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Forked from JoelQ/Ball.elm
Last active March 31, 2016 21:27
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Gravity and Ball
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Color exposing (..)
import Keyboard
import Time
import Debug
-- Model
type alias Model = { x : Float, y : Float, radius: Float }
width : Int
width = 700
height : Int
height = 500
bottom : Int
bottom = (-height) // 2
-- Update
type Action = Up | Right | Left | Noop
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
playerMovement action model
|> gravity
|> "model"
playerMovement : Action -> Model -> Model
playerMovement action model =
case action of
Noop -> model
Up -> { model | y = model.y + 30 }
Right -> { model | x = model.x + 5 }
Left -> { model | x = model.x - 5 }
gravity : Model -> Model
gravity model =
if model.y > (toFloat bottom) + model.radius
then { model | y = model.y - 5 }
else model
-- View
view : Model -> Element
view model =
ball =
circle model.radius
|> filled blue
|> move (model.x, model.y)
|> Debug.trace "ball"
background =
rect (toFloat width) (toFloat height)
|> filled green
collage width height [ ball ]
-- Signals
input : Signal { x : Int, y : Int }
input =
Signal.sampleOn (Time.fps 30) Keyboard.arrows
action : Signal Action
action = arrowToAction input
arrowToAction : { x : Int, y : Int} -> Action
arrowToAction arrow =
if arrow.x < 0 then Left else
if arrow.x > 0 then Right else
if arrow.y > 0 then Up else Noop
model : Signal Model
model =
Signal.foldp update {x = 0, y = 0, radius = 30 } action
-- Signal.foldp
-- : (a -> state -> state)
-- -> state
-- -> Signal a
-- -> Signal state
main : Signal Element
main = view model
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davidhq commented Mar 31, 2016

Updated for Elm 0.16

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