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Created December 20, 2013 16:00
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Save davidedellai/8056854 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I need a translation of this xml in these languages: - Spanish - German - French Thanks :)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name">All in One System Pro</string>
<string name="action_settings">Settings</string>
<string name="titolo">Reboot device with these methods:</string>
<string name="descrizione">WARNING: These actions can be executed only if you have root privileges for your device. Tap on the icon below to verify that your device is rooted.</string>
<string name="titolodevicefragment">Device characteristics:</string>
<string name="checktitle">Tap the icon to verify that your device is rooted"#"</string>
<string name="appmanagertitle">Applications Manager</string>
<string name="copiabtn">Copy app Folder</string>
<string name="copiadata">Copy data/data Folder</string>
<string name="copy">Copy</string>
<string name="riavvianormalmente">Normal Reboot</string>
<string name="riavviarecovery">Reboot In Recovery</string>
<string name="siroot">You have root\nSuperUser found in:</string>
<string name="sirootnosu">You have root\nSuperUser not found, your ROM does not require the application.</string>
<string name="noroot">You don\'t have root</string>
<string name="aggiorna">Refresh List</string>
<string name="applistdesc">Tap over an application to see its information or do a long click to uninstall</string>
<string name="cercaapp">Search Application</string>
<string name="titolosensorsfragment">Device Sensors list</string>
<string name="descsensorsfragment">Test the sensor by tapping it.</string>
<string name="copydesc">If the device is rooted you can copy the entire app folder from data/app to sdcard/BackupApps folder and will copy all apks there are inside it. This operation will COPY the folder, NOT move it.</string>
<string name="titolocontactfragment">Contact me:</string>
<string name="appmanagerdesc">In Application Manager you can search, uninstall and view all the info about the apps installed on your device.</string>
<!-- Dialog iniziale -->
<string name="titoloiniziale">All In One System</string>
<string name="messaggioiniziale">The application requires root privileges in order to perform reboot operations on your device. If your device isn\'t rooted it\'s not possible to perform these operations but all the other functions can still be used.\n\nNB: This application does not root your device.</string>
<string name="okiniziale">Continue</string>
<string name="noiniziale">Exit application</string>
<string name="toastroot">You don\'t have root privileges. Operation not allowed</string>
<string-array name="menus">
<item>Reboot/Root Check</item>
<item>Device Info</item>
<item>Applications List</item>
<item>Sensors test</item>
<item>Battery/CPU Info</item>
<item>Device Control</item>
<item>Screen Recording</item>
<item>ID Informations</item>
<item>Contact Me</item>
<string name="drawer_open">Open Drawer</string>
<string name="drawer_close">Close Drawer</string>
<!-- ApkInfo -->
<string name="appicon">Application icon</string>
<string name="apkname">Application name:</string>
<string name="package_name">Package name:</string>
<string name="version">Version:</string>
<string name="features">Feature required:</string>
<string name="permissions">Permits required:</string>
<string name="req_version">Taget SDK Version:</string>
<string name="path_info">Path info:</string>
<string name="appsize">Application Size</string>
<string name="installed">Installed:</string>
<string name="modified">last modified:</string>
<!-- Fine -->
<!-- Grafico -->
<string name="totalinternal">Total Internal Memory: </string>
<string name="freeinternal">Total Free Memory: </string>
<string name="usedinternal">Total Used Memory: </string>
<string name="dcim">DCIM folder size: </string>
<string name="download">Download folder size: </string>
<string name="picture">Picture folder size: </string>
<string name="music">Music folder size: </string>
<string name="folderdcimnotfound">The DCIM folder was not found</string>
<string name="folderdownloadnotfound">The Downloads folder was not found</string>
<string name="folderpicturenotfound">The Picture folder was not found</string>
<string name="foldermusicnotfound">The Music folder was not found</string>
<string name="dettagli">Memory Details: </string>
<!-- Menu sensorsmonitor -->
<string name="main_no_items">No sensors</string>
<string name="capture_on">Capture ON</string>
<string name="capture_off">Capture OFF</string>
<!-- dialog reboot -->
<string name="dialogtitle">Advanced Boot</string>
<string name="dialogmsg">Do you really want reboot the device?\nNB: if you don\'t have root you can\'t do the operation</string>
<string name="nodialog">No</string>
<string name="sidialog">Yes</string>
<!-- dialog copy -->
<string name="dialogtitleCopy">Copy Folder</string>
<string name="toastcopysi">Folder copyed in sdcard/BackupApps</string>
<string name="toastcopyno">You don\'t have root. Operation not allowed</string>
<string name="dialogmsgCopy">Do you want copy the app folder in your sdcard?\nYou can\'t do it if your device is not rooted</string>
