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David Greenwald davidegreenwald

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ashfame / awesome-wp-config-file.php
Created February 27, 2012 13:30
* Define type of server
* Depending on the type other stuff can be configured
* Note: Define them all, don't skip one if other is already defined
define( 'DB_CREDENTIALS_PATH', dirname( ABSPATH ) ); // cache it for multiple use
rnagle / otf_get_attachment_image_src.php
Created April 12, 2012 12:46
WordPress: Generate thumbnails on-the-fly
* Check for thumb of $size and generate it if it doesn't exist.
* @param int $post_id Post ID for which you want to retrieve thumbnail
* @param string $size Name of thumbnail size to check for; same as
* the slug used to add custom thumb sizes with add_image_size().
* @return array An array containing: array( 0 => url, 1 => width, 2 => height )
theconektd / github.css
Created April 30, 2012 02:11
Github Markdown CSS - for Markdown Editor Preview
body {
font-family: Helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.6;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
background-color: white;
padding: 30px; }
body > *:first-child {
bgallagh3r /
Last active March 24, 2024 03:12
Wordpress: Bash Install Script -- Downloads latest WP version, updates wp-config with user supplied DB name, username and password, creates and CHMOD's uploads dir, copies all the files into the root dir you run the script from, then deletes itself!
#!/bin/bash -e
echo "============================================"
echo "WordPress Install Script"
echo "============================================"
echo "Database Name: "
read -e dbname
echo "Database User: "
read -e dbuser
echo "Database Password: "
; Start a new pool named 'www'.
; The address on which to accept FastCGI requests.
; Valid syntaxes are:
; '' - to listen on a TCP socket to a specific address on
; a specific port;
; 'port' - to listen on a TCP socket to all addresses on a
; specific port;
; '/path/to/unix/socket' - to listen on a unix socket.
antics / gist:4079584
Created November 15, 2012 16:34
Login to Wordpress with curl
curl -D cookie1.txt
# step 1
# get default cookie of blog and write cookie to cookie1.txt
# step 2
# simulate browser Firefox( of course , you can use any browser agent<!--more--> what you want!) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/"
# input your username and also password
# write new cookie to cookie2.txt
curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/" -D cookie2.txt -b cookie1.txt -F log=username -F pwd=password -F testcookie=1 -F wp-submit="Log In" -F -F submit=login -F rememberme=forever
# currently cookie2.txt stored all cookie info
plentz / nginx.conf
Last active June 11, 2024 06:55
Best nginx configuration for improved security(and performance)
# to generate your dhparam.pem file, run in the terminal
openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem 2048
gansbrest / gist:6983561
Last active March 13, 2023 21:49
Internal redirect to another domain with proxy_pass and Nginx
listen 80;
location ~* ^/comment/(.*) {
proxy_set_header HOST;
# $1 - stores capture from the location on top
# $is_args will return ? if there are query params
# $args stores query params
prwhite / Makefile
Last active June 11, 2024 13:48
Add a help target to a Makefile that will allow all targets to be self documenting
# Add the following 'help' target to your Makefile
# And add help text after each target name starting with '\#\#'
help: ## Show this help.
@fgrep -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'
# Everything below is an example
target00: ## This message will show up when typing 'make help'
@echo does nothing
rrosiek /
Last active June 5, 2023 07:08
Vagrant provision script for php, Apache, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Laravel, and javascript helpers. Tested with Ubuntu 16.04.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# This script assumes your Vagrantfile has been configured to map the root of
# your application to /vagrant and that your web root is the "public" folder
# (Laravel standard). Standard and error output is sent to
# /vagrant/vm_build.log during provisioning.