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Created August 28, 2011 20:18
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HTML5 and the Mobile Web

Book outline


  • what this book is not: focus on supporting older phones, WAP and older standards
  • Focus on the future: the shift towards HTML5. making the case, showing the data, etc

Thinking differently

  • big differences on mobile: screen orientation, screen sizes, geolocation, accelerometer, usage, battery, hover states are awkward, etc.

Mobile First? More common: Mobile Last

  • the unfortunate reality and practical development

Approaches to building

  • should we try to emulate native interfaces?
  • responsive design
  • separate sites
  • hybrid (PhoneGap)
  • to m. or not to m.: bad for search engines?

Making it play nicely with your server

  • the woes of mobile redirects, WURFL, feature detection

Design considerations

  • no more fixed-width websites. All fluid.
  • viewport: zoomable? pinch and double tap to zoom
  • simple, one column, buttons, etc. alert/confirm/prompt not such a huge sin?
  • Supported features (a la Modernizr) != usable features (, etc)
  • Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it. Excess use of fancy CSS3 stuff (not just transitions/animations) is bad for performance. See performance chapter for more info.
  • mocks should be made in double resolution: 640x860 for iPhone retina, high resolution screens.

Laying the groundwork

  • viewport, touch icon, startup image, etc

Offline web apps


  • input types, validation, etc.


  • all relative units - avoid px measurements where possible. One font-size:px on the body, everything else is font-size:em or rem ( Width/height/padding should all be in em/%
  • use CSS Zoom when building mobile UI controls
  • media queries, gradients, animations, advanced selectors, etc.
  • HW-accelerated transitions/animations: use -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; to eliminate flickering
  • -webkit-background-clip: padding; /* prevent border-radius bleedthrough */
  • translate3d z-index issues


orientation changes, accelerometer, geolocation, etc.


HW acceleration


  1. $ CA_COLOR_OPAQUE=1 /Applications/


  1. Open a terminal
  2. $ defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu 1
  3. Open (or restart) Safari
  4. Debug -> Show Compositing Borders


  1. Type the following in the address bar: about:flags
  2. "Composited render layer borders" -> Enable


Onclick delay

Symbols instead of images

  1. UTF-8
  2. Emoji


  • aria, VoiceOver, etc.
  • links, checkboxes, any interactive elements hidden offscreen are text only: get announced by screen reader, but aren't interactive
  • don't use negative text-indent: makes the element much larger. Bigger memory footprint and CPU burden (cf. Netflix (



  • making an experience for feature phones (dumb phones). The evil world of carrier transcoders

Appendix 1: Tools of the trade

Appendix 2: Mobile JavaScript libraries and frameworks

Appendix 3: Mobile HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Appendix 4: Other resources

Appendix 5: Etc.

  • For presentations: use videos, simulator, Elmo projector, or webcam
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