagator network. To support dynamic data structures - a must for large,
practical software systems - further investigation is needed. This represents
the core of the proposal.
The first step toward a self-modifying propagator network is to implement some
graph rewriting functionality, such that the network can at least dynamically
allocate new nodes. There exist many schemes for graph-rewriting abstract
machines, but the primary challenges here are to reconcicle such systems with
the partial information and deterministic parallelism of propagator networks
(as they are generally tied to the standard von Neumann infrastructure).
The bigger question is how such a rewriting propagator network can be
homoiconic: such that the rewriting rules of the network are represented within
the network itself, and can be indefinitely self-reflective. There is some
existing work on self-hosting graph rewriting systems, but it is in the context
of pure theory (much like the body of cellular automata work before ALA),
rather than anything approaching practical computations.
Throughout this process, we will ground our developments in Minsky's chosen
central problem of MMP: understanding natural-language stories. We will begin
by building simple parsers for context-free grammars (as calculator programs
and the like), and as more fundamental questions are resolved, work up to
natural language processing, changing focus from parse trees to semantic nets.
Because our system will allow the resolution of problems and the addition of
features with extraordinarily low effort, we expect to be able to replicate and
overtake the Katz/Winston system in less than one year with a system based upon
homoiconic propagator networks.
Intellectual Property Statement
I hereby agree to the following:
MMP intellectual property will be managed as part of the CBA intellectual property pool, which provides royalty-free non-exclusive access to its sponsors. There is a two year lockout on licensing to non-sponsors from the date of disclosure, and sponsors may elect to take out a royalty-bearing license that permits sub-licensing and excludes future licensing to non-sponsors at the date of disclosure. MMP rights can co-exist with other access to this work, and inventors will be considered to have the same rights as sponsors to their work.
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