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Last active June 29, 2024 13:49
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The simplest feature-detect for flexbox?
* Trying to feature-detect (very naive)
* CSS Flexbox support.
* - Only most modern syntax
* Is this nonsense?
(function NaiveFlexBoxSupport(d){
var f = "flex", e = d.createElement('b'); = f;
return == f;
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Seems to work for my needs but I might be missing something ;-)

  • [√] Chrome 37 => true
  • [√] Firefox 32 => true
  • [√] Safari 7.1 => false (using -webkit-flex returns true, \0/)
  • [√] IE11 => true
  • [√] IE10 => false
  • [√] IE9 => false
  • [:(] IE8 breaks when trying to set to 'flex'. (c/should wrap it in a try..catch)

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I have wrapped it in a try/catch and added a -webkit- prefix check, now Safari 7.1 returns true. Need tidying up, obvs.

  var c = " ", f = "flex", fw = "-webkit-"+f, e = d.createElement('b');
  try { = fw; = f; 
    c += ( == f || == fw) ? f : "no-"+f; 
  } catch(e) { 
    c += "no-"+f; 
  d.documentElement.className += c; 

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ghost commented Aug 10, 2016

This is a cool concept but where is the return in the updated code?

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lstrrs commented Aug 16, 2016

There is no return statement because @davidhund is adding a class of 'flex' or 'no-flex' to the html tag.

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tfcwebdev commented Aug 17, 2016

Very interesting. Just want to point out that, for the most part, if it's Flexbox-compatible, there really isn't anything I need to do in CSS.

However, if its Flexbox-incompatible, I need to add additional CSS. In that case, I would want to add a class to HTML to tell me its incompatible so I can take advantage of the cascading nature of CSS.

opps - I see it's supposed to add "no-flex." It does not do that in IE emulation in MS Edge.

When emulating IE9 and IE10 it adds "flex" contrary to the compatibility chart above.

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Webnewbies commented Aug 22, 2016

Thank's for you help. I wrote this code for you:

(function(d) {
        'use strict';
        var c = " ", prefixFlex = 'flex -webkit-flex -ms-flexbox -moz-box -webkit-box'.split(' '), elem = d.createElement('b'), mStyle =;
        try {
            for (var i = 0, len = prefixFlex.length; i < len; i++) {
                c += ( (mStyle.display = prefixFlex[i]) && mStyle.display != prefixFlex[i] ) ? 'no-flex' :  'flex', (i = len);
        } catch(e) { 
            c += "no-flex";
        d.documentElement.className =  c + 'box';

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Just curious in what circumstances this will cause an error. I'm assuming it can cause an error since you added the try/catch block.

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ergcode commented Aug 25, 2017

David, how about this solution?

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jblok commented Sep 12, 2017

Wrote a version of Davids script that returns a boolean

export const testFlexbox = () => {
  const f = 'flex';
  const fw = `-webkit-${f}`;
  const el = document.createElement('b');

  try { = fw; = f;
    return !!( === f || === fw);
  } catch (err) {
    return false;

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Or you could make it css property generic

function cssPropertySupported(pNames) {
	const element = document.createElement('a')

	let index = pNames.length

	try {
		while (index--) {
			const name = pNames[index] = name
			if ( === name) {
				return true
	} catch (pError) {}

	return false

cssPropertySupported(['-webkit-box', '-ms-flex', 'flex'])


according to mcshaman post:

cssPropertySupported(['-webkit-box', '-ms-flex', 'flex'])

should be:
cssPropertySupported(['-ms-flexbox', '-webkit-box', 'flex'])

By the way:

return true

should be:
return name

so you know what syntax is used

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