<!-- Battery/CPU -->
<string name="titolobatteryfragment"> Battery Information</string>
<string name="result"> Not in charge</string>
<string name="resultusb">No</string>
<string name="livello">Battery Level</string>
<string name="temperatura">Temperature</string>
<string name="stato">State</string>
<string name="usb">Connected to USB</string>
<string name="tec">Technology</string>
<string name="volt">Voltage</string>
<string name="cpu">Total CPU Usage</string>
<string name="battcpudivider">CPU Information</string>
<string name="currcpufreq">Instant CPU frequency</string>
<string name="maxcpufreq">Max CPU frequency</string>
<string name="mincpufreq">Min CPU frequency</string>
<!-- Per grafico CPU -->
<string name="currcpufreqgraph">Current Freq.</string>
<string name="maxcpufreqgraph">Max Freq.</string>
<string name="mincpufreqgraph">Min freq</string>
<!-- Device info fragment -->
<string name="nome">Name: </string>
<string name="nomedispositivo">Device Name: </string>
<string name="nomeprodotto">Product Name: </string>
<string name="nomebrand">Brand Name: </string>
<string name="versione">Android Version: </string>
<string name="display">Build number: </string>
<string name="risoluzione">Display Resolution: </string>
<string name="densita">Display Density: </string>
<string name="hw">Hardware Name: </string>
<string name="bootloader">Bootloader Version: </string>
<string name="kernel">Kernel Version: </string>
<string name="abi">CPU ABI: </string>
<string name="cpuarch">CPU Architecture: </string>
<!-- Screen Recording -->
<string name="rectitle">Use the new screen recording feature of Android 4.4. Please enter a number between 1 and 50 for the Bit-Rate or leave empty for default. Enter a number between 1 and 180 for recording time. Leave empty for default. \nTHIS FUNCTION IS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR DEVICES WITH ANDROID 4.4 OR HIGHER AND ROOTED.</string>
<string name="size">Size. Default is the device\'s main display resolution.</string>
<string name="editheight">Height</string>
<string name="editwidth">Width</string>
<string name="bitrate">Video bit rate. Default is 4Mbps</string>
<string name="editbitrate">Bit rate</string>
<string name="time">Maximum recording time</string>
<string name="edittime">Time. Leave empty for default</string>
<string name="desctimeleft">Recording will starts after three seconds from click</string>
<string name="errorerecording">Recording Error, check if your device has rooted.</string>
<string name="androidversion">The Android version is not Kit Kat(4.4). You can\'t make a screen recording.</string>
<string name="countdown">Screen recording will begin in:</string>
<!-- device control -->
<string name="devicecontroltitle">Device Control</string>
<string name="devicecontroldesc">From here you can manage the connectivity of the device and decide if keep it in silent mode, normal mode or vibrate mode</string>
<string name="connettivitatitle">Connectivity</string>
<string name="ringmodetitle">Ringtone settings</string>
<string name="titleDialoggeo">Access to the localization</string>
<string name="messaggiogeo">Do you want to access the settings of the GPS?</string>
<string name="sidialog">Yes</string>
<string name="nodialog">No</string>
<string name="bluetoothon">Bluetooth On</string>
<string name="bluetoothoff">Bluetooth Off</string>
<string name="wifion">Wifi On</string>
<string name="wifioff">Wifi Off</string>
<string name="tregon">3g On</string>
<string name="tregoff">3g Off</string>
<!-- ID Frag -->
<string name="iddesc">Display the ID, MacAddress, IMEI and many other information of your phone.\nYou can also save your IMIE code or share it directly via email on in your favorite way.</string>
<string name="imeibtn">Share IMEI</string>
<!-- Battery Info screen. Label for a status item. Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
<string name="battery_info_uptime">Time since boot:</string>
<!-- Notification info -->
<string name="notificationinfo">Show a notification of the battery level</string>
<string name="notifistart">Notification Started!</string>
<string name="notifistop">Notification Stopped!</string>
<string name="and"> - </string>
<!-- Easy wifi -->
<string name="easywifititle">Fast Wifi</string>
<string name="easywifidesc">Shake your device to enable the Wi-Fi connection.</string>
<string name="easywifitoaston">Fast Wifi Enabled</string>
<string name="easywifitoastoff">Fast Wifi Disabled</string>
<!-- Statistiche batteria -->
<string name="charging"> Charging</string>
<string name="discharging"> Not in charge</string>
<string name="si"> Yes</string>
<!-- Task manager -->
<string name="no_processes">No running processes</string>
<string name="process">Processes</string>
<string name="available_mem">Available memory</string>
<string name="progress_title">Loading...</string>
<string name="progress_message">Loading, Please wait...</string>
<string name="taskdesc">Click on the process and then the X button to delete it. You can also refresh the list tapping on the blue arrow</string>
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Finished spanish translation:

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